Story Ideas

Story Ideas

237 61 20

Where you tell me if you'd read that story. ~ Ella (Also, all of the works are mine unless it says so in the description of the possible story, and if there's a check next to the title of the part then that means it's written/being written, if there's a circle that means on hold, and if there's an x that means it's partially written ~ Ella)(A notebook means it hasn't been started, but this is for the series's that have only one with one of emojis above ~ Ella)…

One-Shots And Short Stories

One-Shots And Short Stories

127 27 14

What the title says 👆🏼…

Simplicity | Book 1

Simplicity | Book 1

117 25 11

Solace wasn't just the goddess of one thing. She couldn't be, not after The Fates chose her as their champion. She was the goddess of simplicity, rarity, solace, heroes, protection, and saviors. But being a minor goddess complicated things. Besides, she could easily be wiped of her memories despite her powers. Book one of The Solace*UNEDITED* *minor swears**ON HOLD*…

Cover Shop

Cover Shop

50 8 3

What the title says.…

Short Stories

Short Stories

28 11 4

Uh... what the title says. Most of the time, everything will be nameless, so there be people called "the girl" and "the boy". 👍🏼~ Ella…