|Rainfall| Yuri On Ice / Nanbaka

|Rainfall| Yuri On Ice / Nanbaka

77 6 1

"I'm quite sorry but this is goodbye Big Sister""Ice Skating is my passion, I refuse to give it up because of my family name"- - -Mochi Hyakushiki, the younger brother of Momoko Hyakushiki , but no one knows this because he left before she became the warden of Nanba, he chose his own path one that involved his passion which was ice skating, he could care less about police and guard work.But when someone from his past comes to bother him he is giving no choice in the matter to take over his older sisters position as warden while she's away tending to important matters, though he can't help but feel caged when working there, unable to ice skate with no rink around.He hopes it will all be over soon and he could return to his passion before his rainfall of emotions let loose upon Nanba.- - -{I Don't own Nanbaka or Yuri On Ice}…

|The Cards Successor| BNHA Vigilante Au

|The Cards Successor| BNHA Vigilante Au

186 14 1

"You boys better run cause I'm pissed off""She saved me from death, I owe her more than anything"- - -The Cards, a group of vigilantes with a single goal in mind, they wished to change the world of Quirks for the better, get rid of what most deemed to be normal, and help those the so called Heroes never seem to.So when Member Ace finds a boy in dire need of help and on the verge of death she brings him to the hideout of the cards, where her and the others do all they can to keep him alive, and when he awakens they find he has no memory prior to his life before.Thus leading to Ace deciding to train the boy to be her successor.- - -{I Don't own BNHA, Vigilante Au}…

Opposites (Don't) Attract {Kiji X Tomboy Reader}DISCONTINUED

Opposites (Don't) Attract {Kiji X Tomboy Reader}DISCONTINUED

19,416 570 21

{DISCONTINUED}{Y/N} {L/N} was the only girl born into the {L/N} family , a family known for only boys and never girls, so when she was born she had been raised as a male and never female, along with her younger brothers, never once had {Y/N} dressed as a girl , and the fact she didn't have a mother figure to raise her might have been the other reason for her personality and strength.Kiji Mitsuba was known as flamboyant and slightly annoying to his co workers , he had always enjoyed makeup and fashion , he had always thought he was the most beautiful no matter what, he was sometimes caring and sometimes rude, he was mostly very annoying.So what is to happen when the prison gets a new Guard that is from the {L/N} family ? and that guard isn't a male like they assumed but a female named {Y/N}?And what is to happen when these two opposites collide ?…

A Demons Shadow {Tokoyami Fumikage x Demon Reader}

A Demons Shadow {Tokoyami Fumikage x Demon Reader}

537 25 2

"We all have our Demons I just chose to feed mine""Let's accept this darkness together"- - -Teenagers do stupid things all the time, but when your in a world filled with quirks sometimes stupid things could lead to a demon being unleashed from an old book and you and your group of friends getting cursed by said unleashed demon.Sometimes you should't allow your curiosity to make decisions for you.- - -{I Don't own BNHA or Reader}{Slight Au}…

Rebound {Tamaki Amajiki  x  Psychic Reader}

Rebound {Tamaki Amajiki x Psychic Reader}

908 64 4

"Your not the Rebound""I'm Glad I met you "~ ~ ~After a harsh break up {Y/N} decides to move in with her younger brother Hitoshi, but when her brother decides it's time for her to stop sulking he takes her to a party he at first wasn't going to go to, but his older sister was in need of dire help.Soon the female finds herself forgetting her worries when she meets a boy whom was brought to the party by his friends, she soon finds herself drawn to him and she begins to realize he isn't just a rebound but someone she could find loving for a long time.- - -{I Don't Own BNHA}{Future AU}…

Protector {BNHA : Hitoshi Shinso x Vampire Reader} -Old Version-

Protector {BNHA : Hitoshi Shinso x Vampire Reader} -Old Version-

34,064 1,165 61

Vampires creatures that once used to hide from the humans in plain sight, that was till the birth of Quirks, since than they no longer had to hide what they were, their kind was introduced to the humans , with three ranks and the fact that two of those ranks had protectors, people born with a mark that bound them to a certain vampire.With this knowledge came the creation of Vampire Protector Academy , or the V.P.A , a school made for vampire protectors to be raised and taught the way of how to fight from a young age, though there are times protectors slip away from the radar , or if the doctor wasn't well aware of what a protector was or how to identify one.Though that mistake was normally fixed by the vampire finding their protector due to their bond, that was how {Y/N} a Royal ranked vampire met her her protector, a boy whom had something rare, he had a quirk, for you see Protectors didn't have quirks, no they were namely born Quirk-less.- - - {BNHA Au}{I Don't own BNHA / MHA , neither do I own Reader Chan}…

Protector《Hitoshi Shinso x Vampire Reader 》-Rewrite-

Protector《Hitoshi Shinso x Vampire Reader 》-Rewrite-

183 11 1

"You are indeed different but it doesn't make you any less human""Do not allow their words to harm you, for your perfect the way you are"~ ~ ~It had all began with a book series published by a Mysterious writer, a book that had begun to have many rethink the strange world they lived in, the books allowed them into a world of Fantasy and Vampires, little did they know those stories weren't actually just stories but real events.For you see even in a world filled with strange abilities called Quirks there was bound to be some form of secret that was well kept for centuries, that is till a certain Royal ranked vampire had grown quite bored while searching for her protector, so she had begun writing stories of her past adventures. Though her quiet writing life is changed when an old friend of hers gives her news of her protector being found, so she has no choice but to transfer to a school for heroes, into the very class her protector lies in.- - -{Rewrite of Protector}{I Don't own Reader Chan or BNHA}…

Aquatic {Monoma Neito x Mermaid Reader}

Aquatic {Monoma Neito x Mermaid Reader}

1,778 112 4

"Swimming with no fins well that's quite strange""Even though your a jerk I love you"~ ~ ~When Class B and Class A are put on a cruise to build bonds with one another, things get a bit hectic when they end up stranded on an island , with no way of communicating with any body they plus the heroes that came with them are forced to figure out how to survive on this island till someone comes to rescue them.But When Monoma Neito of class B finds a secret cove on the island he meets a girl named {Y/N} whom is quite strange , why is she strange well she wasn't exactly a human , she was a mermaid and she found the blonde haired boy quite strange , the two begin to bond in a weird sort of way , but the mermaid hides something from her new friend.- - -{I Don't own BNHA or reader Chan}{I thank YukiYunaStar for help with the idea for this}…

Fall For You { Mina Ashido x Fallen Angel Reader }

Fall For You { Mina Ashido x Fallen Angel Reader }

129 8 1

"What in heavens names is a Nacho?""I guess I have fallen for you"- - -In which fallen angel {Y/N} meets a pink skinned human whom shows her the ways of a normal teenager, what could go wrong with this idea? probably a lot of things including the loss of the lives of many nachos.- - -{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}{Slight Au}{Mina x Female Fallen Angel reader}…

Between The Lines {Toshinori Yagi x Wife Reader}

Between The Lines {Toshinori Yagi x Wife Reader}

1,382 54 2

"If you look Between the lines you may find more than the eye can see""I do love you but my secret would cost your life"~ ~ ~Everyone has a person behind the scenes supporting them, it could be a best friend, a family member or the one you fell in love with, this was the case with Toshinori Yagi, he had found someone who would always be there for him no matter the hardships, she was his shoulder to cry on he was hers.They had met when he was still attending U.A and way before he had became All Might, and he was quite glad he met her during the sports festival, he was quite glad she had stuck around, she wasn't trying to be a hero like him, she was just there as support.But little did the hero know his lovely wife hid a secret from him one she had yet to tell him, for there was a reason why {Y/N} looked quite young despite her age, and their was a reason for that key she always carried.- - -{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}{Au}…

Wilted Roses {Himiko Toga x Goddess Reader}

Wilted Roses {Himiko Toga x Goddess Reader}

537 30 2

"If that is what you wish it's a deal""We made a deal and I will live up to that deal my dear"~ ~ ~Everything comes at a price, everything has a cost, to receive something you must give something up as an exchange, though not everyone knows that at first, not everyone knows the real cost, and no one knows the dangers of messing with the unknown.That is till a human girl whom was close to death, makes a deal with a Goddess in order to get back on all of those who wronged her, but the human soon learns that making a deal with a Goddess has a very large price, one that she would soon realize when it was to late.- - -{BNHA AU}{I Don't own BNHA or reader Chan}…

Bounty {Shigaraki Tomura x Bounty Hunter Reader}

Bounty {Shigaraki Tomura x Bounty Hunter Reader}

89 6 1

When the heroes decided to hire a bounty hunter to deal with their problem which is Shigaraki Tomura, the bounty hunter is none other than the younger sister of the hero killer Stain, whom had taken a different path than her older brother, so imagine her surprise when some heroes show up offering her a lot of money to catch one guy, due to her greed she accepts the task.But the female finds herself drawn in by her bounty, she finds herself doing something she promised herself never to do, she finds herself falling in-love with the male whom she was being offered a lot for, so when it is time to bring her bounty in will she do it? or will she stay with the knew family she had found?- - -{I Don't own BNHA or Reader}{Au}…

The Cinnamon Roll Protection Squad {BNHA}

The Cinnamon Roll Protection Squad {BNHA}

253 8 2

"There's no Easy way kid Believe me""Don't eat cinnamon rolls kid because that would be cannibalism""Were not Villains neither or we Heroes"~ ~ ~ The Cinnamon Roll Protection squad had began all because of a young boy with green hair, and since than what used to be just a club had turned into something far more dangerous, it had turned into a group of people whom may or may not kidnap people and may or may not hide their identities behind masks.Their not villains neither or they heroes, no their just people with quirks that wanted to make a change and protect the innocent cinnamon rolls this world had given them.- - -{I Don't own BNHA}…

Keeper Of Sins {Bnha Villain AU}

Keeper Of Sins {Bnha Villain AU}

71 4 1

Before quirks their had been tales of a powerful evil, and the keeper of that powerful evil, the evil was in sorts to be contained inside a locket, a locket holding the worlds Seven most deadliest Sins.But when quirks began to be announced the story of the evil had became just that a simple story, a myth that parents told their children, but when a mysterious locket shows up at a thrift store a young boy with green hair just so happens to find it.He soon buys it as a simple gift for his mother, but he soon finds what he picked up wasn't just a simple locket, no it was something far more deadly.And unknown to him he was soon going to unleash a great evil upon the world, and unknown to him someone was looking for that locket, someone whom was the current keeper.…

Rebellious {Momo Yaoyorozu x Rebel Reader}

Rebellious {Momo Yaoyorozu x Rebel Reader}

272 14 2

"I should care about what others say about us why?""I Love you and nothing will change that, not even all the people trying to pull us apart"- - -{Y/N} Bakugou was simply what you'd call a rebel, she didn't like to follow the rules and she could care less about what anyone would have to say about her.So when her father is entered into a mental hospital and she's forced to go live with her aunt, it's no surprise that she decides to keep acting the way she does, but she soon finds herself changing her ways when she meets her utter opposite at a coffee shop and ends up doing the one thing she promised herself never to do.Fall in love with a Good Girl.- - -{I Don't own BNHA or Reader-Chan}{Female-Reader x Momo Yaoyorozu}{This will contain girl x girl }…

Adventures Of The Shippers Book 1: Don't Trust Fan Girls {BNHA}

Adventures Of The Shippers Book 1: Don't Trust Fan Girls {BNHA}

464 41 13

Ru was someone whom grew bored quite easily and she was a person whom was quite lonely, she never understood why people always seemed to ignore her presence when she tried to get their attention, though she finds comfort in watching Anime and shipping the people she saw together.Her Loneliness seems to start to fade away when she meets Seikatsu and Kuro , whom didn't ignore her like everyone else did in the world, she was quite overjoyed over that fact, and she was happy to find they were shippers themselves as well.So when the three of them find a oddly glowing plush toy they find themselves tossed into a crazy adventure, one where their able to get their ships together all while messing up the plot lines of anime's along the way. - - -{I Don't own BNHA}{Kuro Tsumi belongs to @Yaoi_Shipper_Demon }{Seikatsu Hana belongs to @YukiYunaStar }…

Dream walker {BNHA}

Dream walker {BNHA}

107 8 2

"Just call me Z ""I'll be walking in your dreams before you know it"~ ~ ~Z the name of a female whom took acting very seriously, so when here agent or mom tells her she needs to get into the part for an upcoming movie role addition , she does what any other person would do and goes to take the Entrance exams at U.A .Somehow she gets in, there's a catch though her upcoming role was for a male lead, thus leading her to trick her entire class into thinking she was a guy, it wasn't that hard she's normally mistaken as one anyway, what could go wrong?A lot of things apparently. - - -{I Don't own BNHA}…

In To Deep {Nanbaka}

In To Deep {Nanbaka}

206 6 2

Her name was once Kira Yozakura, she was once a sweet and innocent child that was before she had grew up to the harsh reality of this world, that was before she was In To Deep to pull herself out, before she had become the killer she was today.For her hands were stained forever red, unable to wash the blood off of them and unable to cleanse herself of all her sins, though when she's captured and sent to the one place she's unable to escape, how will she react when she sees a face she hadn't seen in years, and how will her brother react when seeing what his younger sister had become.And what would happen when she's placed in a cell with two perverts, ones of which have no clue just how stained her hands were, or how many sins she truly had, or how far deep she had been, yet when one begins to fall for her he soon realizes hes In To Deep as well before it's to late.- - -…

Nanbaka Truth Or Dare

Nanbaka Truth Or Dare

240 4 2

In Which a Game of Truth of Dare is in progress, things may get a bit weirder than they used to be.…

In The Middle 《Nanbaka 》

In The Middle 《Nanbaka 》

60,495 1,467 35

Akita Sugoroku had always been In the middle of something, rather it was being the second oldest of her siblings to being in between two who loved her.But when she becomes a new Guard at Nanba under a false name that she made for herself, how is she to cope when she is thrown back into the middle of something.And how will her brothers react when seeing the sister they thought was dead all these years.《I don't own Nanbaka 》…