Destin scris în sânge

Destin scris în sânge

161 9 2

Un basm în care binele nu învinge răul.O răzbunare ce implică generații întregi.Un blestem repetat la nesfârșit.Finalul este scris în sânge.****************************************Coperta realizată de MaraKarlberg.****************************************Povestirea va avea capitole scurte și va fi într-un continuu proces de editare.Nu există versiune finală.…

Critică constructivă

Critică constructivă

7,039 393 27

Această carte are scopul de a evalua diferite cărți în limba română ale Wattpadului. Nu mai accept cereri! ✽ ✽ ✽ Multe mulțumiri lui angelanguyenn, care mi-a făcut coperta.…

The Nature of Madness

The Nature of Madness

60 3 2

Like a ghost, her image haunted my remaining normal life, until it was me and myself against the one who'd broken her. ☁☁☁After what seemed like a lifetime of disappointments, Cora Bright has only one purpose that makes her feel useful and hope for redemption: to find and destroy the man who shattered her ex-best friend's life and severed their friendship.Without much help from authorities, she goes through hardships in the form of past memories, heartbreaks, school drama and difficult situations.As she defies the most malicious people she could ever meet, she wonders whether madness truly is contagious.…

Forget Me Not, Sierra

Forget Me Not, Sierra

376 3 1

Ever since she was little, Sierra Hart has known that memories should be cherished: to smile, to laugh, to make friends, to live. And she was very happy...until the tragedy that changed her life. Now, the only thing she can fully remember is her past. She can live through the present, but she can never truly experience it. Clyde Becker appears confident, nice and smooth. He is a people pleaser, with a long time label as 'the charming guy'. But his charm is as fake as his friends. Clyde doesn't expect the usually indifferent Sierra to teach him the true meaning of friendship. Then the accidental kiss between them, which he can't seem to forget. But while he struggles with the possibility of love, she battles against the danger of a more serious illness. This story isn't about dealing with reality. This story is about living through reality.…

Her Influence

Her Influence

478 2 1

Time flies, but the feelings remain.Vivienne Beaudin, a French student, doesn't expect much of her junior year. But questionable liaisons, humorous rejections and blossoms of friendship threaten to uncover well kept secrets that had always haunted her.For, even though she denies it, life is more than discrimination, stereotypes and greed.Can she win the fight against past, present and future for what she truly desires?…

Contest entries

Contest entries

62 4 3

Basically, a collection of short stories written for contests, more for personal enjoyment and improvement rather than to win prizes.…