No form required RP

No form required RP

1,507 33 11

just what the tittle says! read the rules and jump right in! no forms needed!…

Romance RP

Romance RP

2,879 32 32

Romance abundant, mostly male ocslgbtq+ welcomeharems and singles abound ig…

His Name

His Name

24 4 2

'For a while, it seemed like everything was just going to stay like that, his own little version of perfect. That was until his world came crashing down, with a pair of big brown eyes holding the sledgehammer.'Nero wasn't what most would call your typical jock, at least not at first glance. He tended to keep to himself unless bothered but he was more than willing to put anyone in their place who dared to get in his way.Until a stranger from his past had enough of being pushed around and decided to do something about it, taking his world by storm.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BLThis is going to be basically the first draft of a romance book I'm trying to write.I'll post the chapters as I write them but I might unpost or edit them often. If there are any issues, spelling errors, or things that are just a little weird pacing or wording wise, please let me know.I will read all the comments and take all your suggestions into consideration.Because this book is being posted as it is written essentially, I can't say everything that's going to be in it.So here's your warning nowThis book might include:Smutt (Bdsm included)GoreAngstAbuseSelf harmWholesomeness/fluffEtc etcHere's what I do know This book will definitely contain:GayAlso probably a fair amount of lgbtq+ and lots of other things. If you don't like it, just don't read it. I only want constructive criticism, so please try to be nice. This is my first romance book that wasn't one-shots.On another noteThis is what this book will probably not contain:Mpreg Lack of consentAnimal abuseProbably magic (even though I love fantasy)Some tropes you can expect:Nerd x JockSmall and angry x tall and calmSunshine x dark cloudsTwo idiots just laying in the grassSuggestions and comments are appreciated I've held off on posting this for so long but I can hold it back no longer. So enjoy…

BNHA Next Gen RP

BNHA Next Gen RP

1,465 25 9

just as the title says.…



564 9 4

I had one before but it was confusing and not very fun for anyone since I was young and made my animatronics op and my location confusing. here I'll fix all the problems and make everything more clear. I'll also rewrite some character backstories here as well.I hope you enjoy this.Possible gore warning, sensitive topics mentioned. viewer discretion advised.…

Creepypasta RP book

Creepypasta RP book

126 13 8

Just as the title says, I won't be playing any canon characters, sadly. I feel as though I can't do them justice but I'll do my best to entertain you with some creepypastas of my own…

Role Play book!!!

Role Play book!!!

1,764 27 17

i just wanted to make one of these, it'll have stuff like sci-fi and and creepy pasta and everything in between! if i missed a genre please tell me and i'll add it.…

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Group RP

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Group RP

155 6 4

Basically the title, i only need 3 more horsemen and possibly a few demigods, but it's not necessary. you can either make your own OC or ask me and i will assign you one. i will be VERY picky about who i let into this, so don't be offended if i decline your stuff, i might just ask for a few changes, but, let's just get straight into it.…