Death's Successor

Death's Successor

2 0 2

Who is Death?…

Don't Drive Alone

Don't Drive Alone

4 0 1

What happens when a Girlfriend asks her boyfriend to not drive alone down an empty highway to go see his family? How bad could it be? What could go wrong?…

The Cycle

The Cycle

1 0 1

What happens when a man is given the shot at eternal life? Everything comes with a price, so what's the price of living forever, never aging?…

The Sisters

The Sisters

1 0 1

What happens when two sisters are taken when aliens invade?…

The Painting

The Painting

1 0 1

What happens when greed takes over, and lightning strikes? Will death follow? Will they be safe?…

The End

The End

1 0 1

A disease has wiped out most of humanity. This depicts three different people in the setting out of the last few hundreds alive.…

The Carnival

The Carnival

13 0 1

A carnival comes to town every September, but what happens when things go awry, and people get hurt?…

An Artist's Work

An Artist's Work

1 0 1

Just some time in the life of an artist. I am not a professional artist, I just thought it'd make for a neat story.…

A Long Day

A Long Day

1 0 1

Take a peek into the life of a teenager with anxiety.…

A Dragon's Life

A Dragon's Life

5 0 1

A generalization of a dragon's life from the beginning.…

Picture Perfect Family

Picture Perfect Family

25 0 6

What happens when the Picture Perfect Family isn't so perfect?…

A Strange Child

A Strange Child

84 1 7

What happens to a little girl who was born different? What does she do that is so terrifying? Why is this little girl considered a "monster"?…

Finding A Home

Finding A Home

50 0 10

Samantha's P.O.V.Hi, my name's Samantha. When I was just a baby my parents left me in an orphanage. When I was about four I started to develope powers. This was something that had never happened before, other than if you were an experiment, or if you were Superman. Anyway, I could melt things, freeze them, move things without touching them, I could speak to people through their mind and no one else would know, stuff like that. I had no idea why I could do these things but I could. Other kids in the orphanage became scared of me, mostly cause I couldn't control my powers. Even the headmistress of the orphanage was afraid. At the time however I had no idea why I couldn't play with the other kids, so it made me sad. Eventually I was given my own room, I would write and draw and I had asked the headmistress to teach me how to read and she did. I stayed till I was ten, then I ran. I knew no one would follow me, so I just ran.(part of the story. Samantha, John, and Thomas are the only original characters in this story. So far. All others belong to Marvel.)…

Being A Witch (A Forbidden Romance)

Being A Witch (A Forbidden Romance)

675 62 13

A romance between a Witch girl and a Native boy. A forbidden love. A sad past.Is there a Happily Ever After for these two?If you want to know the answer to that read the book.My first really long story to be published online.…

Monster in the Wood

Monster in the Wood

53 7 6

A town where children are stuck in windowless rooms during dark hours and adults wear blindfolds. A story about a girl named Samantha who lost her friend to "The Monster in the Wood." She goes into the woods on a dare and goes missing. Find out what happens. Find out what the true "Monster in the Wood" is.…

John's Blast From The Past

John's Blast From The Past

3 1 1

John was a very lonely man other than his german shepherd dog, he had never been married and the only time he had a girlfriend was in tenth grade when he was sixteen. You will learn more about the girl later in the story so be patient.This is a part of the story, read about John and see where his life takes him.…

How The World Started

How The World Started

25 2 1

This is about how the world started. But that should be obvious. This is a short original story and I hope you like it. It is kid friendly, a bit sad but not a lot and I think it's adorable but that's my opinion and it is my story so, I can say what I want.…

The Pup Lost In Time (A Legend)

The Pup Lost In Time (A Legend)

20 5 5

This particular story is more of a legend, you could say. It's about a female wolf who learns about powers she has but never knew, and creates a new kind of being. I based this story off of something I did on animal jam. DON'T JUDGE ME! I like the game so leave me alone.…

My Harry Potter

My Harry Potter

68 10 9

This is about a girl, with abnormal abilities and a gift. Will she get the schools famous boy? Does she fall for him? Does he fall for her? Find out yourself.Credit for all characters accept for Samantha Star given to J.K. Rowling, as well as parts of the story.…