My Art!

My Art!

2,431 493 55

This has almost no words. It is a book filled with my drawings and art stuff.…

Book excerpts

Book excerpts

33 6 4

Welp... since I can't stick to one subject I will post some other stuff I wrote in this book. I don't know if I'll continue writing these books... I'll let the votes\ comments decide if I'll continue them...So yeah, enjoy!…



108 21 9

Well this is going to be really boring but it's okay. This is me and weird stuff happening in my boring teenage life.…

Pix's High school life

Pix's High school life

300 33 6

Pix in an exchange student along with her sister Kath. They moved (this time) because their dad had a job opportunity at a music store. Pix is in 10th grade while her sister will graduate at the end of this year. Pix meets a cute, funny boy around two months after she arrived. Once they meet, they soon realise that they both have a special gift that their mothers have passed down to them. Still on the quest for uncovering the secrets of mothers death that have been kept from her, will Pix uncover the truth or will she ignore it???*insert suspenseful music here*(I hope you [enjoy/enjoyed] the book so far)…

Can you hear the beating of my broken heart?

Can you hear the beating of my broken heart?

9 7 2

Cassy is a flamboyant 15 year old. Cassy has had to deal with a lot of pain and it simply keeps on building. It has been a month since her boyfriend left her and she seems to be fine... but under that smile is a broken heart. Feeling lonely, Cassy decides to attend the annual school gathering( which she usually aviids at all costs). The school gathering is an event that their school prepares... but they prepare it so they can keep an eye on Brooksdale, their rivals . At the event, she meets Kevin, a young boy who has recently turned 16 years old and is quite... 'different' from the rest of the people there. Out of curiosity, she decides to start a conversation with him. A few hours had passed as they talked and Cassy finally felt comfort in knowing that someone wanted to talk to a freak like her. It turns out that they have interest in the same music and are both drummers. Kevin disappeared to get a glass of water. As the Brooksdale school band gets called up on stage, Cassy notices Kevin taking a seat at the drum set on stage. Not only is Kevin a drummer, but he is also her rival. Will Cassy tame the rapid beating of her heart while she is around him or will she be consumed by it?…

How to tutor a Jock

How to tutor a Jock

73 9 2

Nami is a young teenager who is confused by the term 'love'. She is not too sure on how to deal with people either. After all, she is a quirky, straight A student who still hasn't found herself... how will she deal with others? And how will she deal with Luka and his 'incredible talents'? (sarcasm added) All you need to know is that he is a jock, know-it-all... and also the person that Nami is forced to tutor after her little incident, earlier that month. How will she endure the pain of her life? (Now you gotta read to find out!)…

My Original Characters (oc's)

My Original Characters (oc's)

137 12 6

This is a book of all MY precious OC's. I will attack you if you steal them... you have been warned! ;)…