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A race of colossal aliens, the Tsosyrans, took over the planet in a matter of months. Humanity has been all but exterminated. The humans left alive have been caged and sent to facilities for scientific study. Kriss, a young woman who was captured, has accepted her fate knowing that she will soon be tortured to death at the hands of the ruling alien race. When she exhibits unexpected cleverness and determination during the first test, one of the giants takes an interest. As Kriss continues to surprise him, he begins to question the morality of what the Syrans have done.Warning: Some disturbing imagery described…



95 6 10

Dear Reader,I'm usually inspired to write poetry when I'm in some of the darkest of places, but he thematic elements of the poems may vary. You might find that some works are pessimistic, while others carry a hopeful undertone. However you decide to interpret my figurative language, I want you to take away from it something hopeful. Sometimes things suck, sometimes they don't. Sometimes we're happy, sometimes we're not. Sometimes we just need to stick along for the ride and see where it leads us. The ride is worth it.Stay Awesome,Spade…

Madison Steal

Madison Steal

26 0 5

A young woman with a tragic past visits the father she never met in search of answers regarding her mysterious powers.…

The Inventor's Apprentice

The Inventor's Apprentice

28 2 3

Dear Wanderer,In the following story, Theo Descoteau travels to London, a city that restricts nearly all access to and from the outside world. He follows direction given to him through a mysterious acquaintance and works for a elderly scientist as he takes refuge in the unfamiliar streets. There he meets Ivy, a crook who runs with a gang of criminals that narrowly avoid capture and death at the hands of the queen's infamous guard. As time passes and secrets are uncovered, Theo is not so sure that France was what he should have fled from. That's all I can allow myself to tell you. I hope you're ready for the ride.Wishing you a safe journey,Spade…