Innocuous | Goblet Of Fire

Innocuous | Goblet Of Fire

99 7 1

"Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I was a first year again who had a crush on boys instead of being a fifth year who has to deal with so much crap." Valerie Morpheus has a twisted sense of naivety, the sense that would have him rightfully kill himself because to him, nothing was wrong with the bruises on his skin, the bones jutting out from his body, the nightmares that made sleep impossible. To him, everything was perfectly fine, as the Triwizard tournament comes into full view, Valerie is suddenly forced to realize that this twisted sense of innocence wasn't fine, it wasn't perfect.He's forced to realize that he's been crushed into nothing but dust and broken dreams.…

Ferris Wheel | Misc

Ferris Wheel | Misc

1,338 123 38

My life goes round and round with colored emotions.…

Muggle Paroxysm | 💥

Muggle Paroxysm | 💥

122 14 2

Cyrus Harley had been taught that magic was a foul thing to have, that it had given his mother a sickness that took her away from this world. With the sickness now transmitted towards Cyrus himself, his father, Liam Harley, becomes obsessed with keeping him safe from taking away all the toys to locking him in a small room in the dark, all because he was afraid that if Cyrus's sickness was exactly like his mother's, there was no telling what could wrong. As the daily prophet gets delivered to their doorstep, Liam's paranoia increases and when Cyrus ends up breaking one of his rules, the man snaps and locks him inside his room again, proclaiming that he could go a day without food or so. Sitting on his mattress, Cyrus counts the hours as they go by, unaware that there was a rampaging beast loose in the streets until his eyes meet feral black ones.Attacked and left nearly dead, Cyrus is almost thankful that he makes it out alive until sources find out that the infection, having mixed with his initial sickness was more dangerous then they gave credit for. With his magic spiraling out of control like a damaged Sprinkler, Liam has no choice but to send his son to Hogwarts. Fresh out of St.Mungos with scratches all over and a impairment that makes it almost impossible to learn, Cyrus enters Hogwarts with a unnatural fear, it doesn't help that he keeps turning his hair blue or the fact that someone wants him dead and it was clear that their first attempt failed miserably.…

Parlous | 🐾

Parlous | 🐾

45 5 1

Ever since he was young, Icarus Medley was a follower to his family. His footsteps always followed those before him, not straying away or keeping behind. He had always thought that he would Be just like his family, that he would be in the Same house, follow the same morals, and live the same lifestyle. Unfortunately, Fate had other plans for the young wizard. Beginning his Summer before Hogwarts with a trip to St.Mungos after a break out of the Flu gone wrong, Icarus starts to become detached from the reality he had grown so accustomed to. His footsteps become disorganized and start to stay behind from his family and as much as he tries to follow, he ends up being farther behind than before. With his Hogwarts year only just beginning, Icarus sets his sights on being the Slytherin follower yet when he gets sorted into the house of badgers instead of snakes, things take a turn as the ambitious boy is suddenly riddled with a year full of anything but what he had dreamed of. All Icarus wanted was to be a follower to appease his family but maybe, just maybe, being a leader wasn't so bad.…

The Conundrums of Magic |🎤

The Conundrums of Magic |🎤

90 10 2

Romeo Kellen was raised to believe that magic wasn't real and that whoever told him it was were crazy and needed a mental asylum but when his sister leaves for Hogwarts, Romeo's parents are suddenly forced to believe that magic is indeed real and that their children had it themselves. So, never having read about magic, or even studied upon it, Romeo enters Hogwarts with nothing but puzzlement. His sister doesn't seem to acknowledge his existence and as much as Romeo wants to admit that to be a good thing, he finds himself unable to concentrate to execute a simple spell. With his hopes of being a good student washing down the drain, Romeo is surprised to find a boy with black curls willing to help him through first year. Through Trial and Error, Romeo Kellen finds himself gaining feelings for his Gryffindor Tutor with the goofy smile and a pet tarantula.…

The Sun's Fate | N. Longbottom

The Sun's Fate | N. Longbottom

123 15 2

People were confusing creatures. They had complex emotions and a one way mindset that made everything feel uneasy. Young Apollo Lovegood never understand people, he never understood how human beings functioned for to him, they were all the same with the same complex emotions and the same uneasy, one way mindset. Animals were much more easy to interpret for they were all different and Apollo always adapted to them much better than he ever did with his own family. Not even magic was a simple thing as his mind created more problems than necessary just to make a simple jar of cookies fly over to him. So, when his Hogwarts letter lands on his head in the backyard, Apollo is suddenly thrust into a world of magic and more people than he's ever encountered. Hogwarts becomes a nightmare for him the moment he enters and all he wants is to wake up from such a horrible dream but then he meets a boy who sucks at magic, has a love for plants and appears to be more easy to understand than the rest of the people.So, Apollo finds himself attached to the older boy and as their friendship slowly twists into something more, Apollo can't help but create problems to face the situation and Neville stays with him every step of the way, a feat that not even the most complicated humans do. With a year filled with calculations, precarious adventures, and complicated feelings, Apollo is determined to survive his very first year in Hogwarts, with Neville right beside him.----•Cover by LeviosaDragon…

Twin Fools | Weasley Twins

Twin Fools | Weasley Twins

801 44 2

Fred and George Weasley were known as the notorious pranksters of the school from acting like one another to making people believe that they had a triplet or perhaps even setting off a explosion of dirt in a classroom that was meant to have students inside in two seconds. Snagging the Marauder's Map in their second year and using it for as much mischief as they can, The twins notice something off within the walls of Hogwarts.The disappearing acts of best friends, Marius Bellwether and Archimedes Burke. Every time the two twins caught their names on the map, they rushed forward as if they were running for their lives but no matter how early they arrive or how much they try to spot them, the best friends disappear as if they were under the invisibility cloak.•••••"We wanted to learn their secret not fall in love with them.""Life has a odd way of handling things, doesn't it Fred?"…

Incongruous | Nicholas O.F. Weasley

Incongruous | Nicholas O.F. Weasley

338 26 3

To most people, being out of place within a group was perfectly normal for it meant they were 'unique' and 'special' but to Nicholas Weasley, being out of place in his family meant that he was ignored for the majority of his life, his parents unintentionally mistaking him for another boy in their household, his siblings forgetting that he was their little brother and people always whispering behind his back. Nicholas had dealt with it all, from his mother apologizing frequently when she finally noticed who he was to his brothers and Sister becoming guilt ridden that they hadn't included him in any of their games. Truth be told, Nicholas was used to being alone, to being invisible amongst his family members. He was used to hearing people mumble that perhaps he was adopted, perhaps the Weasleys had taken pity upon him, or perhaps he had been a homeless orphan before. He was used to watching his family members forget that he was right there, talking on and on about something he shouldn't hear, he was used to being out of place within the world, he was used to being invisible.So, when his Hogwarts letter drops through the window, The family are heavily surprised to find out that he's been accepted into Hogwarts but Nicholas seems to be even more surprised when, as he reaches the school for his first year, his invisibility doesn't work and he's suddenly crowded with people asking him questions, paying attention to him, and including him in their activities. Little does he know, his year won't just be filled with friends and enemies. A dark enemy is approaching and it's target is none other than Nicholas Octavius Weasley, eighth child of the Weasley family.…

Antagonism | Dorian C. Dursley

Antagonism | Dorian C. Dursley

402 23 3

It was well known that the Dursley family loathed magic and anything having to do with such freakish things. It was more than well known that Harry James Potter was a subject of their hatred for magic and it was, assumingely so, that they would do anything to stop such freakish things happening in their household from locking Harry in the cupboard to removing him from all existence in the house, it was painfully clear to anyone who asked that the Dursley family hated magic and will always do so. However, when Petunia Dursley encounters a loose wizard criminal while out on a shopping errand for the newest addition of the family, her hatred for magic goes deeper than ever before as the woman is stuck between loving a son who has what she fears the most and hating the blood that evidently runs through his veins. In order to keep her son away from prying eyes in hopes of erasing such tainted blood from his system, Petunia begins to erode his mind and body, in her mind, this is fine, perfect even but as Dudley begins to join in and Harry is left to his own devices, Petunia finds out that her plan of removing such blood from his veins becomes futile when two owls land on her roof, dropping in the letters that had fueled her anger in the first place. With Harry a savior and celebrity in the eyes of the castle, Dorian Dursley is simply the shadow behind him, hiding during the sun and coming out during the moon. The boy who lived is a famous celebrity...The shadow behind him is nothing but a dark shade, ignored and invisible.Harry James Potter might have Lord Voldemort and death eaters to worry about but Dorian Cypress Dursley finds himself in a battle with his very own demons, physical and mental.…

Demonic Endeavors | Original

Demonic Endeavors | Original

16 4 1

Demons weren't real.Demons weren't real.Demons weren't real Demons weren't real That was what Murphy Olivers wanted to believe for his whole life, he wanted to believe that demons weren't real, that monsters didn't exist and that magic was nothing but a fantasy and he did believe it, he did believe that demons, magic, and monsters were all rubbish.Until he opens the door to a cloak wearing man that's claiming him to be a son of a magician and a demon."Demons aren't real you say? Then why are you growing horns?""......Disease?"----NOTE: this book contains LGBTQ and harsh languages and phobias directed to this community. As well as harsh violence and sensitive scenes.…

Clandestine | R.Weasley

Clandestine | R.Weasley

389 26 3

Long Ago, before even wizards and witches knew what magic was, a different type of magic ruled the wizarding world, a magic that held the world in its palms and made the environment grow into what it is today, a magic that was spread across the world in sprinkles, coating the humans and turning them into wizards and witches. As the centuries past, the magic that had once ruled the world was beginning to die out and the maker was getting anxious, for if his magic died out, so would the existence of the children he had so created. So, to prevent such a thing from happening, he split the remaining parts of his magic to his youngest children and the rest went to the heavens above. Now, in the 1900's, people have already forgotten about the maker, they had already forgotten about who had granted them such powers. Instead, they simply praise his name, they praise his heroics unto another strange wizard as if he had done anything worthy. There was only one child who had gotten the extent of the maker's magic, he had become powerful and went on ahead to take his father's name, he went on ahead to create a lineage of people who bore his very magic in different forms. Kept in hiding for his own Safety, a young boy is surprised to find a owl half dead outside on the rocky terrain steps, a letter clutched in its talons. Upon opening the letter, The Boy finds himself accepted into Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. Thrust into a world of magic and adventure, the staff are in for a special surprise when the boy's name is called out once he arrives."Merlin!"…

Head canons |Harry Potter

Head canons |Harry Potter

408 27 6

This is literally just a book of head canons.…

Cloud Land | H.J. Potter

Cloud Land | H.J. Potter

88 4 2

Reve Calypso was known for his more than 'sane' qualities. From turning his hand into smoke to speaking about ghosts and spirits to anyone who would listen. He enthralled people in with his unordinary approach to life and as such, was casted out from his family for being nothing but a monster in their eyes,a demon straight from the pits of hell. It wasn't until he reached Hogwarts that his unordinary approach was at least justified, if for himself that is. Of course, Reve was more than just ordinary, he was a dreamer of things that went past the realities of wizards and witches themselves only serving him into a further outcast of society. With nothing but his dreams and the ghosts of his past to haunt him, Reve wants nothing to do with people anymore, not even his own dorm mates until he notices a boy whose praised for something he can't remember, a boy with messy black hair and emerald green eyes, a boy that makes Reve think twice about jumping from the astronomy tower. •••••-Takes place during Fourth year-cover by LeviosaDragon…

Legacy |Brotherhood Series Spin off

Legacy |Brotherhood Series Spin off

231 25 3

[The Brotherhood Series Belongs entirely to Kmbell92, the plot and idea of the spin off belong to me and Purple_Colours]•••••••Hogwarts was a place of memories and thus, it was also a place of history, history that was formed from the students who went there before causing a impact on the staff and school itself, history that made sure whoever bore the names of those people lived up to their namesakes which only proves to be a bit harder than necessary when it came to these two cousins.Remus potter and his cousin, Amos Diggory, knew what it was like to hold such important names since the day they were born. Not only had these two cousins been expected to live up to the people who bore their names before, they were told to. Pressured to live up to the names of the dead, Remus and Amos take Hogwarts by storm in order to prove that not all people had to live up to a legacy set before them.Of course, this came with a little extra dose of adventure that these two cousins weren't even remotely prepared for, Remus just hopes they don't die in the process.…

Principles | J.F. Potter and R.J. Lupin

Principles | J.F. Potter and R.J. Lupin

1,368 72 5

In the past three years since he's entered Hogwarts, James was fairly certain that he was breaking more than one rule when he enters for his fifth year and none of them have little consequences. With his fifth year becoming filled with confusing feelings, secret relationships and a load of mischief that has his blood boiling with a fear he had never knew he had, James is lucky to even be alive with the major rules he's already broken on his first day. After all, Werewolves aren't suppose to be lovers.…

 Asymmetrical | P. Pettigrew

Asymmetrical | P. Pettigrew

267 24 3

[•Cover by microwavedcoffee]Born from the same womb and sharing the same features, Simon and Peter couldn't be anymore different from each other. Whereas one was cowardly and loyal, the other was anxious and didn't understand the terms of friendship. Where one twin was overweight and seemingly unattractive, the other was underweight and still had people flocking towards him like moths to a flame. Whereas Peter was able to make three wonderful friends and be accepted into a group of misfits such as himself, Simon is left alone with a book to keep him company and his pet cat as his only companion . whereas one twin was able to choose from dark and light, the other was given no choice in the matter.Born from the same womb and sharing the same features, being so different yet so alike. Where both twins share a sense of adventure, where both twins share a feeling of anxiousness, where both twins, no matter how asymmetrical they be, share more than they realize.…

Living a Fairy Tale | B. Zabini

Living a Fairy Tale | B. Zabini

202 26 2

Being the invisible boy in a sea of people was comfortable for the black Italian, it just meant he didn't have to strive to be the best when no one was looking at him. Truthfully enough, Blaise liked having peace but that peace turns sour once he hits thirteen.Blaise Zabini never believed in fairy tales, he all thought they were a load of rubbish in his opinion but that didn't mean he wasn't one of the children who didn't beg his mother to read it to him before bed. Despite never believing in fairy tales, it didn't mean it couldn't happen to you. Third year rolls around with more surprises than Blaise can count on his hands but the most unsuspected surprise had to be the day he noticed someone bring a cricket to class and claim that it was for luck-What was next, a fire breathing dragon named Mushu?The only thing Blaise can throughly understand out of all this madness is that he didn't sign up to be cast in fairy tale Broadway.…

Blue Bird Tales↣HP

Blue Bird Tales↣HP

2,741 248 12

Everyone knew what happened. Everyone knew that Voldemort had gone and attacked the potter household in search of destroying the one thing that could put a end to it all. Everyone knew that little potter, barely able to comprehend why his parents weren't jumping up in laughter, survived and thus became their savior-Their light in a moment of eternal darkness. Except-No one knew of the other. No one was ever told that the potters had another child, no one was ever told that Lily had actually been pregnant with twins, not even peter himself knew, No one knew that the famous Harry Potter was a twin. So, why? Why was having a twin so important that people had begun speculating rumors? After all-The younger Potter was suppose to be nothing, he was suppose to be a forgotten child in a world who worshipped the chosen one. And so, Hogwarts gets a handful once first year rolls around, accommodating to the fact that there were indeed two potters to look after was one thing, but when they notice warnings dripping with red blood, students rushing to the infirmary every two weeks with a unconscious body in their grasp and tales that seem almost imaginary-They then know exactly why Lily Potter Neè Evans had hid her pregnancy.…

Deviant | J.S. Potter

Deviant | J.S. Potter

110 12 2

Dmitri Sage lacked physical strength, he lacked social skills and most importantly so, he lacked magical control. All the young boy excelled in was academics and although that could kickstart a career, it wouldn't be able to keep it. Countless times were tried with Dmitri yet only one thing was clear, something was blocking his magic and if it continued on any longer, he wouldn't be alive to even perform a spark with his wand. Heavily Concerned, Minerva seeks help from the boy's grandparents who can provide no clear answer, each book they turn to and each doctor they try have no answer. With a feeling of dread within her stomach, the headmistress begins to think that all hope is lost.That is until James Sirius Potter makes Dmitri's first magic spell with a wand more easier than it ever was before. Suddenly tasked with the job of helping his fellow third year practice and learn magic, James suddenly finds himself looking at the Boy in a light that was supposed to be meant for girls and girls only.…



347 29 7