Aesthetic Memories

Aesthetic Memories

132 22 2

[AN ENGLISH ONE SHOT STORY] 'All we have is now.'In the near distant future where technology is almost abundant to everyone anywhere how could one person distinguish what is virtual and what is reality? Could technology replace everything that a human lacks? It is true that humans perfected technology, from programming, engineering and design. They build such wonderful craft to make life easier, to connect people around the globe; 'to have the world in the palm of your hand.' But there's one fact that even technology couldn't fill in, for humans are still flawed and a void in a person's heart isn't the same as how technology demands a software and hardware update. In this new world, how could one person cope up? How could one person catch up to this fast phased generation? Will you still choose to be the person you were? Or will you choose to upgrade yourself setting aside what machines don't have... Aesthetic emotions.Aesthetic connection. Aesthetic Memories. Completed : 01.28.21A One Shot Story by Hannah Redspring (aka Scarlett Summers) [PUBLISHED IN WATTPAD, DREAME AND WEBNOVEL ONLY]…



191 35 4

[AN ENGLISH SHORT STORY]"Love brings in the light whenever darkness corrupts the heart."Mia lived with her father for years without the presence of her mother. She doesn't have a normal childhood, for everyone sees her as an unwanted child who brings misfortune towards other people.Around the people who don't accept her, Mia's father has always been there for him, loving her unconditionally hiding a secret that he promised to take to his grave.But then one night changes through a dream.A calling from the unknown.For Mia's mother has returned to claim back what hers.Periapt is a Latin word for 'rare a charm' or 'amulet.'COMPLETED : 10.22.22THREE PARTS | TOTAL WORD COUNT : 2000[PUBLISHED ON WATTPAD ONLY]…

Sealed Deal

Sealed Deal

173 17 2

[A ONE SHOT STORY]'People say that if you meet your doppelganger, it would bring you bad luck. It would cost you death and by the time you lose your breath, it would become theirs.'Everyone has their own shadow, there are some who were afraid of it and some hated it.But not Meghan.For all of her life, she was kept in the dark until it rots her heart.From the darkness, Meghan made a pact with her own shadow in exchange for her heart's desire.To claim back what life stolen from her.Completed : 10.10.22[PUBLISHED IN WATTPAD ONLY]…

Evelyn's Home

Evelyn's Home

91 14 2

[A ONE SHOT ENGLISH STORY] "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."On the day of her wedding, Evelyn sees the man that promised her a life of forever. She knew to herself that she loved him, for he was her fiance for years.However, is it possible for one to love two people at once?If she were to choose, to whom will she pour her heart out?To the one that loved her all his life?Or to the person whom she truly desires?What kind of love will lead her back home?🏡Completed : 05.20.22Write-A-thon Prompt Winner for June 2022 hosted by @AmbassadorsPh…

Beneath the Hues of Monochrome

Beneath the Hues of Monochrome

38 6 2

[A ONE SHOT ENGLISH STORY] "All people are entitled to love, there's no gender, race, or status that could divide them. Love doesn't judge someone for it. For love accepts you for who you are."Louis has a crush on someone who is different than him since he was in grade school. He's contentend to support the person he likes from afar without interacting with his crush not until college. From the shade of monochrome, sudden colors emerge from one person who couldn't express his emotions freely as pain and love collides in one's heart.Who would have thought that Louis sees how colorful this love could be in the eyes of someone he thought different from him?✨✨✨Completed : 02.20.22…