My passion for drawing

My passion for drawing

1,127 166 25

A compilation of my drawings…

Alone with my raging thoughts - Part 2

Alone with my raging thoughts - Part 2

1,688 421 65

This is a continuation of Alone with my raging thoughts. Just more poetry and more thoughts. Like an endless pool of thoughts.…

Diary of a Forbidden Love

Diary of a Forbidden Love

600 161 105

This is a diary containing conflicting emotions of a young woman that runs deep within her soul. She fell in love with someone whom she could never be with. She knew the risks was high, but he made her feel high like she was on cloud nine and other times he made her feel like she was drowning in a stormy sea.…

Alone With My Raging Thoughts

Alone With My Raging Thoughts

2,107 424 45

Random thoughts that leaves my mind racing.…