Meins Bilda/My pictures OwO

Meins Bilda/My pictures OwO

2,681 323 88

Ich werde hier Bilder,die ich male,reinballernWenn ihr Ideen habt,lasst es mich wissen. :3I will Show you here my Pictures.If you have some ideas,then tell me :3…

Deutsch     Sonic jungs x Reader-oneshots (Abgebrochen!)
Roleplay :3

Roleplay :3

2,472 85 38

Es ist eben,wenn Leute mit mir rollplayen wollen...…

Act 1: Two Heroes || Pokémon Fanfiction/FF

Act 1: Two Heroes || Pokémon Fanfiction/FF

12 1 1

--- Act 1 ---Emily, a young, just 14 years old girl, woke up one day in a... rather odd place. She was aware of what was happening, but still was rather insecure about what would be happening to her in the future...But, following the main story of the first two games, she did it...She travelled through Unova, with the knowledge of changing the story...But, in some parts, truly for the better.Follow Emily as she travels through the Unova region with a strange person by her side and a new legend in her mind.---Hello, it's the author here. I can't tell you my name just yet because characters with my name or even nickname will appear in the story too, and it'd just cause confusion... but you may go and call me Creator-san, if you want to.I'm glad you're here, reading my story, because, you see... though it is a free-time activity, I am trying to put a lot of effort into this story nonetheless, since Pokémon is a great passion of mine since my youngest years, and I have this story in my mind since around two years now. I also love writing stories, and since I feel like not enough stories with people using their OC's are written, especially not enough with non-romantic plot, I decided to write it. So... yeah.I apologise if you find any grammar mistakes or anything like this. I don't want to excuse myself with "I mainly write in the evening" or "My first language is not English", after all. Though those are true, they are not excuses.So, if you find grammatical errors or anything like that, please, feel free to tell me.---Most things don't belong to me, except my OC's and a few extra things!…

Shadow x Reader-gemobbte Liebe (Abgebrochen/Unterbrochen!)

Shadow x Reader-gemobbte Liebe (Abgebrochen/Unterbrochen!)

1,216 46 5

(Y/N) wird von ihrer Klasse schlimm gemobbt.Aber als etwas Merkwürdiges passiert,wird ein Wunder wahr...…



853 40 13

XD Musste ja seinAch,und das ist ein Rollplay.Wer das nicht mag,kann gehen.Wen es interessiert,kann mal reingucken :3Viel Spaß!…

Ich bin wieder da...oder?