The Midnight Moon

The Midnight Moon

49,527 5,381 59

Cousin: one word, various memories. A cousin can be your best friend or your worst enemy. But either way they are a part of your life. A part which no one talks about. This story is about two cousins who grew up together but drifted apart when they grew up. There was a time when they were each other's enemies. There was a time when they were each other's best friend. Then came a time when they did not talk or see each other for six years. Six years and many changes later when they met nothing was nice for neither of them. One was in an abusive relationship and the other was struggling with herself. What happens when their life gets entangled again? Turn the pages to know what future holds for Malik cousins.…

New Girl In The Court

New Girl In The Court

14,099 1,874 29

Haajar opened a new chapter in her book she was enthusiastic and Proud. Raiyan opened an old chapter in his book and found himself stuck. A sudden change in their plan brought them together and an exceptional journey began but it is not going to be as easy as ABC. What life has in store for them? Turn the pages to know.5th book in the new girl series!…

99 Names Of Allah

99 Names Of Allah

67,400 6,305 111

Allah s.w.t has 99 Beautiful names. Abi hurayrah r.a reported that the messenger of Allah s.a.w.w said "Allah has 99 names so whoever preserves them will enter jannah." _sahih Muslim_ So here it is! A 99 Days programme where we will learn one name each day. No hurry just one name each day. And after every ten names there will be a test. So Let's gift ourselves Jannah. I hope this book will benefit me and you equally. Suggestions are always welcomed.…

Allah's Stranger

Allah's Stranger

40,569 4,913 11

Ever since she was born, men in her family gave her many reasons to hate her gender and Islam. So as soon as her mother returned to her lord she ran away from her family and Islam. But living in a foreign city with no one by her side is very difficult. In the process of running away from her identity she met a stranger, Allah's stranger.…

New Girl In The House

New Girl In The House

842,847 68,738 68

Being married and being in love are two totally different things. Just because two people are married to each other does not specifically mean they are in love with each other too.As love is not the only reason for which two people get married. Sometimes situations play an important role in changing your life forever. Noor and Zeeshan didn't have any other choice but to get married to save.........Marriage is not easy and when you dislike your partner it becomes even more difficult.Noor and Zeeshan are married to each other but are they in love too? What was the reason they got married for? Will they work on their marriage? Most importantly will they ever fall in love?Turn the pages to know.New girl in the house - 3rd book in New girl series.…

New Girl In The Office 2.0

New Girl In The Office 2.0

104,756 10,512 25

Sufyaan and Zyva's story was not a peace of cake. It was difficult for them to accept their own feelings and when they finally did, Zyva's family was the obstacle that took forever to over come. After struggling for a long time, swimming in the pool of uncertainty they finally got married. Everything was beautiful.They had many fights but they could not stay away from each other. It was a fairy tale untill the day Zyva realised that her not having a kid might take away her most precious treasure, her husband. She insecure and scared. People around her were not helping her either. They made her believe something that was not true. In her insecurities, she created a situation which never existed and pushed Sufyaan so far that it seemed impossible to return. What will happen now? Will Sufyaan leave Zyva? Will Zyva realise her mistake? Will they ever forget what happened? Many possibilities, just one answer. Turn the pages to read. 4th book in the new girl series.…

New Girl In The Office

New Girl In The Office

787,612 61,731 65

After his mother's death, Sufyaan was terrified to add any other women in his life. However, when a special girl comes along, his emotions change and he decides he no longer wants to stay single. But what if this girl has her own story, and refused to accept him? Zyva Abbas has made a promise to her family - she will marry someone of their choice and will never fall in love with a guy in America. But now she is having doubts, what will happen if she falls for a guy that breaks her promise? Will she accept her love for Sufyaan? Will Sufyaan fight for her? Will Zyva gather enough courage to tell her family about Sufyaan? Will Sufyaan risk everything for her? Turn the page to find out. New Gril in the Office - Sequel of New girl in the city.…

New Girl In The City

New Girl In The City

966,624 73,141 69

After losing the most important person in her life, Kehara is now moving to a different country to live with her father and Brother to start a new life. Life full of strangers.Aman has everything. Loving family, Caring friends, a perfect career plan. His life is perfect. At least that's what people think. Where on one hand Kehara Thinks love always hurts, Aman thinks Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. The only thing common in them is the thought of not falling in love for the next five to six years. But love and emotions aren't in our hands to control.What will happen when they meet? Will they fall in love? Will Kehara give a chance to love? Will Aman accept his love for his best friend's sister? read New Girl In The City to know.1st book in the series.…

A Lockdown To Remember

A Lockdown To Remember

16,392 2,338 25

A sudden outbreak of Corona Virus brought the world at a standstill. No one was sure what was going to happen or what would become of them after the chaos ends.Locked in their respective houses Maier and Xenia, two total strangers, met each other. Dangerous, frustrating and spiritless they met at the worst of the times. People were scared, doors were locked and everything was sealed. How would they meet? Uncertain times brings uncertain events but what their lives held for them? Turn the pages to know.…

Help If you can

Help If you can

5,438 634 7

A book where we will help each other, motivate each other for not only Islam related things but In general for everything. Here we will learn about Islam and Life. we will help each other increase our Islamic knowledge. We are not here to prove who has more Islamic knowledge but to share that knowledge. We are here to make friends. InshaAllah who will help us earn Jannah. So help me and many others out there. InshaAllah Allah will reward you for your help.come on Let's together walk towards Jannah.…

20 Facts about me!

20 Facts about me!

833 90 1

Just 20 random facts about me!…

Smile Sajmra

Smile Sajmra

3,598 172 4