The Pieces We Kept - ON HIATUS

The Pieces We Kept - ON HIATUS

69 11 2

THIS BOOK IS ON HIATUSAmintyre week is approaching, a sacred festival to the Eldritchs. Mavishyanep, "Mavi," is a young Eldritch woman, part of the many young adults who will "rise" into the next generation, and have their achievements etched in the book of Recollection. She wants to squeeze in one last accomplishment by going where no rising eldritch has gone: to the underland known as Earth. But her family tells her that simply isn't done. The risks are too high, and the creatures living there are too weak to withstand the natural strength of the eldritch. But Mavi has never been one to follow orders. And when she catches sight of a human down there, she's more fascinated than ever. Going to Earth will be the greatest experience Mavi has ever known, she's sure of it. It definitely won't trigger a whimsical romance that ends in heartbreak.*****ROMANCE READERS BEWARE - THIS BOOK DOES NOT HAVE A HEA…

Dried Autumn Leaves

Dried Autumn Leaves

55 10 4

A companion piece to Scattered Rose Petals, this poetry anthology focuses on the brittler emotions a young adult often encounters. The themes in this collection are a bit darker, bitter and cynical, but there are splashes of color and hope. Life isn't over yet, and it's ours to make of it.…

House Ghost ONC 2022 LONGLISTER

House Ghost ONC 2022 LONGLISTER

846 235 11

Curiosity killed the cat. Or at least that's what a young ghost woman, Grey, tells herself everyday, feeling the same tug to know more about the human world. There's only one problem: the lights. The same lights that has made her kind extinct and has made her avoid any humans in her building. She's managed to balance her survival instincts and her curiosity for so long. But one day she makes a single error that brings her closer to a human than she ever wanted to be. Now she'll have to give up the life she's made for herself or fight the light to save her home.Let sleeping dogs lie. That's what college dropout Justin tells himself everyday, ignoring the issues piling up in his life. He's made it work this long. But one day he comes across something totally out of place in his world, and it's only the first of many. Now he has to either accept there's a stalker living in his house, or that his mind is unraveling. They're both running out of time. *ONC 2022 LONGLISTERONC Prompts used: 64, 70**Credit to @stella_vigo for the amazing, beautiful cover!**Credit to @ladyloki34 for the lovely lovely chapter banner!…

Scattered Rose Petals - A Collection of Poems

Scattered Rose Petals - A Collection of Poems

520 217 15

Welcome to my words.These are not perfect or beautiful. They're the dark, broken confused ramblings of a young adult who didn't have a voice. I hope they give some light or meaning to another young adult out there. If these stir anything in you, please leave some words so I know this isn't just spinning in the void. Thanks for your care.This work contains themes of depression, abuse, and self-destruction at varying forms. Be mindful of your mental health.…