Guardian core (Book 1 of: potentially many)

Guardian core (Book 1 of: potentially many)

4,040 142 17

Welcome, you will soon find yourself integrated into our interdimensional experiment- herein shall you find yourself a being specifically designed to gather data about some part of the world based entirely on the already native beings of the plane. You have been selected to FuncTioN as a Dung/-e0407 3rror-***... Due to system crash, user connection has been severed from main server. Data will continue to be gathered, and rescue shall be attempted- warning, user has dual purpose due to incomplete assignment. 1. Function as dungeon core, gather information on monsters, magic, and war. 2. Function as guardian/patron of a recently discovered, recently developed sentient species.Locations- within 1 sq. mile of each other. Congratulations, grow until you are found and revived- otherwise you will die.-End Briefing.…

Do Alphas Apologize? (A Cat's and Dog's book)

Do Alphas Apologize? (A Cat's and Dog's book)

328 66 17

Sixteen year-old Geoffrey Gaidensen grew up a bit different from the other kids. His brother and three sisters all led normal lives, and they graciously fed the stray Siamese cat that came around every now and then; but Geoffrey himself was a fairly distant child. That happens when you live in a family with five kids and divorced parents. He never sees the stray his siblings feed; not unless he happens to look in a mirror. Geoffrey was a were, and all his siblings were normal humans. His mother wasn't aware of her sons gift, and his father was rarely allowed to visit them, though he was fighting to get a few of his kids under his custody. All this changes one fateful day when he sees a stray cat being chased by other cats. He normally wouldn't care, but more joined in the chase as it progressed, and he found himself following a pride of felines all chasing one single grayish tabby. He watched from a corner as they cornered the other feline, and then waited. Then he saw one of the boys shift. Now he's struggling to stay out of the way, trying to evade the boys that know his secret, each of whom has one of their own. His life will only grow more nightmarish with every draconian encounter, and every human authority that finds him out as submissive. Will he succumb and be drowned in the sea of pressure from this ancient world? Or will he manage to save himself, and learn to live in this new hell he's stuck in?…

Guardian Core Lore

Guardian Core Lore

25 0 1

Lore for my book: Guardian Core. Hopefully it's enjoyable.…

Shield the Light (Cursed of the Night)

Shield the Light (Cursed of the Night)

1,631 9 8

This is an RP. Feel free to make a story based on this idea, but please credit this book. Have fun. :)Countless generations ago, before recorded history, a girl and her brother looked up at the moon. They swore that they'd get there, and so they set out to try. As the moon rose, many weeks of traveling later, the girl pointed to a mountain and she and her brother ran to reach the summit before the moon set. As the sun began to rise and the moon was moments from setting, the girl jumped onto the moon and turned back to reach for her brother. He caught her hand and held on for dear life, but then his hand- sweaty from the run- slipped and he fell. Laying on the ground, broken and with crushed hopes and dreams, he swore he'd never forgive his sister for dropping him, and that he'd never bleed again. His sister, using the moon as she tried to save her brother, brought him life until he could catch the moon- making the first vampire. In doing so, a small brush of the lunar dust landed on a nearby wolf, and made the first of the werewolves. The boy, now undying and hurt by the sun, swore to kill the wolf and his sister both, a part of his soul having stayed on the moon. And so generations passed until the modern day- the girl now a goddess and her brother a god, but their descendants still fighting- though in an uneasy truce. Now, vampire royals and werewolf royals are forced into marriages every fifty years to keep a blood-truce, the only way to keep every race from being wiped out. Though the modern day has it's conveniences, some yearn for the old days of bloodshed and plot to destroy the centuries old truce. The gods os moon and stars are also moving to try and end this war, though their actions are more subtle.…

Dead Zone

Dead Zone

183 9 6

Nicholas Flammel died, leaving all of his alchemical work behind for his son. When his son misread an ingredient in Nicholas' spell to create the Philosophers stone, The spell worked, and he was ecstatic. Then he hid. Now it is the modern day, people have almost no magic, and the rare few that do have very weak, almost useless abilities. Now, a group must gather- for the planet itself is rejecting this reality, and a magical jumpstart is about to hit humanity- those with magic will be the lucky ones, if this happens while magic is as weak as it is. Your job is to save humanity by restoring magic.Can you find the son of The immortal, Nicholas Flammel?…

Of glorious demons and unholy angels

Of glorious demons and unholy angels

1,275 209 47

A series of poems that describe the beauty hiding in tragedy, and the disgusting truth about lovely things. Every rose has pricking thorns, every soul bares demon hate, if a devils eye you've caught, the storm is sure to abate.…



52 9 3

I'll update this now and then. :3It'll just be a bunch of what if situations and such, unless someone requests something. I'll write almost anything you ask me to, so don't be afraid to ask. :3…

It's a zoo in here!

It's a zoo in here!

153 13 6

A bunch of one-shots and stories based on the Cat's and dog's world. Anything that you guys request in that book or chapter one here, I'll see if I can write it. Enjoy!…

Cat's and Dog's

Cat's and Dog's

726 79 11

Hey! This is my first swing at a shifter story, that's a nickname for a story involving primarily shapeshifters. I hope you like it, and I hope it turns out okay!-�-�-�-What happens if you meet a witch at school? What happens when she gives you advice about your health? And what happens when, after she's done that, something... primal... wakes up inside you? Well, this is one idea, and most likely the most stupid way of dealing with the problem. But hey, humans are suckers for idiocy. Who's for a road trip? :3…

RandomStuffIX:Rogue admins

RandomStuffIX:Rogue admins

822 135 42

Randomness is sacred in that all creation is formed by its infinite creativity.The name is an inside joke for me and some friends of mine. You know who you are if you get this books title. :)…