the colour of mirrors

the colour of mirrors

4,364 440 50

because there's only evera moment,in between the waiting and the oneswho are waited for.…

pondering people

pondering people

3,598 444 50

where do our thoughts wanderin the middle of the night?…

l'osservatore della bellezza | wolfstar

l'osservatore della bellezza | wolfstar

20,779 1,763 40

"Fortune favours the bold. And if anything, darling, I am bold."~the italian renaissance, 1502. somewhere in florence.remus lupin is a sculptor, an artist, a poet. his world is embroidered with the fanciful and the beautiful, and he devotes himself to it beneath sweet blue skies. he will not allow himself to love beyond appearance, though, for underneath even the most perfect spun glass, ugliness sits like a chasm into which loveliness falls and shatters. sirius black is every artist's daydream - a muse, yes, but so impossibly steeped in perfection that the term 'muse' seems too ordinary. he is beauty beyond description, a smile soft like the feathery touch of sleep, a grey-eyed gaze that could paint clouds into the horizon. and yet, he seeks something - someone - who might wish to look further, beneath his perfect spun glass, and see... him. just him.but in a world filled with birdsong, could anyone bear to listen to the shrill scream of a broken mind?~" a way, every time I break a heart, I break mine, too. It seems that I ruin everything I touch.""But you create, Remus. You create the most beautiful of things.""I create destruction."***disclaimer: i don't actually own harry potter, believe it or not. which is unfortunate, but i guess no one can really do anything about it. the story is mine though, so at least there's that. dedicated to my editor, @FanOfWayToMuch, for supporting me throughout the writing of this book. if it weren't for her, this would likely be much more trashy, and i am eternally grateful for her enthusiasm, honesty, and love. warning: there will be smut. and fluff. tooth-rotting, sweet fluff. i hope you brought a toothbrush. that's all i think. go read. stop wasting time. started: wednesday 19th february, 2020finished: saturday 18th september, 2021…

the mind's recesses

the mind's recesses

1,380 297 51

words that fell outof inky fingers,and stained the paperthat lay on wooden tables.…

felix felicis | harry potter oneshots

felix felicis | harry potter oneshots

6,430 411 15

a series of oneshots between my favourite pairings (romione, wolfstar, jily etc), along with some random stand-alones.note: these aren't necessarily badly written, but i'm usually focusing more on the concept at hand rather than quality of wording. but hey, the grammar is good, so there's that. harry potter does not belong to me - obviously - but instead it is the property of j.k. rowling. please read, vote, and comment!and no, that fanart isn't mine. i sadly lack that talent.…

a beautiful world | wolfstar

a beautiful world | wolfstar

250,998 13,364 32

Remus was so beautiful; it physically hurt to look at him. "Hey, Remus."The other boy glanced up, amber eyes crinkling in the corners as he smiled. "Hello Pads."~meet sirius black: artistic, punk rock, as straight as a rainbow and not afraid to show it. plus he's a dog person. meet remus lupin: musical, owns too many jumpers (if that's even a thing), as straight as a rainbow and very much too terrified to show it. he is also a dog person. nobody saw it coming. well, i mean, apart from james, peter, lily, marlene, dorcas, alice, regulus, severus, pretty much all the students actually, mcgonagall, dumbledore, filch, mrs norris.....yeah, ok, let me rephrase my original statement. sirius and remus never saw it coming. everyone else? oh, pur-LEASE.~He sighed. "It's weird, isn't it?""What is?""The best people tend to think the worst of themselves."***disclaimer: this might surprise you, but i .... *whispers* ....... don't actually ....... own ........ harry potter .......... *cries in fangirl*nope. that right goes to j.k. rowling. this is just another muggle a.u. there are loads of them. check them out. plus the a d o r a b l e fanart on the cover isn't mine either. it belongs to space dementia, who is an artist on tumblr. if you happen to be them, i have two things to say: thank you, sorry, and the artwork is awesome. [that's three things. oh well.]however this story is mine so please don't steal it (not that i know why you would want to). apart from that, enjoy the ride folks.started: friday 2nd august, 2019finished: tuesday 10th december, 2019…