Of Love and Duty

Of Love and Duty

74 14 8

When your Duty lies with your family, there's little space for Love. This is a lesson a young Prince has learned in the harshest manner -- This is a choice a young Witch has made to continue her line. They weren't supposed to know each other's name, only to stick to an agreement that would benefit both, in a manner or the other -- a warm body to chase Dame Death's coldness away -- a child free from ties to ensure the continuation of a bloodline of Magic.But everything changed when the names were spoken aloud-when the acquaintance was officially made. Because a known name bears the key unlocking the heart -- because a known name lets Love slip between the Prince and the Witch.However, that Love was not meant to be, or to survive across Time and Space...…

Kindling [Podestaria Book 1]

Kindling [Podestaria Book 1]

30,250 33 4

(Podestaria Book 1)As if college isn't hard enough, the seals on Inga's boosting powers are breaking!With new BF & otherworldly allies' help, Inga'll learn how to handle her Magic & outsmart the millenia-old Mage hunting her kin. Unless she dies of Magic OD first.…

Tales of Noon - Baroness Velsina

Tales of Noon - Baroness Velsina

32 4 4

A lady seeking the indipendence of her fief.A warlord wishing for his own castle.A king needing a heir.1219 Anno Noctis SplendentisWhile the lords wait to feed their daughters and nieces to King Saril, Baroness Velsina Carmillana looks for a good husband for her stepsister while finding the way to save her fief from a greedy viscount. Her plan is very simple: to marry a man who complements her abilities and with a military force strong enough to ensure Volshi's indipendence.The chosen one is Elgen Arnot, half-brother to the new Duke of Grievied and Commander of the Chaldean Falcons, the most renowed mercenary company in Vernolia. And when King Saril shows interest in Velsina's stepsister, it looks like it's only a matter of time before Volshi's safety and indipendence are assured.However, even the most carefully crafted plan can go wrong...…

Lais of Dusk - the Song Thrush

Lais of Dusk - the Song Thrush

57 2 2

Albirea must be queen, her grandmother said. It is her birthright, her duty-her late mother's ambition. She will be strong, cope with humiliation, and swallow her tears to get there.But a song thrush among yellow roses hums of a different life, of a dream of her own, as tempting as a siren's song. And betrayal may lie where it hurts the most.…

Kindling [IT]

Kindling [IT]

162 3 1

(libro primo della serie "Podestaria")Se laurearsi col massimo dei voti dipende su quanto Virginia Bergman lavori duro, e l'essere ammessa in un esclusivo programma internazionale è soprattutto una questione di fortuna, non c'è altro che lei possa fare oltre che aspettare per non essere selezionata dal Ministero degli Affari soprannaturali. Infatti, Virginia non deve che far passare un altro anno, superare un ultimo test confermi la sua classe magica e tutte le sue preoccupazioni svaniranno. E che anno eccitante sarà! L'inizio dell'università, incontrare nuovi amici, vivere lontano da casa... e perché non anche un ragazzo?Ma in un anno può accadere tutto e il contrario di tutto.Quanbdo i poteri di Virginia iniziano a crescere improvvisamente, non solo lei deve affrontare una malattia magica potenzialmente fatale e l'interesse del governo, ma dalle profondità dei suoi ricordi dimenticati riemerge una minaccia più grande a minacciare lei e i suoi sogni.…

The Child

The Child

41 0 1

A Man. A Child. and a Cat who wants its payment.A story in comic script format…

Podestaria - Blooming [Wattys2017]

Podestaria - Blooming [Wattys2017]

11,730 66 5

[Book 2 of Podestaria series] [Wattpad Featured Story]Virginia is not having a good summer. First, the Office for Supernatural Affairs bars her from her dream, then her abusive ex-boyfriend has returned to town - and wants her back. And what does her beloved Biagio do? He leaves her behind and goes on a one year trip.She thinks things couldn't be worse. Until she has a brush with death. Her saviour wants Virginia to pay her debt at once and Virginia just knows he's not revealing the whole truth about her role in an ancient rite. There's more at stake than her life and Virginia has to make the ultimate choice - be herself or accept her role as Podestaria. Or can she possibly be both?…

A Birthday To Remember

A Birthday To Remember

8 1 1

Check out my Wattpad birthday story to celebrate 10 years of stories!…

Not a date

Not a date

102 10 2

{Podestaria's 5k reads kirific}Finally, Detective Robert 'Bob' Bergman got the gut to ask the MILF-- ah-hem, lady out. Will he succeed in conquering her heart or will he stay a...... thirtirgin?No, wait. He's a thirtirgin?! NO WAY!…

Back to the Future

Back to the Future

146 20 4

Trueth never meant to cross the Portal, yet when she thought she was stuck in the Past, she gets a chance to go back home.…



112 13 6

An anthology of short, claimless stories.…

God of Cocktails

God of Cocktails

83 12 1

Once upon a time, he distributed soberness and drunkenness at whim. Now he’s the bartender at Camellia Hotel’s Lounge Bar.…

Everything's fine

Everything's fine

187 43 8

Eugene Sauveterne is a sixteen-year-old who's quite happy with his life: he likes D&D live sessions, he has the best boyfriend ever and, after three year of dueling, he can claim the Best Student's title for himself. However, why does he feel so annoyed and uneasy when he finds out what's behind Virginia Bergman's bad grades?This is a Podestaria spin-off and probably the most emotionally and physically difficult story to write.…

Va tutto bene

Va tutto bene

11 1 1

Eugene Sauveterne è un sedicenne insolitamente soddisfatto della sua vita: adora partecipare ai live di D&D, ha un ragazzo fantastico e, dopo tre anni di duelli a colpi di compiti in classe e interrogazioni, può considerare definitivamente suo il titolo di Primo della classe. Eppure, perché non riesce a fare a meno di sentire fastidio e disagio quando scopre il perché dietro ai brutti voti della sua rivale, Virginia Bergman?Questa side story di Podestaria, in cui esploro il passato di Virginia, partecipa al "Dispetto Contest" indetto dal gruppo FB Io scrivo su EFP.…

Wishing Well  { Les Retrouvailles des Amants }

Wishing Well { Les Retrouvailles des Amants }

122 5 1

He doesn’t have your family’s trademark weatherly eyes – not your Lady Aunt’s stormy or your own rainy-Spring-day grey, neither your father’s Mid¬summer-afternoon-bright-sky blue. He has his eyes, a blue so deep it almost looks purple, the colour of lapis lazuli or the indigo hue. And then you cannot avoid wondering… how much will he grow to look like him? Will he have his chestnut hair, so thick and soft it’s almost a crime? Will he stand like him, tall and proud and grave as a judge – a king – on the brink to sen¬tence a man to death? Will his stride scythe air and rain and fog like his? Will he have that switchblade smile of his, the smile you still fear and love and wish for you alone?{A Thalde ficlet, because Biagio's parents simply are *ç*}…