Nano Novels

Nano Novels

5 0 1

Short little tails or somewhat lengthy stories that may be funny, Sci-Fi, or completely Random. You never know what you will see in "Nano Novels".…

UnBloomed Flowers

UnBloomed Flowers

159 3 13

This is where I may put down something happy, or something sadder. It will for the most time be poetry but It could be anything. I make this to not only put down my feelings but to let other people know that they are not alone in their struggles. So hate this or love it. Make of it what you want. Just know that in this I will only be honist. So with that, enjoy.…

Why is that?

Why is that?

58 5 4

This is where I "Rant & Ramble", I may put down something insetting to you guys. This is where I may share my views on thing so note that these are my views and you can disagree but don't take any offence if anything proteins to you. Well now that I got that out of the way lets all have a good laugh and get smarter together.…

Organic Compositions (Disscontnued)

Organic Compositions (Disscontnued)

251 21 11

Uploading File Alpha.......... Complete............If you are reading this, this is the story of me and my friends. We had been friends forever, but then we became enemies, then one. A story where bonds as strong as steel snap like glass. A story where friends are found in unlikely places. This is the story of how we survived the APOPTOSIS......... (Making some BIG Renovations to it so it may be different from the last time you read it.)(Something knew every week unless I say other wise.)…