Mortal Kombat: Shroud of Darkness

Mortal Kombat: Shroud of Darkness

209 12 1

When Liu Kang had restarted the timeline to create a new one that he thought was right and gave people free will, there are some things that he doesn't expect based on what he has known previously. Such an anomaly is Y/n, the younger twin brother of Bi-Han, and the older brother of Kuai Liang. Some may have expected him to gain the cryomancy or pyrokinetic powers of the former and latter respectively, Y/n was the odd one out and was unfortunately born without innate powers like his brothers, which wound up making him the black sheep of the family. But not to the likes of Bi-Han, the one person he cared for so deeply, and vice versa. Day in and day out he would train with his brothers from birth, but their father has trained Y/n more than his brothers, to the point of where he became exhausted with cracked bones, with the only one truly taking care of him post-training was his older twin. While growing up in this environment, Y/n slowly began to resent his father for this, not knowing that he wasn't the only one who thought this. Once he reached adulthood, he was one of the best members of the Lin Kuei, despite not having any supernatural powers. At some point, he went on a mission for the clan, but he was unaware that it was his last. Once news reached his family, the one that was the most affected was Bi-Han, his heart forever having a hole in it that his brother had filled. But unknown to them all, Y/n would come back years later as a wraith due to a mysterious third party. Alongside them, Y/n would work to make a better future. A future that is khaos. All must embrace it.…

The Boys & Wolverine

The Boys & Wolverine

753 48 1

Vought International is known to have a multitude of superheroes within the world throughout history, with Soldier Boy being known as one of the best and was America's first superhero who fought in World War II and beyond. They even had a team that he had lead that was called Payback back in the day. Until a new team called The Seven came along soon after that. But there was also one other hero that was known to the public. One who fought alongside Soldier Boy in World War II and beyond, and has only become a near distant memory in the modern day as The Seven was the main focus now. This hero's name one may ask? That hero's name is Wolverine.…

Eyes Up

Eyes Up

245 12 1

Ever since after the Golden Age, the Traveler has sent Ghosts to revive various beings throughout the cosmos of the Milky Way to become Guardians to take care of enemies of who gave them their powers, with protecting the last remnants of humanity being their overarching goal. Then one day, the Traveler sent a Ghost to go and revive one person on Earth with a past that if anyone knew would be surprised as to why he was even brought back in the first place, yet the Traveler revived him for a reason. With no memory of his past, this new Guardian took on the name of Y/n. Follow the hunter as he travels across the cosmos as he fights the many enemies of the Last City, meets some new faces, all the while as he does it in his own style.…

Final Fantasy 7: Knightfall

Final Fantasy 7: Knightfall

212 6 2

Within the capital city of Midgar, SOLDIERs were common knowledge as they were super-soldiers that were created with infusing mako into their system that also grants them superhuman attributes and abilities. Seeing how that most SOLDIERs either went insane or became what was described as a lifeless husk due to the cellular degradation because of the process of becoming a SOLDIER, Shinra has developed a new compound that not only can allow the ones who utilize this surpass even the likes of 1st Class SOLDIERs, but they also don't have to worry about cellular degradation, which was created by Hojo himself. The compound had only one name for it: Venom. So, not wanting the public to panic about people suddenly dropping off the face of the earth, President Shinra had allowed Hojo to run the venom trial experiments on mere prisoners within the most harsh prison known only as Peña Dura, a place that, while outside of the city of Midgar, was still under the jurisdiction of Shinra. During these trials, many people had died because of being exposed to the venom compound. But only one had survived not only thanks to his very high intellect, but also of his immensely strong iron will. This man has been said to have been born inside the prison walls and has been there his entire life. This man has only been called one name up to this point. That man's name is simply known as Bane.…

The Honorable and Mystical Dark Knight (Redux)

The Honorable and Mystical Dark Knight (Redux)

995 26 2

Many years ago, there was one man that pretty much every being feared. This man's name was Koragg, The Knight Wolf, known as a legendary dark knight of honor who fought for the greater good using powers that are considered evil. His origin is a complete enigma to almost everyone. But one day, he suddenly disappeared, never to be seen again. Fast forward to the present, Koragg's name and story is merely just a fairytale, but he is not one to follow fate as after many millennia, he returns and ends up in Earthrealm, albeit not the one he fondly remembers. While getting his bearings, he also realizes that he has arrived in time for a tournament that would surely test his might in more ways than one. A tournament that is called Mortal Kombat.…

Frozen Destiny

Frozen Destiny

524 25 1

The Lin Kuei is a centuries-old clan dedicated to Earthrealm's defense. For the past few years, Y/n, also known as Bi-Han, more commonly known by his codename Sub-Zero, became the Grandmaster after his father's untimely death. He's no stranger to the four academies that teach young children to become huntsmen and huntresses as he studied about them when he was younger, but he knows that the Lin Kuei are superior in every way. Moreover, he isn't blinded as to what's really going on with the Shadow War between Ozpin and Salem which has been going on for centuries as he has encountered some of the people on both sides and filled in the blanks on his own with the limited information he was given. But what happens when he is eventually approached by the resident God of Fire and dubbed "Protector of Earthrealm" named Liu Kang? Y/n knows it'll be quite the journey, but his main goal hasn't been deterred: the Lin Kuei will achieve greatness.…

Son of Kahndaq and Krypton

Son of Kahndaq and Krypton

935 37 1

Thousands of years ago, roughly in the year 2600 BCE, a mysterious woman fell to Earth in the ancient kingdom of Kahndaq. There, she met a man who took care of her in secret from prying eyes so she wouldn't become a slave like him. Overtime, the two fell in love and had a child together that they named Y/n. While growing up, the boy was an outcast, with everyone thinking he was a freak because of what he was capable of. At some point, he questioned his parents how the abilities he's capable of fell to him of all people. That's when the two decided to tell him the truth. The truth was that his mother wasn't from this planet, but from a world many years away from Earth called Krypton. His mother explained to him that the reason the powers that he has is because of being under Earth's sun, soaking up its radiation just as she was. But they also told him to not show himself yet because the others would fear him because they don't understand. A few years later, Y/n's mother left Earth, but before she left, she told both her son and husband the reason as to why, mainly to protect them from something else, and that she'll be back when she's able to. So they waited for many years, with Y/n growing up to be a fine young man. Yet things would turn for the worse when a man named Ahk-Ton invaded, forcing the people of Kahndaq to mine for a rare mineral called Eternium for his dark ambitions. Shortly after, a revolution started, and knowing that it quickly caused a spark, the ruthless king had ordered for the person who started it all to be executed, but that had failed, with this revolution leader appearing to become the champion of Kahndaq. After they confronted and defeated King Ahk-Ton, the champion wasn't heard from again, with people still holding out hope for the champion to return. Now in the modern world, the champion will meet new people, along with new enemies, but one thing hasn't changed: they'll protect Kahndaq and its people, by any means necessary.…

Return of the Green Ranger

Return of the Green Ranger

901 36 1

Y/n Oliver, son of veteran Power Rangers Tommy Oliver and Katherine Hillard. He knows of his parents' legacy as Power Rangers, and soon became one himself, specifically one from his father's past, which is one of the most powerful rangers in history. That being the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger. Y/n loved being a Power Ranger; working alongside his parents, friends, and especially his girlfriends. But one day, everything changed. An evil Power Ranger going by the name of Lord Drakkon came to his timeline in search for the power of every other Ranger there. Everyone he knew was killed by Drakkon. But in a last act of love and protecting his son, Tommy sent Y/n away, but instead of a different place on the planet or in time, he went to another timeline entirely. Heavily distraught and full of anger, Y/n attempts to begin his new life away from Drakkon, now completely alone. But he'll soon find out he isn't as alone as he thought.…

A Duty to Fight

A Duty to Fight

798 25 1

Y/n Wayne: The name everyone associates with everyone's favorite billionaire playboy that lives in the crime infested streets of Gotham City. Yet he has a secret no one else knows, besides himself and Alfred. He is the notorious vigilante known as the Batman, Gotham's Dark Knight. He's seen and pulled off things normal humans wouldn't be able to do, despite being human himself, but he'll soon have to prepare himself for what's to come next in his line of work; such as dealing with Kryptonians, Amazons and much more, because the Batman's life is about to get a whole lot more interesting.…

Return of a Legend

Return of a Legend

1,349 46 2

Y/n "Boba" Fett is easily considered one of, if not the most deadly bounty hunter known in the galaxy. But after he helped a fellow Mandalorian in their quest, he, his partner and a friend of the other Mando traveled to an unknown planet, even though Fett's first thoughts were to go to Tatooine, he was eventually convinced by his two companions to go to this unknown backwater planet. Once they arrive, they'll be in for more than they originally thought, but the three of them will be able to deal what'll come their way. After all, Boba Fett is just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe.…

The Brutal Freelancer (Redux)

The Brutal Freelancer (Redux)

839 27 1

Y/n-216, brother to John-117, both achieved the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy and were both classified as Hyper Lethal. Both have accomplished so much at a young age and have became living legends within the military. They have gone through so much, yet Y/n has gone through so much more. He was gone through a series of events he won't ever tell to anyone except to John since no one would ever be able to handle it given how ludicrous it sounds. But now, Y/n has been tasked with a mission to act as a liaison within the strange and mysterious Project Freelancer. But little did anyone know, this would only spark many future events that no one would expect to happen due to how nuts they'd be and would just be the beginning of one crazy story to tell.…

Remnant's Venomous Vigilante

Remnant's Venomous Vigilante

561 24 1

Y/n L/n was the best Atlas specialist in all of Remnant. He even knew what was really going on in the world since he was well respected and trusted by Ironwood. But when Y/n soon gets bonded to a black-like substance, or more specifically, a symbiote, he was then subjected to experiments within Atlas. Now, people may be thinking that Ironwood wanted this. WRONG. He never would've wanted his best soldier to be subjected to horrid experiments. In fact, Ironwood never knew what was going on. But, after awhile, Y/n escaped with a little help, and took to the streets and adopted a new name: Agent Venom.…

The New Lord of Hunger

The New Lord of Hunger

1,393 24 1

Y/n L/n, born roughly three thousand and eight hundred years BBY, was an acolyte at the Sith Academy on Korriban. During one of his assignments, he came across an area that was sealed off for centuries, and within he found an ancient mask that was calling to him through the Force. Seeing how he has a very strong bond with the mask, touched it, yet once he did, he came face to face with the spirit of a very powerful Sith Lord: Darth Nihilus, the Lord of Hunger. And to his surprise, the Sith Lord would've then revealed his true heritage, saying that Y/n is his descendant. After many years of training in secret under the tutelage from his ancestor, Y/n would soon sit in the shadows and wait, only coming out if it benefited his ambitions. After centuries of waiting, Y/n would soon emerge from the shadows seeing as it'll be the perfect time to strike. How will the whole galaxy react to the descendant of one of the most powerful Sith Lords of all time emerging from the shadows after so long? The battle will be quite a bloody one, because the Lord of Hunger has returned!…

A Hellspawn's Vengeance

A Hellspawn's Vengeance

1,325 37 1

Y/n was many things in his life. A soldier. An assassin. And, despite what he's done and what people think and say about him, a good man, at least to the ones that he greatly cares about. But when he's killed in his own home due to some arrogant assholes, especially when his father was there, he'll soon make a deal that will change his life forever…

A Mandalorian's Journey In Midgar

A Mandalorian's Journey In Midgar

1,314 37 2

Y/n L/n once had a great childhood and was rather close with his two best friends, them being Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart. But that all changed when his village was attacked by mechanical soldiers and contraptions that he didn't even know who or what they were at the time. But he was saved by warriors in armor unseen by him before. They were Mandalorians. So, he was taken in as a foundling and was taught the beliefs of being a Mandalorian, well this clan's way anyway, since there are different beliefs that each clan follows but they all follow pretty much the same morals, some stricter than others. And now, years later as a bounty hunter, he begins to see a few familiar faces, and some new ones, and fights old enemies. How will the Mandalorian deal with all of the events that are yet to come? Bonds will be made, new friends met, and romance blossoms. But other than that...... This is The Way…

Remnant's Ghost

Remnant's Ghost

805 13 1

Y/n L/n never had the best life. He was abused by his father and he would've eventually left for Beacon, thinking he could escape from his abuse. But he was wrong. It just continued at Beacon. But he'd eventually had enough and left the goddamned academy and soon joined the SAS under a new name: Simon 'Ghost' Riley…

A Specter Out For Vengeance (MCU x Scorpion Male Reader)

A Specter Out For Vengeance (MCU x Scorpion Male Reader)

3,238 77 2

Y/n Hasashi was a well known ninja of the Shirai Ryu clan, especially with his skills with the kunai, earning him the name of Scorpion, and quite the reputation. But he was also a family man with his wife, Harumi, and their son, Satoshi. But his life soon changed for the worst as a man known as Sub-Zero killed him, and presumably, his family. Now, he comes back as a specter out for vengeance against the one who wronged him. But what'll happen when he encounters people who would get in the way in the path of his vengeance? Will Scorpion regain what he had lost so long ago? Who knows what'll happen. But right now, IT HAS BEGUN…