Love On Fallen Stars!

Love On Fallen Stars!

3,075 484 17

Neither of them believed in destiny, nor were they looking for a forever. However, just like all the other times, life happened! Neil Khanna is your no-nonsense CEO during the day & the leader of an underground mafia association by the night. Avni Mehta on the other hand, is a home school teacher who happens to teach Neil's three-years old niece. It was supposed to be a strictly professional relationship however the lines & boundaries start to blur soon as it gets tougher to keep their hands off each other with every glance & every touch. Throw some feelings in the mix accompanied with a few secrets and all of it is a completely unchartered territory for the both of them. Acquaintances with benefits you say? What could possibly go wrong? Except everything!…

Love Bites!

Love Bites!

30,252 2,880 56

Mixed platter of short romance stories that will hopefully bring a smile on your face!…

Feels Like Love!

Feels Like Love!

7,530 936 23

Where the extremely loud & incredibly intimate Neil Khanna find his way to the immensely silent & hugely aloof Avni Mehta! But, can laughter fall in love with tears? Their relationship, for sure gives Avni wings to fly & offers Neil roots to come back. But, will both of them be able to give each other reasons to stay?…

Love Actually!

Love Actually!

204 26 1

Avni Mehta is a sunshiny trouble waiting to happen & Neil Khanna is the epitome of discipline & poise. Polar opposites to each other, they find themselves entangled in arguments & proximity more than they would like. She is a filmy kid who believes in all things love & he has distanced himself from love since years now!So, can they make peace with each other or were they only meant to meet & not to be!…