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British heartthrob Nathan Knight lands the lead role in the new film adaptation of Beautiful Forever and is nominated for the British Film Awards. Much like the last movie he worked in the promotional events are compulsory, especially for someone with Nathan's following. Nathan has grown up in the spotlight and following in his father's footsteps, his agent, Marie, has spent years crafting his image. When Nathan's usual 'date' is unavailable for the charity gala held the week before he begins shooting for the new film, Marie scrambles to find someone appropriate to accompany him.Enter, Sebastian Connor.Sebastian is the definition of tall, dark and handsome, probably not what Marie was intending when she 'okayed' Nathan's request to decide on his own date. The media attention that followed Sebastian wasn't planned but could he help Nathan win the award he's always dreamt about or would Sebastian's appearance in his life ruin the plans Marie had made for Nathan's entire career.…