SWA | Promotion Book S3 & S4

SWA | Promotion Book S3 & S4

1,424 277 31

Welcome to The "Support Wattpad Authors" Promotion Book again!You're still a new author and unnoticed? It's okay, it's just the beginning. We will help you out with that!All you have to do is fill in the submission form, follow the instructions, and just like that, your book is going to be part of this new community.…

SWA | Promotion Book S1 & S2

SWA | Promotion Book S1 & S2

7,472 1,810 114

Welcome to The "Support Wattpad Authors" Promotion Book.You're still a new author and unnoticed? It's okay, it's just the beginning. We will help you out with that!All you have to do is fill in the submission form, follow the instructions, and just like that, your book is going to be part of this new community.…

SWA | Beginner's Writing Decoded

SWA | Beginner's Writing Decoded

711 165 9

How often have you felt sleepy while reading a book and how many times you eat your head trying to figure out where exactly your story has gone wrong? We all have hit a bump like this in our lives, havn't we? "She went to the bus-stop, hopped on to the bus, sat at the window seat. Then she reached school and went for her classes. After her classes during the recess, she chatted with her two best friends". Aren't you wondering why this excerpt is a plain bore? Thinking of which what is exactly wrong with it! Answer is, basically everything! Because it becomes a snooze fest when you give hourly updates to your readers.Instead of telling that your protagonist is very tensed about his exam results, why not show it. "He bit his nails and felt a growing ache within his belly, 'God please let me pass', he prayed". The magic of this is, it helps your audience feel the emotions of the protagonist.Curious to know how to overcome those aforementioned obstacles and tell a convincing tale? Worry not, help is right in your hands, well within your phone, in the Wattpad app or on your computer screen.This is a self-support book into debunking the many codes of sound story-telling that will enable you to not only master the art but also excel at it.So why the wait??…