Free writes

Free writes

175 11 3

My writing teacher makes my class do free writes and I'm deciding to post them. Enjoy, I'm sorry if they suck.…

Balance's Forbidden

Balance's Forbidden

52 6 1

I don` know how to describe this book because it`s rough draft but I could really use the feedback, so please read and comment.WARNING: SLOW UPDATES (extremely slow).…

Once a Roman Love

Once a Roman Love

854 27 1

Jason finally got in a good relationship with Piper, but he realized to late that that he still does and always will love Reyna. Reyna used to love Jason with everything she had but now she despises him, how will she fix this mess when she's stepping down from her place as praetor, with song! Oneshot. Only Reyna's POV at the end. Jeyna! slight jasper, even though i hate jasper. Will end with jasper-ish.…