Something Real #NaNoWriMo

Something Real #NaNoWriMo

10,886 236 14

"You're Angel's daughter." I nodded as my eyes ever so obviously raked over his toned body. His abdomen was on full display, and I felt myself getting caught in the gentle v that lead below the hemline of his low riding sweat pants. The plaid shirt hanging off his right shoulder was billowing with the air conditioning that continued to escape from the open door, pressing the fabric against his bare peck."And you're?" He shook his head in the most dismissive way, "Hayden. Of the New York Pennington's."If we hadn't just met, and if he was being less of an ass, I might have laughed."You're Elias' son," I said. "In the flesh." Follows the lives of Scarlett Blaine and Hayden Pennington as news of their parents getting married quickly changes their lives forever.◦Ongoing◦Rewrite - original is on my profile! © Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.…

The Buddies Rule | ✓

The Buddies Rule | ✓

195,919 6,374 35

[Complete - Wattpad Featured Story April 2018 ]"You have a contract?" Chase ripped the papers out of Lewis' hands. "And you signed it?" "It's a good idea, Chase." I shrugged, resting my hands in my lap. "I just want things to go back to normal.""And you chalk the fighting up to sexual tension between the two of us? That makes a whole lot of sense," he scoffed."No, I just think this protects us from having that kind of conversation. What if Lewis found out he had feelings for me-""Or for Chase." Lewis added in with a seductive smile. "It always starts with a hand on the shoulder."-Bree Hendly's life had never been truly complicated. She had her father, she had her best friend Chase, and she had her writing to keep her sane. But that didn't mean that everything would always be so simple.The second Lewis Doolan and Alan Green inserted themselves into her life, she knew that things would change. Her best friend and secret crush begins to pull away, only for her to find out that Alan also holds a hidden love for her... Or so Lewis says.With this new knowledge of love under the two's belts, Bree and Lewis must find a way to keep these bubbling feelings hidden, or it could cost them the best friendships of their lives. Their solution? Create a rule, one that prohibits any, and all relationships outside of the friend zone. Though even if Bree and Lewis think they have things all figured out, Chase and Alan each have a plan of their own; One that includes capturing the heart of Bree Hendly for themselves, no matter what the cost may be.-◦Winner of The Rubik's Story Award in the 2017 Prose Fiction Awards.◦Completed!◦Sequel - The Distance Theory - is now on Wattpad!© Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.…

The Distance Theory

The Distance Theory

17,888 627 10

[ Book 2 in The Buddies Rule Series ]Bree Hendly's life has only gotten more and more complicated since the start of her junior year of college. Now, with the sudden departures of her two best friends, she's starting to find that things aren't as easy as they once were.With a new semester in a new city underway, Bree and Lewis must find a way to keep their heads held high; and what better way to move on from their past then to create a rule, one that prohibits any and all contact with those who have left them behind.But just when things are beginning to work out for the two, word gets back to them about one deed that can't be undone, and one that will change the way they look at their two best friends forever.Will the distance between these four best friends help ease the pain of losing one another? Or will the group be forced to come to terms with all that's happened since the start of this year?-◦Sequel to The Buddies Rule.◦Ongoing. Updates coming 2019!© Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.…

Something Real

Something Real

1,461,195 39,110 45

[ Complete. Highest Ranking #3 in Chick-lit!]"Do I have permission to grab your ass, sexy?" Hayden teased. My face wrinkled in disgust."Gross," I muttered. His body was pressed tightly up against my own when he began to sway us back and forth."Ease up, Blaine," Hayden whispered. "You always look so tense. Mystery man might think we're faking this.""Oh what a shame that would be," I sighed dramatically. Hayden rolled his eyes, "you want him, don't you? You want him to notice you and get jealous that you're with another guy?" "Yeah, I guess.""Then loosen the fuck up, Blaine. I want a dance partner, not a mannequin."-In Scarlett Blaine's twenty-one years, all she had wanted was to find love; and evidently, her mother had been looking for the same thing. Though Scarlett is still searching, her mother manages to capture the heart of one Beverly Hills lawyer who is utterly crazy about her.What Scarlett didn't expect was for the small Blaine family to move into said lawyer's lavish mansion. What shocked her further, was finding out that Elias Pennington's two sons would be bunking with them, too.Still getting to know one another, Hayden Pennington notices that Scarlett is in need of a romantic adviser, and see's himself perfect for the job. With Hayden on the search for a real relationship for Scarlett, the two find that there may be something between the two of them that they just can't stop. Though these feelings, are one real thing Scarlett never planned on finding.-◦Books 2 and 3 are now on Wattpad.◦Spin-off, Gentlemen's Guide, was featured in the Winter Wattpad Block Party February 2018! GG to be released 2019!© Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.…

Featured Author | Contests 2019

Featured Author | Contests 2019

9,514 582 66

Currently Open Contest? Summer Featured List and Featured Author for May are both accepting submissions now! Check out the latest chapter for more information on submitting! Check out the latest chapter for more details on the most recent contest.Here you can enter a variety of contests (exclusive to my followers) for the chance to be featured on my website {Shay Writes Smiles}, as well as my Wattpad and Twitter profiles. Contests include: one-shots, character submissions, and the monthly Featured Author.Thank you all for checking out these exclusive contests!…

Something New | Discontinued

Something New | Discontinued

33,004 735 12

[ Book 2 in the Something Real series ]Hayden Pennington has had one hell of a life for a lawyer's kid with a passion for photography; not to mention his forbidden romance with his step sister, Scarlett Blaine. But despite the riveting life Hayden has led, he can't deny his need for normalcy after what's happened. A guy can only take so much. Though Hayden may think he wants an easier go at life, his pact to take time from Scarlett leads him to make one rash decision after another. ♔Scarlett Blaine wanted one thing and one thing only: to find and have a real relationship. But when her family gets in the way of her happiness, Scarlett is left feeling lost and is unable to find her way. Trying to make the best of her time in the big apple, Scarlett quickly finds that five years away from Hayden is a far worse fate than even her enemies could have conjured up. But now that she's stuck, three-thousand miles away from home, she's got to make the best of what she's been given; and the only way to do that, is to live her life to the fullest. ♔Wren Manny has more insecurities than she's willing to admit, but that doesn't stop her from diving head first into a relationship with Jay Pennington. Soon enough, she figures out she's in way over her head; but even with the odds stacked against her, Wren knows she needs to see this one through. After all, the only way she's ever known is to give up and run away.-◦Discontinued - Rewrite on my profile! ◦Book 2 in the Something Real series.◦Series directory can be found inside!© Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.…

Something More | Discontinued

Something More | Discontinued

82,044 2,044 17

[ Book 3 in the Something Real series ]"Not your style, Blaine?" He mocked, taking slow steps over to me."No," I said. Hayden stopped, his knees nudging the edge of the mattress as he looked down at me. "What is your style?" He played along, placing his hands on the bed and leaning in a bit closer than I had initially expected.I took in a deep breath, laying back silently as Hayden brushed the strands of my now shoulder length dirty blonde hair from my chest. His eyes ghosted over me in the most riveting way; I could feel my skin heating up with every flick of his eyes."I haven't found it yet." I whispered.The right corner of Hayden's mouth curved slightly at my statement. Without warning, he placed a kiss to my cheek that left me longing for something more. "You'll find it," he whispered back. "Give it time."-In Scarlett Blaine's twenty-six years, all she had wanted to do was find love again; and apparently, luck was not on her side. Though her best friend has managed to hold onto her one true love, Scarlett is still unable to shake the thoughts of her love for Hayden Pennington from her mind.Scarlett never expected to fall for her step brother, but there was no going back now.With her best friend's wedding underway, Scarlett's still forbidden romance is put to the test. Both she and Hayden Pennington know they belong together, but until their 'five years apart' run out, they're left to suffer through the wedding of the century in silence.Though Hayden and Scarlett must find a way to push aside their need for something more from one another, it could cost them everything they've worked so hard for.-◦Discontinued - Rewrite is on my profile January 2019!◦Third Book in the Something Real series (up on my Wattpad profile).…

Honest || Currents Epilogue

Honest || Currents Epilogue

766 24 1

Winning entry for the Currents Epilogue Contest.© 2017 Tessa-x. Epilogue written by Shay Spencer.…

I Liked You Better On YouTube || On Hiatus

I Liked You Better On YouTube || On Hiatus

9,048 509 12

❝It's official. I'm dating an asshole of a YouTube star.❞Natalie Carson couldn't believe her eyes when she realized that she'd spilled her coffee on one of her favorite YouTube stars, Patrick Neili. But what she couldn't believe more, was that the image of the two bumping into one another went viral. Within mere seconds, every fan-girl wanted to know who she was, and what she was doing with their favorite YouTuber.​That very image put Patrick on the map. With his subscribers on the rise, an idea came to mind. All Patrick needed to do to stay in the public eye, was to date the girl from the coffee shop. Upon finding Natalie again, he gives her a deal: He'll help her become a notable journalist, if she dates him for six months, only to break his heart for everyone to see.Natalie was more than happy to go along with his little plan, at least, until she found out his good-boy act was just that, an act. Now all she has to do is pretend to be madly in love with her now least favorite YouTuber. How hard could that be?◦Winner of The Reader's Pilot Award in the 2017 Prose Fiction Awards.◦Ongoing.◦On hiatus until further notice!© Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.…

The Mission We Can't Return From (Lab Rats Fanfiction)

The Mission We Can't Return From (Lab Rats Fanfiction)

22,670 405 17

{Winner of the 'Villains Know Best Award' in the 2016 Elite Force Awards}{Winner of Best Co-Written Story in the 2015 Lab Rats Fanfic Award Show}"We can't leave." Bree whispered into my chest. I could feel my own tears trying to surface. I hated having to tell her this."No, Bree. We have to. The FBI is upstairs right now. If we don't leave, I can't see a life of only seeing you guys through glass as they experiment on us." I whispered. She looked up at me and began to regain her calm composure. She took a deep breath and turned to grab her bag. There was no way to make this better for her, and I hated that the most.- Davenport, Leo, and the bionic trio defeated Douglas and Marcus. Or so they thought. Little do they know the worst of the battle is yet to come. With the Lab Rats running away to escape the FBI, Douglas and Marcus are able to challenge Davenport and Leo to a game of chance; whoever gets to them first, gets to keep them. ◦Ongoing. Co-Written with @Music501 (her half is featured on her profile)◦Random Updates.© Stevie Lynne and Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.…

More Than His Assistant » Lab Rats

More Than His Assistant » Lab Rats

107,858 2,470 31

{Winner of 'Best Brase Fanfic' in the 2014 Lab Rats Awards Show}"Look, Bree. If you're going to be my assistant, I might as well know you, and you know me. It's kind of in the job description. If my dad finds out we were out together instead of going to the stupid presentation, who cares. But if the paparazzi find out, I don't know what to tell you. We both know exactly what they'll be saying. So, we'll hang out at little places; no where big, or fancy, or somewhere I've been before." Chase explained. Bree smiled and took his hand before she led him over to the parking lot. Chase watched intently as she stopped, turning back to him with a sparkle in her eyes. "I want to get to know you, too."- Chase Davenport Co-owns Davenport industries with his father, Donald Davenport. When Chase promotes his best friend, Adam, to another position, this leaves Chase to find another assistant. When Bree Henderson interviews for the job, Chase is blown away. He never thought he could feel this way about someone. The only problem? She's his assistant.◦Completed.◦First book in the 'More Than His' Series© Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.…

Lab Rats || The Buddies Rule

Lab Rats || The Buddies Rule

28,297 680 8

"Bree, you're going to have to tell him sometime." Adam said."No she can't! She'd be breaking the buddies rule." Leo said suddenly."What's the buddies rule?" Adam and I asked."It's when a guy and a girl are best friends. One of them always ends up falling for the other, but if they end up dating then they're breaking up they're friendship. Thus, the buddies rule." Leo said with a smile.-Bree and Chase have been best friends since they were little. Now they're in College and Bree is still dealing with the fact that she has liked him since middle school. Both Adam and Leo know that Bree has feelings for Chase. Will Bree be able to hide her feelings for Chase or will she break the buddies rule?◦Completed. (There's a new, fiction, version of this book on my profile!)◦First book in the Lab Rats || Buddies Rule Series.© Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.…

Love At Mission Creek Mall » Lab Rats

Love At Mission Creek Mall » Lab Rats

70,126 1,764 25

{Winner of The Best Brase Story in the 2015 Lab Rats Award Show}"Bree get some sleep, it's been a long day. But, delete that boys number. I never want you to even look at him again." Tasha said before walking out into the hallway.I picked up my phone off the ground and looked back at text Chase had sent me. This couldn't be how he wanted things to end. I know that Davenport and Tasha want things to end, but... In my book, things are just getting started.-Bree Henderson and Chase Davenport work at rival shops in the mall, Cupcake City and Muffin Mania. The owners of each shop had a secret romance back in high school, one they never speak of. While Bree and Chase are starting to develop feelings for each other, they are also trying to help their bosses get back together. Can they do it, or will the rivalry rip them apart? ◦Completed.© Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.…