Facts About Me

Facts About Me

50 2 3

read the title…

My Oc's

My Oc's

694 47 28

this book is mainly for my ocs. so yeah…

Questions About Upcoming Sonic Oc's

Questions About Upcoming Sonic Oc's

21 4 2

just like the title says!…

My Opinions On The IDW Sonic The Hedgehog Comics
Scenarios (For Role-Plays)

Scenarios (For Role-Plays)

23 2 2

it says it all in the title.…

"A Wild Love" SonAmy [Wild West Version] (coming soon)

20 1 1

it all started with a small misunderstanding. Amy was the Sheriff of a small town and let's just say that there wasn't a lot of outlaws there. so she could go about her day and take it easy. Sonic on the other hand was a outlaw. and he was wanted in a lot of towns but what happens when a other outlaw frames Amy for a killing he/she did. and now Amy is now forced to work alongside a wanted criminal but will they fall in love or will she take him in when everything's settled? find out in "A Wild Love"…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Role-Play

Red Dead Redemption 2 Role-Play

33 0 1

if you ever played the game or seen other people play it then you know what it's about.…

Sonic Boom Roleplay

Sonic Boom Roleplay

5 0 1

if you ever watched the show then you know what's it's happens in it…

Disney Role-Play

Disney Role-Play

4 0 1

just to let you know that I haven't seen some of the movies but i'll let you know which ones I haven't seen but if you know Disney then you know about the characters!…

"My Mate For Life" Werewolf RolePlay

248 13 3

in this roleplay. my oc's pack and your oc's pack have to work together if they want to stop a rogue wolves. but your oc's parents and my oc's parents have decided to make a deal. a deal that involves our oc's becoming mates and getting married as well. but what's the problem with that? our oc's parents didn't even tell our oc's about the deal and about four weeks before they became mates and to be officially married. our oc's are about to meet? the big question is. will they even like each other and how will this all play out?…

Semi WWE Roleplay

Semi WWE Roleplay

14 1 2

if you don't know what Semi means then please look it up. I honestly don't know how to explain it.…

"My One And Only Love" Medieval Role-Play

92 5 3

In this Your Oc is a Prince/Princess and my oc is the captain of the guards and your oc is supposed to marry a prince/princess (depends on the gender of your oc) but the problem is your oc is in love with my oc and almost every night you both meet up in secret and it's 'kinda' forbidden for a prince/princess to marry someone other then that. and if the king & queen found out about it. then there would be a big chance of my oc getting killed. will they be able to be together without worrying or will the rules keep them apart?…

"I Don't Wanna Lose You" Yåōî Role-Play

11 1 1

hopefully everyone will enjoy this. and I figured that someone would probably ask me to make this. so here it is…

"Gangster's Paradise" {RolePlay}

56 3 2

in this roleplay. my oc becomes the Mafia boss after his father dies and your oc is in a abusive relationship and when you try to break up with him. he beats you and later on you meet my oc and you tell him about what happened and about four months later. you start to fall in love with him but your not sure on how to tell him but you can decide if your oc is a part of a other Mafia gang or just a normal girl/guy.…