Finding My World ( A Ninja Turtle Fanfiction) {EDITING}

Finding My World ( A Ninja Turtle Fanfiction) {EDITING}

14,217 560 37

Donnie finally got the guts to tell April his feelings about her, but then she turns him down with a lot of harsh words, making him keep to himself with an even worse temper than Raph's. After a year of his harshness, he has a dream about two girls, and he knows he needs his brothers help to save the girls. But when he asks for their forgiveness and apologizes, they don't believe him. Trinitie Evans. Her home was great, but she was looked down on by her parents and siblings. They probably wouldn't even care if she dropped off the face of the earth. They looked down on her for a horrible reason: because she was different. Macinzi McDaniels. She had a loving family, and as an only child, she longed for a sibling, and found that role with Trinitie. One day while walking home from another boring school day,a white van stops in front of them and abducts the two right on the doorstep without anyone noticing. Who will save them, when no one knows about them in the first place?…

Not As Bad As We Thought

Not As Bad As We Thought

13 1 1

When Pidge overhears Allura crying over her future, she decides to take matters into her own hands and does the only thing she can think of: asking for Lotor's hand in marriage. Will they be unhappy for the rest of their lives or will their relationship develop into something more?…

You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine

4 0 1

A series of short stories of Link and his daughter Sara.Link and his daughter take a trip to the pond.…

Happiness In The World (A Ninja Turtle Fanfiction) BOOK TWO

Happiness In The World (A Ninja Turtle Fanfiction) BOOK TWO

1,600 136 28

***Read Finding My World (Used to be With Open Arms) BEFORE reading this! This is the second story!***Jordan Crawford is on a mission, the only way to get back to her family: bring Shredder the turtles (?). But as she's carrying out the plan, she notices the cute little quirks that everyone has. Leo's blush when he's embarrassed. Ralph's softie side that only comes out sometimes. Mikey's adorable innocence. Trinitie and Donnie's soulmate relationship. And she doesn't want to hurt them, because in a span of a few days they are like family. But what about her real family?Having been out of the real world for a while, Jordan has to find herself. Her new life consists of knowing everything that she missed out of. But at what price does freedom come with?…

Just A Little Memory (A Ninja Turtle Small Story)

Just A Little Memory (A Ninja Turtle Small Story)

168 16 1

Just a small one part story for a contest. Enjoy!…