Part of Your Realm: A Twilight Princess Fanfic

Part of Your Realm: A Twilight Princess Fanfic

11,221 821 52

Here we gooooo againnnnn, I'm back with another Zelda fanfic. The Twili are enjoying a blissful age of peace now that Zant has perished. Midna inherits her rightful position on the throne and begins to make radical changes to the Realm of Twilight. Her insightful teachings about the Realm of Light spark the interest of one Twili in particular... Not believing you should be disinherited from the Realm of Light because of the mistakes of your foolish ancestors, you begin your mission to become part of the light. With Midna's support you cross over through a new portal and start your quest to become a Hylian. Midna insists you seek the "Hero of Twilight" to aid you on your journey. What you don't know is there are scary things hidden within the Realm of Light... and you might realize that the shadows reveal more than the light ever could. Disclaimer: As always Zelda: Twilight Princess belongs to the creative minds of Nintendo. The photo was taken from Google. I do not have the source, but it is not my artwork.A/N: This is a Link X Reader. This will not have any smut content like my last work. Also, I have an odd inclination to incorporate Disney themes into these Zelda fanfics :p That being said, I have yet to come up with any ideas for Skyward Sword nor have I played Breath of the Wild to venture into that territory. We'll see where this leads... thanks to the beautiful Twili who read and enjoy this story. ;)…

A Hero's Choice : A Skyward Sword Fanfic

A Hero's Choice : A Skyward Sword Fanfic

1,847 122 11

Welcome to Skyloft Academy.Where you are in a fierce competition to become Skyloft's best knight. Your biggest rival and best friend Link nips quickly on your heels if only for the slight advantage the headmaster's daughter fancies him. But there's one little secret that sets you and Link apart... and that involves your feelings for him. When a freak accident leaves you stranded beneath your home on the mysterious land below known as the "surface" you find you questioning your destiny as a protector of the skies, and if a certain rival may also feel a little more than he lets on.**** I have absolutely no destination with this story I just am writing it for purely shits and giggles- hope ya'll enjoy!****ZELDA AND ALL CHARACTERS FROM THE FRANCHISE BELONG TO NINTENDO. AS ALWAYS.🎨Artist was listed on Twitter as Pisu - it wouldn't let me link it , just to give Artist credit! 🖼️…

No Woman Beyond

No Woman Beyond

8,255 301 11

"There isn't a woman in Hyrule or beyond that could satiate me like you."Alright ladies and gents,It's wedding season in Castle Town and on this season of the bachelor is non-other than the Hero of Time! Link has defeated Ganondorf and Hyrule has once again recaptured its' reign of peace and prosperity. Or has it? Mayhem has returned to the land of Hyrule as news sweeps the nation that the Hero of Time must be wed! The royal family will hold a competition/ball, and all are welcome to enter. However, our hero Link has only eyes for one girl... and that's you dear reader! (For the sake of the story we are going to pretend Zelda does not send Link back to the child timeline.) This is a Link x Reader romance and my first time writing something of this genre. There will be a PG-13 ending AND an NC-17 one. I'm giving a whirl at some smut writing (you can thank the lack of romance in my life for that.) I will add a warning disclaimer for the romantic and friendly ending for those that do not like strong, sexual content.A/N: I DO NOT OWN ZELDA! I kinda wish I did though because I'd be stanky richhhhh. All of Zelda belongs to the royal family of Nintendo and King Shigeru Miyamoto.Art for cover done by the fabulous wren stout! Whose art I use quite a bit.…

Autumn in Akkala

Autumn in Akkala

12,196 861 65

***I've been wanting to write this for AWHILEEEEE! I'm a little late to this party but due to TOTK season upon us, I thought of this fun little fanfic that is BOTW x MM. I might be back on my smut writing a bit too ;)***The calamity has perished, and with it the dawn of a new age now rises for Hyrule. The Hebra Region, home to the Rito and diamondized crystals of the most frigid snow.The Gerudo Region, home to the Gerudo and its idyllic sifted sands that carry the feet of its many merchants.The Lanayru Region, home to the Zora and its romantic domain of crystalline waterfalls and pellucid riverbends. The Eldin Region, home to the Goron and its clusters of thermal hot springs amongst the temperamental volcanoes. Our story takes place not in the humid desert of the Gerudo nor the slushy foothills of the Rito, but in Akkala; the region of eternal autumn. Y/N works beneath Robbie at the Akkala tech lab mending the guardian forces besotted by Princess, soon to be Queen Zelda. A guardian technician by day and a devoted historian by night, Y/N is infatuated with the legend of the Hero of Time.This hero spoke of his adventures in a parallel universe called 'Termina,' where his heroic deeds were forgotten. Regarded a madman by his peers; it isn't until the blood moon rises once more, that the newfound age of peace of Hyrule is tossed into peril. With a fiery moon threatening to swallow Hyrule whole, it is up to Y/N to solve the mystery of the fallacy known as 'Termina.' Was the Hero of Time telling the truth?And does the current hero of the calamity and Queen Zelda's appointed knight have any insight? As the archaic fights against the modern, both in society and heart, you learn the hero you need has always been in front of your own eyes.Not within the pages of your history book. A/N: Happy Tears of the Kingdom season- let it be known once more; I do not own Zelda or any of its characters! All merit goes to the team of Nintendo. :)…

Disguised Behind Electric Eyes Volkner x Reader

Disguised Behind Electric Eyes Volkner x Reader

30 1 1

"Some challenges are worth losing..."From the frost-bitten peaks of Snowpoint to the never-ending tunnels of the Grand underground, Sinnoh is a mystifying land rumored to be created by Pokemon themselves. As a protege of the infamous Professor Rowan, your journey to fill his Pokedex and eventually the national Pokedex has led Y/N to challenge all of the gym leaders that reside in Sinnoh. And it has been nothing but cake... until you come across Volkner.The eighth gym leader and electric master has built quite the title for himself. Not only is he a certified genius, but his downtrodden nature and fight against his own lack of spark has led him to begin denying challengers a chance to gain the Beacon Badge. With the great spacial dragon sitting patiently in one of your poke balls, you're about to give Volkner the most unforgettable challenge he's ever had.Little do you know the spark you're about to ignite has little to do with your Pokemon and everything to do with the trainer herself.…

The Beauty in Bad

The Beauty in Bad

34 1 1

Your day started with a spilled cup of hot coffee and ended with even hotter sex. ⚠️WARNING: MINORS DO NOT ENGAGE⚠️Welcome to this cozy and carnal one-shot, which is the first type of its kind I've written. Reader x S.O./ crushY/N- Your name S/O- significant other or crushThere will be three chapters one based off of female reader x male, one for female x female and one for male x male.Welcome to your quintessential bad day. From your favorite sweater getting caught in the door of your car, to your job being short staffed, to a traffic ticket.But your significant other is here to give you just the boost of serotonin you so desperately need.…

A Little Too Not Over You

A Little Too Not Over You

335 19 4

I got this photo from if anyone knows the artist please tell me so I can give proper credit. Thank you! 🎨**A comfort/fluffy one-shot because I am all about the comfort right now.**It's been seven years since your childhood best friend Link departed the scared Kokiri woods to answer his calling as the Hero of Time. In his absence, you continued to blossom into a head-strong and righteous young woman. Creating your own freightage company, you travel the expansive fields of Hyrule, providing the nation with goods come rain, snow, or shine. But a chance encounter in Castle Town leaves you reeling with memories of a certain long-lost love your heart refuses to relinquish.Time has been good to Link, but it hasn't been good to the feelings you vowed to forget. As the two old friends are reunited and discover a chemistry that sizzles like the scorching Gerudo sun, you can't help but wonder, if a certain someone is also a little too not over you.…

A Trail of Feathers

A Trail of Feathers

129 6 1

SS Link x ReaderI don't show Skyward Sword much love, but it is an underappreciated gem in the Zelda world. Here's a little one shot since that's my schtick lately.Link has gone to the surface to rescue Zelda, along with Groose. Life on Skyloft continues its mundane pulse as you continue your diligence with knight training. As you try to get a grip on missing a certain knight and his presence on Skyloft, you're bombarded by a mysterious trail of feathers. What do they mean, and who is leaving them? ***Nintendo owns all things ZELDA*** by zero Chan ⬆️…

Sparks in Between Fang Marks

Sparks in Between Fang Marks

1,221 49 5

A Twilight Princess ***Short Story*** (I lied I made it too long to be a one shot! 😉Link x Reader***Link to credit cover artist here*** intel at Hyrule Castle wants to study the mysterious healing properties of the Ordon Spring. Sending forth their best researcher (guess who), you set out on a quest to Ordon Village. With direction from one of the village's hunky residents, all is not as it seems as you end up researching more than you bargain for. Can you reverse the Twilight's taint from Link and absolve him from the curse of the beast?With true love's kiss you're about to find out...*I'm on a one -shot streak lately. I love writing these corny little tales. As always, thank Nintendo and Mr.Miyamoto for the LOZ franchise and the existence of Linkus*…

The Hand That Heals: A TOTK Oneshot

The Hand That Heals: A TOTK Oneshot

337 42 4 ALWAYS: SUPPORT YOUR ARTISTS! Cover art link is above! 🎨Hyrule has been thrown into madness once again as a contagion known as 'gloom' is causing many of its inhabitants to fall ill.Y/N has been shunned to the depths in isolation until the gloom has been conquered and a cure has been created. With a missing princess and her loyal knight occupying the minds of many frightened citizens, you can't help but enjoy the safety of your exile. Enter a mysterious stranger who holds the keys to saving Hyrule. Who is this enigmatic man? And what it is about his hand that heals? What is shrouded in the depths will soon be revealed by the light. And what the light reveals may take your breath away.…

Which Zelda Quote Are You?

Which Zelda Quote Are You?

350 47 11

Please enjoy this funny wisdom from the Nintendo team.Feeling like a big Groose? Did someone step on your flowers instead of going around? Does your name rhyme with ravioli and it's not even your favorite pasta?Got a fetish for some sexy fish boyz? I've got you covered. Here's some motivational Monday quotes by your favorite Zelda characters! Oh, except it's Friday. Whatevs, do you want the inspo or not? GARSHHHH!…

The Perfect Catch

The Perfect Catch

106 10 1

A little OOT one-shot I did while sitting in the hospital with my mama. Ganondorf's Hyrule is no place to live. Along with erratic storms and swarms of monsters, the economy in Hyrule is on the brink of destruction. But a friendly evening of fishing with a handsome, stranger provides some hope and possibly love in an otherwise dire Hyrule. ***LOZ belongs to Nintendo youseee guysssss***, yes I know it's an ai image. I'm still crediting here. ☝🏻…

The Astral Observatory of Astrology

The Astral Observatory of Astrology

129 2 7

Listen, It's not my fault BOTW Link is a Taurass. I don't make the rules ... I just write about them. Have you ever wondered what Link matches up with your star sign? This Headcanon is for you.Keep reading to be disappointed within. 😉…

Becoming the Trigger: A Chrono Cross Fanfiction

Becoming the Trigger: A Chrono Cross Fanfiction

162 3 5

Let's get this out of the way: I do not own any part of the Chrono franchise. Chrono Cross is a role-playing game developed in 1999 by what was then Square Soft and directed by Masato Kato. It's recent resurgence to the Nintendo Switch inspired me to make my own little fanfiction of this masterpiece. This piece of writing was a fun little activity I did to flex my writing muscles for my own pieces and also made me wonder a popular fan question: does Kid exist in the home timeline? If you play the game and use the Chrono Cross to free Kid aka Schala does that erase the chance of her incarnate in the home timeline? How can it if we see the incarnate of Kid in the future looking for Serge? When Serge is sent back to his own timeline what happens in the home world since the events of "another world" caused the Porre army to invade and Serge to no longer be missed but feared? This game is famous for its many unanswered questions and I don't have the answers... just a fun little piece of writing. Please enjoy :) I may go through and add pieces of the soundtrack (which is well known in the JRPG world) developed by one of my favorite musical artists Yasunori Mitsuda.…

The Many Heroes of Valentine's Day

The Many Heroes of Valentine's Day

736 39 5

Would you like to have dinner amongst the floating isles of the sky?Or paraglide amongst the rolling hills of the wild?How about being serenaded beneath the setting sun of Lake Hylia?If none of that tickles your fancy, you could always go skinny dipping beneath the silent moon of Ordon Spring. Welcome to this fun little Valentine's LOZ Head Canon I made. All in the spirit of the great saint of love himself!****<All artwork is copyright and owned by WrenStout. for inquiries and commissions on work!>****…

The Growth Project

The Growth Project

11 0 2

Hey Ya'll :)I found a bunch of writings I did from over the years.Now comes the fun part: rewriting them! I'm posting old snippets of my work and then posting the updated writings to track my growth.Idk if anyone wants to read this stuff unless you wanna hear my weird humor.…

A Fate Most Cruel: A Retelling of Hyrule's Most Tragic Hero, The Hero of Time

A Fate Most Cruel: A Retelling of Hyrule's Most Tragic Hero, The Hero of Time

110 2 2

Another fun little writing project I started working on to flex these finger muscles. I went back and played this through the switch expansion but like so many other Zelda fans, the hero of time will always have a special place within my heart. This game will never not crush me with a wave of emotion whether it be nostalgia or the sheer little details that have aged so well. Hands down forever a classic for me. I might do a Skyward Sword one as I just recently went back and beat it. For a good ten years I hadn't played a single Zelda game just due to... adult things? But like we need a bowl of soup when we are sick, I really needed the comfort of my favorite game series recently. I have yet to play Breath of the Wild just because I know it'll swallow me up and completely absorb me. Without further ado: here's my retelling of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.Disclaimer: As always, I do not own any part of the Zelda franchise. All my thanks to Nintendo and the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto; the hero of entertainment ;) for all their work with the Zelda series. The soundtrack and "hot, hot beats" belong to the infamous musician Koji Kondo. Darunia approved. :)…

Employee of the Month: The Legend of Zelda Edition

Employee of the Month: The Legend of Zelda Edition

562 64 11

At Hyrule Corporation, we only hire the best of the best. Every day our employees our expected to come in and give us 100%. With major competitor Ganon Conglomerate, each employee must be the living embodiment of our mission statement. Courage. Wisdom. And Power. Think you have what it takes to climb the ladder at Hyrule Corp? Inquire within and meet some of our exemplary employees. A/N: I do not own The Legend of Zelda or any of the character mentions within. That would go to big boss Shigeru Miyamoto and his comrades at Nintendo!…

One Ring, Two Knocks

One Ring, Two Knocks

8 0 1

Merry Christmas!In spirit of my favorite holiday (Halloween) and my not so favorite holiday (today)- I made a short story love child. A splash of horror and a splash of merry.Ready? Let's go!Veronica Coolidge is stuck in the past. She doesn't own a cell phone nor does she like any of that fancy coffee mumbo jumbo. She lives an isolated life in her quaint southern home. But when luddite Veronica is gifted a technologically advanced "Buzz" Doorbell for Christmas; she secretly becomes enmeshed in programming it to fit her life of exile. Twas Christmas Eve when all through the house... not a creature was stirring...not even Veronica who was dead as a mouse.* This has just been uploaded to completion today, 5/8/23. I am looking to incorporate this in a short story anthology. Thanks for reading! *…

Mythos: Three Brothers Odes to Love

Mythos: Three Brothers Odes to Love

24 2 2

Pomegranate Blood: An Ode from the Lord of DarkRegretful Wave: An Ode from the Lord of SeaDominion of Light: An Ode from the Lord of ThunderObviously in the Valentine's Spirit, I wrote these little poems. They're quite short and simple reads. They hint to each god and their respective story in mythology. Enjoy!****I own none of the artwork used here! Any resources to give credit please let me know!****…