Almost Heaven

Almost Heaven

3,240 43 3

Alfred Jones, the personification of the United States of America, is done. He is done with all of the other countries. He is done with being called names all of the time.Overall, America is done with his life. He is tired of being the laughingstock of the world. He is tired of trying to pretend everything is okay . . . Because it's not. Everything is not okay.So what does America do when he is confronted and his false smiles and webs upon webs of lies start to deteriorate?Simple - he runs away. He runs away to the last place that anybody would expect to find him. He runs away from his responsibilities, because he simply cannot handle them anymore. America runs away from the world, and, in doing so, manages to find a light where he thought there would be none. But would this light be enough to help America?…

Save His Sanity

Save His Sanity

232 11 2

Yukio Okumura is a normal human being, until a couple of weeks ago. Ever since he was possessed by his father, Satan, he became like his brother. Half-human and half-demon. He has to have special lessons with Rin now to learn to control his flames. Everyone that he once knew to be good comrades of his are now wary of him. His new powers aren't helping them to trust him, even more now that they knew he had Satan's blue flames. He has to watch as the world that he knew crumbled around him.Yukio is finding it hard to concentrate on the things that matter the most. His hidden temper is starting to flare up more than usual, and he is taking it out on his classes. His new powers are proving harder to control than he thought they would be. He works hard to control his flames as his frustration builds up slowly. Yukio is alone in his world. His classmates are immature, though good friends. His own brother doesn't even understand him. All of the exorcists are at least twice his age and don't even trust him. Yukio also has a secret. One that nobody knows, and he hopes to keep it that way. Rin's upcoming exams are starting to make him worry, mostly because Rin will not take the exams seriously. Yukio knows that if his brother, the only family he had left at this point, dies, his mind will break. His sanity, which is already to the point of stress, will break. Yukio needs something, someone, or anything to help him save himself. He needed to save his sanity. I DO NOT OWN BLUE EXORCIST OR YUKIO OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT . . . unfortunately ALSO: there will be cursing and dark themes. . .…

The Secret of Kanan Jarrus (ON HOLD)

The Secret of Kanan Jarrus (ON HOLD)

1,092 36 6

"He's gone... they're gone! Both of them! At the best moment of their lives! They never got the chance to finish...""Hush, child," the small man said, "Calm your anger. Think about before.""What good is that going to do! I'm trying to hunt a murderer, a monster, and that is going to help me?""Look deeper, harder, further... what do you see?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SEQUEL TO THE JOURNAL OF KANAN JARRUS!Book 2:A team is torn apart.Chopper, the faithful and grateful droid, powered down in a corner, unresponsive to any situations. Zeb, alone and taking up a part-time bounty hunter job. Syana, consumed in sorrow, out on the street every night. Trying to make credits by selling her body. Keeping a secret hidden. Jelica, drinking her sorrows away. In the bar every night, wasting the little money that she has. Trying to not think about the last thing to them. Sabine, drowned in sorrow, painting the scene in different ways everyday. Trying to express and rid of the sorrow. The only time that she's not in complete sadness is when she's around Ezra. But even that's not able to happen anymore. Ezra, devoted to hunting down the killer. Captured by the Empire, tortured daily. Confined in a world of anger, rage, and sorrow.Memories haunt them all. Memories of better times. But that will never happen again, not since the incident. The crew barely talks. They don't rebel against the Empire anymore, not wanting to risk what happened last time. The Ghost hasn't took off since the deaths. Sabine can't bring herself to think about rescuing Ezra, and Zeb can't either. They don't want to think about the good times. Good times turn dark rapidly, and things happen to each one of them. Bad things. But bad can turn to good at some point, right?DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN STAR WARS OR ANYTHING JUST THE PLOT AND MY OC'S. OH YEAH, UM... DARK THEMES IN THIS SO HAPPY PEOPLE BEWARE…

Miraculous Ladybug: Unveiled Secrets

Miraculous Ladybug: Unveiled Secrets

43 4 1

"Marinette, you're a close friend of Ladybug, right?"Marinette looked at Adrien in confusion, but nodded nonetheless."Next time that Ladybug comes to talk you, can you tell her something for me?" Adrien asked. "S-sure," Marinette stuttered, not believing that her crush was talking to her for this long."Tell her that Chat Noir needs to meet her on top of the Eiffel Tower at noon. He has something really important to tell her."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Marinette is juggling her duties of school and being Paris's superheroine at the same time, but her tasks of Ladybug become much heavier after Chat Noir gets hurt during battle, leaving him stranded at home for weeks. With all the pressure that is being loaded onto her shoulders, Marinette is struggling. Late night akuma fights are causing Marinette to be late, more than usual. With her late nights and long days, Marinette's school performance is dropping, which is causing her parents to keep a closer eye on her, making it hard for Marinette to do her duties of Ladybug.While his father refuses to let him out of the house until his arm healed, Adrien gets bored and frustrated very easily. Adrien and Gabriel, his father get into a heated argument one day, leading to Gabriel leaving the house in a rage. Later that day Adrien makes an amazing discovery, one that could potentially lead to the defeat of the antagonist of Ladybug and Chat Noir, Hawkmoth. With Hawkmoth more active than ever before, Paris is threatened to be taken over by evil. But evil is hard to fight when your saviors aren't there to help. When secrets are exposed, enemies and friends are made, and love blossoms, Ladybug and Chat Noir will have to step up to the task no matter what happens. The only problem that remains is this: Can Paris's superheroes do it?DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ML OR ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!…



208 19 8

I was tagged. It explains itself. The end.…

My Star Wars Rebels Dream: Pregnancy and Nutella (COMPLETE)

My Star Wars Rebels Dream: Pregnancy and Nutella (COMPLETE)

882 12 3

This is a book about my second Star Wars Rebels dream that I have had. It consists of my friend, which if you read my other book, The Journal of Kanan Jarrus, will know who she is by my Author's Notes. Basically, she does some STUFF and Kanan is there and I am there sort of like a third person POV and I was more or less a ghost. Not Hera's ship, a legit ghost. And then I had to help her deliv... ugh, you'll know of you read the book.Also this is a three-shot, maybe to be three and a half, if they even exist... I DO NOT OWN STAR WARS OR ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!!!!…

The Journal of Kanan Jarrus (COMPLETE)

The Journal of Kanan Jarrus (COMPLETE)

23,370 746 39

"I have heard that you rebel against the Empire. Is this true?"Hera stayed silent and looked at the man with disgust written all over her face. "Shame that such a pretty woman like you would betray her beloved Empire." he pressed onward."I have no love for the Empire... not after what they did to my home and all of the other planets that people call home all over this galaxy." Hera said, losing her temper."Seeing as we, the Empire that you hate so much, need information and you seem to have some... well, we are going to have to relieve you of that knowledge. You see, most prisoners like you are not that eager to give out information, so we have to extract it from them, sometimes rather painfully. Because I am kinder than the others here, I am going to give you two options. One, we painfully break you and get the information out of you. Or two, we painfully extract that information out of the man that is here with you. So... it's your choice. Which will it be?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Book 1:Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus have been operating as a duo for quite some while now after they met on Gorse. After a while together, they go on a normal supply run. Nothing can go wrong, right?Wrong! Kanan has a few problems with the Imperial forces but does safely make it back to the ship. Later that night though, Kanan has a strange vision telling him to acquire some materials. After another one of these warnings, Kanan finds them and starts to use them.So witness the events which lead up to Kanan having his mysterious vision and how he acquires these materials. Learn what happens after he starts to use these. Meet new and familiar characters and watch the rapidly growing relationship between Kanan and Hera all in this book.DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN LUCASFILMS OR DISNEY OR ANY OF THAT STUFF!COVER ART BY: lorna-ka…

My Star Wars Rebels Dream (COMPLETE)

My Star Wars Rebels Dream (COMPLETE)

317 8 1

This is a dream that I actually had one night that I vividly remember. I had the Ghost crew and specifically Ezra and Kanan fluff. And Kanera. Especially Kanera. How could you forget them?!I don't know what I had that night when I went to bed but this is an actual dream that I had. It's to weird to make up. This is a one-shot. I DON'T OWN STAR WARS REBELS OR ANY OTHER STUFF LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…