Random Art

Random Art

1,250 127 74

This is all stuff I drew on paper and decided to put into a book because why not.…

Month of Fear

Month of Fear

42 10 6

I had an idea to do a 30 day art challenge and I asked what you guys wanted and most of you seem to want the fears one. So i will be drawing one creepy fear each day for a whole month.…

The Stories of Lost Souls

The Stories of Lost Souls

145 16 8

These stories of these poor lost souls can be quite sad and disturbing this is your warning!!! Follow the paths of ten lost souls and learn what did them in…

Inktober Sketch Book

Inktober Sketch Book

56 15 7

This is literally all of my inktober sketchesIf you don't know what inktober is its where everyday you draw one thing and the final product can only be in ink…