Dragon Ball High: Life As A Earthling

Dragon Ball High: Life As A Earthling

464 77 11

Life as a human can be so crazy sometime, especially when it comes to going to school no matter what grade you are in. There's bullies, crushes, dances, and even some fights and deaths inside high school. Who knew it'll be this hard to learn?Raditz, Vegeta, and Goku, along with some others from your favorite show of Dragon Ball are trying to fit in with the rest of society being humans themselves. They also get into the same drama as other humans from the school, but at least they know how to handle themselves perfectly fine, even if it does mean violence...~~~~~Raditz is older brother of Goku that likes to act more mature, but at the same time sneaky brat. He keeps his mind of things except when it comes to his brother and the annoying girl at the school ChiChi. He knows his brother has something for her, she just doesn't know what.Vegeta is the bad boy of the school that doesn't give a shit to what anyone says about him. He is known as the "Prince" of the school since everyone does what he says without hesitation. All lot of people are afraid of him, even his own squad. For some reason though there is one girl who that won't leave him alone no matter what he does.Goku on the other hand is a pure hearted softy who enjoys hanging out with his brother and Vegeta. He tends to annoy them both a lot, but does prove himself as useful when it comes to beating up people. He's not the best when it comes to "not being himself" when around certain people, especially to ChiChi. His friends question why he likes her, but even he can't figure it out.…

Gacha Book!

Gacha Book!

407 26 5

A book of all my Gacha creations :3…

Dokkan Book! :3

Dokkan Book! :3

1,367 204 52

title :3…



91 21 3

Ponyville is a little town where the Mane 6 lives. This town has gotten a lot of popularity throughout the years and many ponies decide to stay. As a result, the town has grown a bit to support everyone who lives there. It has increased in food and production dramatically. Somehow though, it still seems to bring in the rude ones.Two ponies through will have to suffer the most when it comes to controlling ponies. These two ponies have very different backgrounds and are different all together. One is shy, small, and weak. The other is strong, fierce, and cold. They both have the same dream...to live happily with someone that can take them in. To be with someone that'll love them for who they are. To lone someone that'll trust them and only them. It might be hard to thing these two have any chance, but none shall assume for the worst. All shall assume for the best for everyone in on the planet, not just those who seek help.Good chemistry didn't always come from those who are the same. It comes from those who truly see the light in the mate's soul. Everyone should be able to find someone they can love for the rest of their lives. These two ponies might take a little longer to connect, but you never know now don't you? Love can come anywhere you know. It can be shown by a action, a saying...Or a object. A very special object in fact. Maybe even a animal.These two might not know it yet, but something is waiting for them. Someone has been waiting for a long time. It sings it's beautiful songs everyday to make the fillies and colts happy and the mares and stallions stare at them with full attention. It spreads it's wings wide as it soars in the sky, looking for its new victims. It's colors illuminate from the powerful Sun rays, making the ground underneath get colored by its majestic feathers. This animal know all when it comes to the land of music.It's name is the Songbird.…

All About My Fnaf OCS

All About My Fnaf OCS

767 107 18

(Stupid Title I know but deal with it and I'll deal with you :3)*mumbles jingle* What!? Oh we got company I see! That makes me feel great since I'm not in the best mood right now since SOMEONE decided it will be funny to wake me up with an AIRHORN! Honestly boys can be crazy sometimes.. Anyway, Welcome to Midnight Paradise! I'm the boss Samantha and I'll be telling you all about our nice home we got here! What's Midnight Paradise you ask? Well...We were made be our builder Scott. Pretty much it takes Fazbear's to another level! Not only we serve children here in this pizzeria, but at night we also have some fun With the Teenagers! I'm guessing that's why he made us look like humans yet added some animals features to us like my bear ears, but hey that's all I'm saying. I still don't know about my eyes though... All black with a tiny white light at the center. Nice job Scott -_-Now if you excuse me, I have to handle Timber dealt quick and beat his ass. See ya at Night 1! :3…



260 31 9

(This is a world that I made! Hope you like it :3)Years before any of us where alive, there existed a world much different from ours. People believed that it was in a different dimension. Others believed that a different planet. Then there are those who believe that Earth once was this world. No one knows the real truth of this world, but we all know one thing... This was a real fantasy world.This was a Kalpanā world...(Kalpanā mean fantasy)…

It's Random Time!

It's Random Time!

2,541 492 82

After so long I finally am making a Random book! This will have all my randomness into one measly lil book! This'll also feature my multiple OCS from different fandoms! This'll be one way to interact more and get the characters more involved instead of being stuck in their own little world.THERE WILL BE NO NASTY PICS YOU HEAR ME DAMN IT! NONE! >:VENJOY! :3…

The Adventures of a Potato! (working title -_-)

The Adventures of a Potato! (working title -_-)

155 20 6

Let's just say that this book will be all about my cute lil pony Harmony! I wish you good luck reading this trash ;-;…

Creepypasta Characters

Creepypasta Characters

514 38 10

Well then...a new topic huh? -_-This should be fun... I don't promise anything good by the way.…

The Story of Chayote: A Saiyan With No Home

The Story of Chayote: A Saiyan With No Home

279 42 8

This is gonna be the OFFICIAL book all about my amazing Saiyan...Chayote!!Chayote: What's good! A book about me! This is gonna be awesome!Right you are my amazing OC! This'll include many random things with me and Chay so stay tune for that. My friends...I hope you enjoy and I hope this is gonna be good!Chayote: YEP! LET'S DO THIS!!…