Who wants to have angsty thoughts with me

Who wants to have angsty thoughts with me

26 0 5

Just some angsty thoughts that are not proofread…

Short Stories And More

Short Stories And More

538 18 13

Just a collection of thoughts, stories, whatever really…

Infinty Signs Are Just Eights That Couldn't Bear To Stand Any Longer

Infinty Signs Are Just Eights That Couldn't Bear To Stand Any Longer

37 4 5

"The best love is the one that makes you a better person, without changing you into someone other than yourself""The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about"cw: self-harmrated Mature for self-harm theme…

Anima (on hold)

Anima (on hold)

134 2 7

As they approached the altar, they noticed the stone was missing.'You do realize he has two of the stones now, don't you?' Airadan said. The group went silent. Haydan looked at Airadan with a straight face. 'Then we must make haste, we have to make it to the Solar temple before he does.''Can you see how long it was since he was here?' Avery asked.'I'd say about a day and a half.' Haydan replied gloomily.Airadan already made his way to the exit when he said: 'Then we have to leave now, if we want to get there in time.'What will you do when a friend you have known your entire life suddenly turns his back on you? What will you do when your beliefs are put to the test? Join the adventure in a mysterious land called Corthasia and watch as two sides clash for the future of the world. A world where conflicts are resolved using a mysterious force referred to as Anima, an energy that can be called upon by certain people called Practitioners to manipulate their aura to their will.…

My Year In America

My Year In America

437 40 21

I'm in the USA for a high school year, and this is some sort of diary about it. It's quite the trip, from Europe to the USA, but I bet it will be awesome!I hope, by writing this, I might help other people who want to do the same, and have something to read about it in a few years to remember :3…

Moonshifter High

Moonshifter High

1,701 35 20

"Welcome to Moonshifter High, the place to join a pack and become a grown up." Yeah right… Me and my BFF are in the same pack/class and it’s no fun. This place is even worse than high school! And forget about the growing up part: not even our Alpha believes in that. Alexia and Juliet are BFF’s since the time they met - they immediately had a connection and mind link. Their pack -or classmates- are all werewolf shifters. The entire school consists of shifters actually… But this whole shifter-high-school-thing is not as fun or easy as it sounds. Plus, the Golden Path Pack claims to have bought a forest nearby Juliet’s house. Will Lexi and Jules be able to survive their school years with popular Alpha Trace, annoying Beta Helmet, lazy Gamma Matt, Delta Mick and their pack mates? And will they discover the secret behind the Golden Path Pack?…

Dark Dreams, Bright Nightmares

Dark Dreams, Bright Nightmares

2,079 51 34

"They've promised that dreams can come true, but they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too"Louise is troubled by nightmares. Although she knows she knows at least one of the guys in her nightmare, she can't recognize him. She doesn't have much time to think about the nightmares though: she is the princess of her country. On top of that, she meets a golden retriever in the forest who seems to be attached to her immediately and the guy she has a crush on suddenly decides to take an interest in her, but he's not the only one. Another guy seems to follow her every step. Hate turns into love and love into hate when the guys aren't what she first thought they were. She has to make decisions while her situation isn't clear yet. The questions keep piling up and only a few are answered. Like why hasn't she had her first shift to her animal form yet, although everyone her age has? Why does she care about someone she thinks she hates? Long story short: drama, drama, and once again, drama. Will Louise be able to find out what she is, and what she wants?…

Super awesome fantasy story part two (editing)

Super awesome fantasy story part two (editing)

212 0 14

You are the werewolf daughter of Juliette and David, you became best friends with Jara and Jason’s vampire son, Joey. On the wedding day of Jara and Jason, Jason’s mother made the existence of vampires public. Therefor she is banished. Now she is very angry at Jara and wants revenge, but she is banished so what can she do, right?……

De Wederkeer

De Wederkeer

1,086 62 25

Twee geesten leefden samen in harmonie. Een witte en een zwarte. Apart al sterk, maar samen waren ze onverslaanbaar. Om niet al te veel op te vallen, namen de geesten het uiterlijk van de mensen aan. Nou zijn de mensen ook niet helemaal normaal; het zijn mensen met wolven oren en staart. Meestal nemen ze hun 'menselijke' vorm aan maar kunnen ook hun 'wolf' vorm aannemen. De gelukkige tijden duurden alleen niet lang. De twee geesten werden van elkaar gescheiden. Eeuwen gingen voorbij en de zoektocht is nog altijd bezig. Ook is het niet makkelijker geworden om elkaar te vinden. Alleen de twee geesten weten van elkaars bestaan. Er zijn dan wel legendes maar niemand gelooft daar echt in, en dat willen de geesten graag zo houden. De zwarte geest kon je altijd herkennen aan dat hij rode ogen heeft in zijn wolf vorm, maar het is steeds bruiner geworden. Nu is het een bruin met rode gloed. Zijn vacht is nog altijd gitzwart maar die kleur komt steeds vaker voor. De witte geest kan je iets makkelijker herkennen; in haar wolf vorm heeft ze een spierwitte vacht, wat wel vaak voorkomt maar de witte geest heeft diep blauwe ogen. De kleur van de ogen kan in wolf vorm verschillen van hun mens vorm. Zoals blauw, die kan je niet als wolf hebben maar wel als mens. Het zelfde geld voor het haar, het haar kan een andere kleur hebben dan de vacht maar de kleuren zitten wel altijd bij elkaar in de buurt. Daarom kan je alleen in de wolf vorm zien of iemand een gewoon iemand is, of één van de legendarische geesten.…

Super awesome fantasy story (editing)

Super awesome fantasy story (editing)

370 9 12

Once upon a time, a little girl was born. Jara. She had a normal youth. The girl grew up and now is a 16 year old young lady. At a party, she met a boy, Jason. They still have contact and they are best friends. Everything seems normal but changes when Jason comes with an unusual question. Also, Jara's birthday is coming up and a family secret is revealed.…