A day.. but in another Universe still in the Same Universe?

A day.. but in another Universe still in the Same Universe?

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Ever wonder what would happen if your favorite characters' arch enemies somehow just arrived out of nowhere... but then was after you?? Well, that could only also mean a few things. The fairytales we've been reading about them are true.. but then if you have the same last name as your favorite character.. you kinda guess that these people will be after you and then you really start to feel what your favorite characters go through...Continue reading and find out what this 14 year old girl does when these things just start happening!!…

Stuck in Hollywood Studios

Stuck in Hollywood Studios

12 2 1

A family of three along with two firends go to Disney World and they decide to go to Hollywood Studios for the day. What happens when a magical force is unleashed? Something pretty interesting. This magical force was something that was only able to control this group of friends that kept them on Disney property.…

Kanan and Ezra both captured with a new Friend

Kanan and Ezra both captured with a new Friend

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It was just another day on the Ghost. Kanan and Ezra were training on the roof of the ship, Sabine was painting in her room, Zeb and Chopper, were being, well, Zeb and Chopper. Hera was in the cockpit talking to Ahsoka over the transmission. "I will be sending an assist to help Kanan and Ezra on their mission." Ahsoka said to Hera. "What kind of assist?" she asked. "We'll, she's about Ezra's age, but she's not one to underestimate. Yes, she can be like ezra sometimes, but she'll do great with them." Ahsoka responded. The transmission ended there and then Hera got up to go find Kanan and Ezra. "Keep your focus, Ezra. Focus is very important when it comes to fighting the sith. They can be tricky and try to distract you. If you have your focus though, you won't be easily distracted." Kanan lectured his Padawan. "Hey. Training's over. You two have a mission, but we have to wait for Ahsoka's assist to arrive." Hera told the two who were somewhat startled to see her there. Just as Hera finish talking, a small transport arrived and a young girl with brown hair and blue eyes walked out. Ezra and Kanan watched her, unsure of who she was. Kanan recognized her the very least, but couldn't understand why. The girl was skinny and was the same height as Ezra. She walked up to Hera giving a quick look to Kanan and Ezra before looking back to Hera and speaking. "I am Rae Jarrus. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am the assist Ahsoka sent for you."…