RecedingSerenity's Art Book

RecedingSerenity's Art Book

23,061 1,274 103

Just a collection of my crappy artwork! Most of it is mcsm art, but I'll be uploading a lot of other things!…

Cosplay Pictures

Cosplay Pictures

433 24 5

This is where I'll be posting cosplay pictures! I have a lot of fun with these, omg ^ω^…

RecedingSerenity's Memes

RecedingSerenity's Memes

7,124 320 38

...I need help XD I need a break from other story stuff to kinda clear up my writer's block, so here's a collection of stupid stuff relating to mcsm, read for some giggles and even some feels XD anything that has Jesse in it is the female version btw!…



6,671 128 13

As the title suggests, these are gonna be one-shots for MCSM! Some will be long, some will be short, but all of them will be enjoyable to read! ...Hopefully. XD I have a bunch of single word prompts I'm using, but if you have any suggestions or requests, please feel free to shoot them my way! I'll (be trying to) post one story each day. This will contain a lot of Lukesse (Female Jesse x Lukas) and Jesstra (Female Jesse x Petra), so be ready for that! I'll let you know what each story contains at the beginning. Read on, my dudes!(Oh, and the cover photo is mine! I love photo editing XD)"ADVENTURE!"…

One By One, They Fall

One By One, They Fall

614 30 3

It all happened so fast. There was news of it elsewhere, of course, but it wasn't even in the country. But...but out of nowhere, it happened. The first day there was just one. He was taken to a hospital. They should have killed him as soon as they saw the signs... All it takes is one person for it to spread. And spread it did.Jesse only hoped that she knew what she was doing to get herself out of this city, and bring her friends with her.~oOo~This is going to be a choose your own adventure story, in which i will put options at the end of each chapter, and you guys vote in the comments for what option you'd like to see done. I'm really trying to get back into mcsm so i can finish my other mcsm books too 😊…

Save Me From Me (Jesstra)

Save Me From Me (Jesstra)

14,679 437 15

"Why can't it be you for once, Jesse?! Why can't you be the one suffering?!"As soon as those words left Petra's mouth, her own eyes widened. She's never said anything like that to Jesse before... What the hell just came over her? Jesse had clasped a hand over her mouth, and what did Petra do? She had kept going. And by the time she was finished, by the time those last words had left her lips, only then did she seem to process that Jesse was in tears.Before she could even say anything else, Jesse let out the most heartbreaking sob in the world before turning and sprinting away.…

D:BH Drabbles

D:BH Drabbles

14 0 1

This is going to be my collection of Detroit: Become Human one-shots! This will contain a variety of ships, including:Connor x MarkusConnor x RK900Gavin x RK900Gavin x ConnorAnd others probably, upon request! If you ever have a request, let me know. I will do any kind of topic, too, including dark topics and smut. Some will be short, some will be long, but I hope you enjoy them!…



128 7 1

She hated it. Jesse hated this. Being cooped up in a castle all day and just...guarded as if someone were to break in and steal her away. Just because she was the princess doesn't mean she should be treated like a small child, incapable of decision making and thought. She was eighteen...It's time she started doing what she wanted, when she wanted. How well would that go, though? What with the war going on between kingdoms all over the realm, it was pretty dangerous. But was that going to stop Jesse? That would only motivate her even more.…

How the Mighty Fall

How the Mighty Fall

2,448 73 3

A Lukas x Female Jesse fic! Warning: sad things happen!•••What if Reuben had survived? What if he landed in the water and was alright? What if Jesse took his place? What if she was the one near death? If Reuben couldn't make it...could Jesse?…

Easter Surprises

Easter Surprises

187 13 1

Happy Easter everyone! Here's a cute little Lukesse story for ya! *Cover image is not mine; I only added the ears, eggs, and words!*…