The best summer ever

The best summer ever

11 1 1

I had a the best summer ever this summer! I mean I have had great summers before but this summer was the best so far because I got to spend it with @skythedragon_qwerty and her little brother . We went to the pool (a lot) and went for walks and bike rides and we even drove by her old house. I think the best part about her visit was being able to be in the same room with her and listen to her amazing stories and laugh at all of her jokes ( she's very funny, I think she gets that from her dad!) we had the best time playing video games and she even drew a few dragons for me . My summer was great and I hope we can do that again soon!…

Cat Poems

Cat Poems

185 9 2

This is a book of poems about my cat, and just cats in general.…



10 2 1

Salem is the cat that always greets me when I walk past the flower shop. I always stop in to say hello.…

Dragon drawing contest

Dragon drawing contest

13 3 1

This is my dragon for the contest. I am really bad at drawing dragons! @skythedragon_qwerty…



4 1 1

I don't much care for mornings. Mornings I think exist only to remind me of how comfy my bed really is and how much I miss it. Why does it take so long to wake up once you get out of bed and it only takes a few minutes to fall asleep? I am convinced humans evolved from sloths. I can sleep all night and all day on my off days and just the thought of getting up early makes me violently ill. If I become president I will start a campaign to do away with mornings . I'm also tired of bumping into things in the house once I get up. Just staying in bed could save your bones from potentially breaking. I can't even hit the target with my spoon when I'm eating cereal in the morning ( I must have an eating problem) or maybe I'm just allergic to mornings. I don't care for mornings at all.…