

228 12 1

where selveyet waffles about everything and anything 🤭😻💪🏽…

my testimony

my testimony

470 58 1

i just want anyone who's been in my situation to know that you're here for a reason, that there is a purpose for your life because my God doesn't make mistakes.and i didn't do a thing except have my heart open to Him, to have accepted His son as my saviour. to believe that Jesus truly died for me. that i wasn't too far gone to be saved/healed/loved. and neither are you <3…

IN DEEP, on the court #1

IN DEEP, on the court #1

233,531 6,136 30

⋆ ˚ 。▐ 𝚰𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐄𝐏.❝ I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE BAMBI. I'M IN DEEP FOR YOU. ❞ ━━━ KAEDE HAYASHI 𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐄𝐓𝐓𝚰.Daughter of David and Boipelo Moetti. The media calls her the "Mantra Ray". She's used to being under fame's spotlight, especially now that she's been recruited to be on England's women's swim team. It's one of many goals that she's been working towards since she was eleven and if she stays on track, she'll achieve her dream of being at the Olympics. Her parents aren't helping with the pressure, but she knows she can do this, she has it all planned out━ but she doesn't predict a certain grump entering her orbit.𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐃𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐒𝐇𝚰.Son of Kaito and Hanako Hayashi. The media calls him "the UK's rising basketball star". He's been under the media's gaze since he was born, especially since he's following his father's footsteps in becoming a basketball great. He's already halfway there since he's this year's basketball captain. All he has to do is lead his team to victory and be scouted by an American team before the school year ends. It's a lot of pressure, but he's sure he can handle it and stay focused━ until a certain swimmer crosses his path and he can't stay away. ━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━❝ His thumb stroked down my throat and my breath hitched as he took in the paint I'd decorated my face with for his match."Beautiful." He didn't even seem like he was aware that he'd let out the mumble. "Can I?"I only noticed my mouth was dry when I tried to speak, so I swallowed. "Can you what?" A corner of his lips tugged up as his thumb brushed over his number on my cheek. "Kiss you. You'd be supporting me even more if you wore something of mine, Bambi." ❞❪ DUAL POV / CHRISTIAN BOARDING SCHOOL SPORTS ROMANCE / CHECK TW'S ❫…