Picture perfect

Picture perfect

157 20 4

(Cover credit to owner) Chanyeol was an aspiring photographer following in the footsteps of his mother who recently passed away. One day Chanyeol was sitting in a cafe when he say a very feminine boy. One snap of the camera changed both of their lives.…

The prince is my princess

The prince is my princess

570 38 4

Taking places in the moon lovers setting but a bit of changes to family and other small things. Chanyeol is the only prince of the kingdom of Silla and his mother had demanded him to marry prince Baekyun. Baekyun was the 5th prince but he was as old as Chanyeol, 24, and has been told to marry Chanyeol and had no idea what he was like.…

I got tagged!!

I got tagged!!

53 3 1

I got tagged…