Elandria, The Web of Destiny

Elandria, The Web of Destiny

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They say history is written by the victors, but some history is a little more grey than the black and white of winners and losers. There is a large grey between hero/villain, legends begin where story and history meet, at the convergence of Myth and account. The story of Elandria cannot be told without the history, myths, and legends, of the figures who made it all worth writing down in the first place. This particular history, begins where the unlikeliest of souls become intertwined in the web of destiny:Survivor is a caring, protective motherly type. As a goliath, her massive stature and physical prowess allows her to keep those she cares about safe. She won't fail at it again.Tinkerer on the other hand, while still also a goliath, comes from a different background. He's much smaller and younger with great ideas for innovations. His tribe didn't accept progress but maybe someone else in the world will.Vigilantes like Aaron, a strong human blacksmith, are not born, they're made out of necessity. He acted too late to save his family and won't make the mistake of leaving the destiny of his family to fate again. On the other hand fate was a blessing to the tiefling Tiamus and Human Navirah, as it brought them together on the complex road of chance. Like a perfect fit of opposites they instantly became close. His ruthless and imposing personality mixes with her caring calm well.Saemon has a lot more wisdom than he should for a 12 year old human boy. He's incredibly smart and has a bright future ahead of him while trying to rebuild everything he lost.And last but not least Peyt is a free and colorful Lizardfolk with a soul of gold. She comes from a completely different world but brings it with her in her own ways.***Message from the author***Hey guys!! thanks for giving this a look, I wanted to write down an adventure I thought up and share it online! so please tell me what you think! feel free to correct any poor writing, I'm not a writer I'm a storyteller.…