Tevun Krus #125 - Post Time Travel

Tevun Krus #125 - Post Time Travel

340 112 12

Post Time Travel - what are the realities in a world where time travel already happened? Where everyone had the chance to kill his grandfather and change history? Join your favourite Tevun Krus authors on a wild journey through the strands of time!…

Tevun Krus #124 - SportPunk Game 2: The Rematch

Tevun Krus #124 - SportPunk Game 2: The Rematch

228 90 11

SportPunk is what happens when society becomes so fixated on sport that nothing else matters. Sport is life. Megacorporations spend lots of money on improving athletes beyond normal human capabilities. Life-forms from alien worlds are taken and used in cruel bloodsports. And perhaps sport is what finally prongs peace to a torn universe...Let's get sporty!…

Tevun Krus #123 - The Mandela Effect

Tevun Krus #123 - The Mandela Effect

227 107 11

The Mandela Effect is described by TechTarget as "an observed phenomenon in which a large segment of the population misremembers a significant event or shares a memory of an event that did not actually occur."But what if it did? Find out more in issue #123 of Tevun Krus, your favourite Wattpad e-zine.…

Tevun-Krus #122 - Synchronicity

Tevun-Krus #122 - Synchronicity

356 117 13

Synchronicity is a concept in psychology that describes circumstances which appear meaningfully related but lack a casual connection. Of course, this concept has a load of fictional potential-join the crew to f the mothership to explore its science fictional depth!…

Tevun-Krus #121 - FanFic SF: The Sequel!

Tevun-Krus #121 - FanFic SF: The Sequel!

193 68 11

A long time ago, in an issue far, far away... we tackled FanFic SF the way Batman tackles Harry Potter's archnemesis, Lord Voldemort. Now, many years later, we're doing it again...From Doctor Who to Star Trek and Warhammer - welcome to our FanFic Special No 2!…

Tevun-Krus #120 - MergePunk

Tevun-Krus #120 - MergePunk

247 86 12

With MergePunk we return to a TK favourite - first covered in one of our trademarked SmackDown challenges, then appearing in an anthology we co-ran with an Ambassador-run Wattpad profile, MergePunk is all about merging one Punk subgenre with a non-Punk subgenre. Or several of themCatPunk meets First Contact? Time Travel x DreamPunk? AncientPunk and Superhuman SF?The possibilities are endless!…

TK Special #8 - AI: The Artificially Generated Special!

TK Special #8 - AI: The Artificially Generated Special!

323 113 17

Some say, AI will make our lives easier. Some say, it's the beginning of the end of humanity.The crew of the mothership decided to embrace the enemy. Join us in our exploration of AI generated content.…

Tevun-Krus #119 - AfroFuturism 2

Tevun-Krus #119 - AfroFuturism 2

253 97 13

**February 4th, 2024Tevun-Krus #119 - AfroFuturism 2**We first tackled AfroFuturism in 2020 for TK76. Now we're taking on the subgenre once again! AfroFuturism combines traditional African art, architecture, cultures and values (and that of the African diaspora) with the sheer wonder that is our shared science-fiction future!In more recent years, there's been a divide between "AfroFuturism" and "AfricanFuturism"-where the former term has increasingly been applied to works about or by the African diaspora and the latter restricted to the African continent. The Ooorah Mothership has taken a stance of inclusivity, so we welcome stories from both branches of this subgenre.…

Tevun-Krus #118 - A Very Merry Lost World Christmas

Tevun-Krus #118 - A Very Merry Lost World Christmas

257 106 12

Lost World stories feature creatures long extinct, breathtaking adventures, fearless heroes and vast treasure. Add a little Christmassy twist, and Santa's sleigh might be pulled by a flock of velociraptors this year!…

Tevun-Krus #117 - Best of 2K23

Tevun-Krus #117 - Best of 2K23

690 144 12

Welcome to the latest annual Best Of collection! Brand-new stories from some of your favourite mothertroopers!…

Tevun-Krus #116 - Horror SF

Tevun-Krus #116 - Horror SF

406 152 21

Discover the depth of the dark side of Sci-Fi in this brand new collection of short stories by some of Wattpad's best science fiction writers.…

Tevun-Krus #115 - Ring Worlds (A Different Earth, Part 3)

Tevun-Krus #115 - Ring Worlds (A Different Earth, Part 3)

566 198 19

The "ringworld" is a classic sci-fi concept. Imagine a self-sustaining artificial world that just so happens to be shaped like a giant ring. Sometimes it looks like a big generation ship. Other times it looks like a ring-shaped planet. What will your ringworld be?Ringworlds is the third in a trilogy of issues dedicated to the concept of an Earth that differs from our own.…

Tevun-Krus #114 - Hollow Earth (A Different Earth, Part 2)

Tevun-Krus #114 - Hollow Earth (A Different Earth, Part 2)

916 150 19

Picture this: We live on the outside of a planet with a secret interior world containing countless lost civilizations.Or maybe planets as we know it don't exist... we've got the whole idea inside out! The deeper you go, the further out into space you get!Anything's possible with the Hollow Earth!…

Tevun-Krus #113 - Flat Earth (A Different Earth, Part 1)

Tevun-Krus #113 - Flat Earth (A Different Earth, Part 1)

929 255 21

The Earth is not a round globe. It's a flat disc, spinning in space like a hubcap gone loose down the highway. Or is it? Ask yourselves, 'troopers: Flat or round!?…

Tevun-Krus #112 - Animal SF

Tevun-Krus #112 - Animal SF

932 294 27

As the sun rises over the Wild Lands, some life-forms stir awake while others hunker down to sleep after a night of hunting and foraging. This is a world rich in flora and fauna. And yet it is not natural.Each of the animals roaming these forests and grasslands has been enhanced through technology. That leopard can change the pattern of its spots. That giraffe has reinforced legs. That elephant has opposable thumbs and a trunk that blasts Nicki Minaj's latest tunes like an old boombox.This is their ecosystem.This is Animal SF! Ooorah!…

Tevun-Krus #111 - Space Opera Episode III: Time of the Mothertrooper

Tevun-Krus #111 - Space Opera Episode III: Time of the Mothertrooper

678 210 18

It is a time of great unrest in the M'Verse. Warring factions are spread throughout the galaxies. Planets crumble after a series of seemingly random mass invasions from universes abroad. The dark science threatens to poison the minds of all who dare to seek it out.But yet there is hope. Hope lies in the hands of a ragtag crew of explorers, and their trusty generation ship, the Ooorah Mothership.Hope lies with the Mothertrooper...…

Tevun-Krus #110 - Punk Wars 3

Tevun-Krus #110 - Punk Wars 3

456 136 14

Punk Wars... When two or more sci-fi "Punk" worlds collide!The Mothership returns for a third outing to the furthest reaches of space, where one world bleeds into the next!PUNK WARS 3.…

Tevun-Krus #109 - Forgotten Contact

Tevun-Krus #109 - Forgotten Contact

692 224 19

First Contact as a science-fiction theme is perhaps the most fascinating -- because so many seem to believe we've experienced it in the real world! Have we been contacted by alien entities? We can't answer that question here at the Mothership, but we can use it as a springboard for a great TK issue!Forgotten Contact refers to a world where contact with aliens has somehow been forgotten. Lost to time -- or maybe hushed-up?…

Tevun-Krus #108 - International 7: The Big Bang!

Tevun-Krus #108 - International 7: The Big Bang!

1,211 490 71

The universe began, scientists believe, with every speck of its energy jammed into a very tiny point. This extremely dense point exploded with unimaginable force, creating matter and propelling it outward to make the billions of galaxies of our vast universe. Astrophysicists dubbed this titanic explosion the Big Bang.And that's where we're going with the next international issue of Tevun-Krus: All languages and species welcome!…

TK Special #7 - Return to the M'Verse: An Ooorah Anthology

TK Special #7 - Return to the M'Verse: An Ooorah Anthology

1,642 225 18

Each of the stories featured herein is set within a Universe of the writer's creation, while all being a part of a larger, shared Multiverse.At the Ooorah Mothership, we call this the M'Verse.Writers have free rein to tell the story they want to tell, providing it's sci-fi in nature and no more than 5000 words in length... then it's all good! There are, however, five "rules" to which all created Universes within the shared Multiverse must adhere. Think of them as non-mandatory prompts that weave an invisible, unbreakable web throughout this anthology. But that shouldn't prove too difficult for the writers partaking... It's time to RETURN TO THE M'VERSE.…