Lost  ✴Contest Winner✴

Lost ✴Contest Winner✴

103 18 4

She was every second he was alive, every tear he shed, every laugh he threw into existence. She was the days and nights he spent smiling when she crossed his mind, the times he cried as he clutched the only remnants of her that remained.She was his betrayal. She was the broken promise he had hidden away and attempted to hide, the secret he hoped that no one would ever find. It was like some twisted love story, one that claimed perfection but hid darkness beneath a glamour. It preached of conversations and beauty; childish innocence and bittersweet endings. No, it was a tale of a madwoman, fear and splitting souls and all the things that the drunkard had thought he could hold onto.This is the tale of Philip Ripton and everything that he lost.*Westbury Faery Contest Winner*…

The Frayed

The Frayed

70 11 3

~Highest ranking-#732 in Science Fiction~The world has ended beyond our borders. We live in a fragile Utopia, supported only by the ignorance of its citizens and the awareness of its leaders. To us as a State, everything is perfect; society has finally become a safe and perfect atmosphere. We no longer die.But behind closed doors, law upon law is passed, ensnaring us in the choices of others. People are warped beyond the code of any Physician, categorized into groups and stripped of their freedom.Above us, the sky is gray and full of the ash from a war that wasn't ours to fight. We built the walls instead of accepting our fate.They thought they were building a sanctuary. Instead, we've been imprisoned.The outside world should be glad they aren't us.…

The Alchemist's Inferno

The Alchemist's Inferno

990 92 16

They called him insane. Strange. Dangerous. The epitome of the obsessed, his life swallowed by a notion that no one could believe. It was easy to look solely on the surface, at a man deemed damaged and destroyed by those who hated him. He spoke of magic, they shunned him for his forbidden words. But they were secretly curious.They said he was the man who stopped time. Rumors proclaimed he had looked death in the face and survived. People whispered about his humble beginnings, and how he rose to the top, off his own hard work. They gossiped. They wrote until the truth was indistinguishable among the lies of the crowd. His name is Sebastian Wright.This is his story.****All the beautiful illustrations in this book are drawn by the exceptionally talented @Sylvia_Pryde…