She Who Treads Amongst the Stars

She Who Treads Amongst the Stars

2,151 67 11

My personal take on the origins of the mother who watches over from the stars. Originally from Super Mario Galaxy, Rosalina is a powerful role model who serves as the very epitome of the galaxies that remain sprinkled throughout the cosmos. She is the watchful, wise guardian of parental love to the many Lumas throughout the universe, and this alone is a worthy enough reason to improve upon her beautiful backstory. This is my own crafted version of her tale.A HUGE thank you to @ImberLapis for creating such a beautiful cover!!May the stars shine down upon you... ✨🌟🌠🌌…

Behind the Dawn

Behind the Dawn

2,630 2 1

Thanks for following along over the years. This book is no longer active.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are secrets hidden within the velvet depths of the night... Their meanings can be found beneath the clouds of sunrise. Let me show you them.Random book No. 2. A sequel to Every Rose, if you will. You know the drill: life rants, artwork, fanfic updates, fangirl gushing, memes, and other such things. Expect infrequent/random updates as I am a busy college student with a job. Tags will probably be behind. Moderate swearing included.Credit to @ImberLapis for the absolutely beautiful cover 💖Start date: 12/2019End date: 1/2022…

What He Told Her

What He Told Her

365 21 1

She just wanted to go on a journey with her Pokémon. She never wanted this.Although Hilda was left with little choice when a sinister organization known as Team Plasma begins terrorizing people and Pokémon throughout her beloved region of Unova. Her love and compassion for others ignited the flames of justice within her soul. To this end, she will do whatever it takes to protect Unova from this unnecessary evil.But who exactly is this unusual teenager she has run into twice before, wherever Team Plasma is found lurking? Is he connected to all of this trouble somehow, or are the noble ideals he preaches truly innocent? Hilda has her suspicions, but she's willing to give him the benefit of the doubt....That is, until another encounter with the mysteriously named N at the amusement park left her forever changed.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------✨Won 2nd place in the Oneshot category of the PWA 2019; Won "Best Protagonist" special award.✨✨Recommended by @The_Fall_Maiden in her book: "It's Ya Boi- Pokémon Shipping Opinions"✨…

The Void She Filled

The Void She Filled

9,398 541 25

A cold and bitter wind. An evil organization craving retribution following their failure two years prior. And a teenage girl brave enough to stand up for what is right when Unova is missing their famous heroine.Unfortunately, one small slip up from Rosa has thrown her into a desperate situation. But when her unlikely lifesaver steps in, the flames of hope remain alive and burn as brightly as ever. As the two team up during Unova's most desperate hour, Rosa soon discovers she is filling a void: both in saving her beloved region and in the boy's aching heart.Can these two save the place they love from Team Plasma's horrible schemes? Can they remain true to themselves as they suffer from the fallout?And where does the former Champion fit into all of this?~Won 3rd place in the Adventure Category (previously Romance) of the 2018 Pokémon Wattpad Awards!~~ A HUGE thank you to @ImberLapis for the beautiful cover!~~Formally known as Unova's Last Stand~…