Sisters In Christ Meeting Book (OSB)

Sisters In Christ Meeting Book (OSB)

3,056 495 39

Where we meet, update, our lives, pray, write Bible study's, and discuss current hot topics! In this book, it's basically all you need to make friends, have fun, discuss the Bible, and unite! We are God's children, called to serve Him and gather together as a army of believers to set away temptations and help others out. In God's will we pray this will set no discord amongst the brethren but do the exact opposite- cause love toward our sisters in Christ! This book is by all of SistersInChrist('s) Advanced Members.…

*Bible Study* Tips, Tricks, and Hacks (MoreThanHope)

*Bible Study* Tips, Tricks, and Hacks (MoreThanHope)

207 23 2

Hey guys! It's your girl @MoreThanHope here sharing some Bible study stuff that I've learned! Hope you enjoy!…

The Prayer Chamber (OSB)

The Prayer Chamber (OSB)

125 12 2

Need prayer? Your at the right place! <3 Wanna pray for somebody? Your at the right place! <3…