Eunoia...A poetic voyage with Suk

Eunoia...A poetic voyage with Suk

402 82 35

Eunoia..which means a well mind or beautiful thinking. This book is adorned with some poetry. It's a poetic voyage in which you can find some soul-soothing poems, verse and rhymes. Quell your wanderlust through this poetic voyage and tranquillize your mind and soul.…

My secret Cinderella (Complete✅)

My secret Cinderella (Complete✅)

25,235 2,691 20

Sometimes our outer image often conflicts with our inner characteristics. An introvert, shy and silent person doesn't need to always have a conventional mind where an exuberant, hail-fellow-well-met person definitely keeps a vibrant head. On the contrary, quite people have the loudest mind and the tattlers often sigh in their solitude. This story is about two opposite personas. However, the twist is they are actually quite opposite in their minds too. Manik Malhotra and Nandini Murthy. Both are in their incognito mood. Will they be able to discover each other's real self or it will be in disguised forever? To know this, unfurl the pages of their life and accompany with their journey.…

🦋GRAFFITI🦋 (Cover Shop)

🦋GRAFFITI🦋 (Cover Shop)

11,389 961 200

All types of covers, banners, headers and icons are made here. For details please peep inside....…

GolMal (Complete✅)

GolMal (Complete✅)

173,086 16,530 76

"If life had a background music,it would have been easy to understand what the hell is going on"😳😳😳It is actually the state of the lives of this story characters.Their lives are full of confusion and shocks.It is a Rom-Com of Manan. Manik and Nandini are happily married and about to shift to Mumbai. Here they faced a lot of challenges, either professionally and personally. A weird situation where Nandini had to hide her real identity. Lots of gags, twist and turns.To know how will they remain together as a power couple battling with all odds,peep inside🤗🤗🤗Beautifully reviewed by @CathrineRajkumar@TheBooktrovert…

FRIDAY THE 15TH (Complete✅)

FRIDAY THE 15TH (Complete✅)

49,663 4,410 36

" There is a very thin line between being curious and adventurous. Sometimes too much curiosity can spoil the fun of an adventure." What happened when a fun day out turned into a nightmare. How nine carefree teenagers unknowingly involved themselves in dangerous circumstances wherein death traps are everywhere. Meet Fab 5 and Fusion 4 in a totally different situation where Manan, Cavya, Dhruliya and Mukbi indulge in intense romance. It's an adventure thriller with full of heart-sinking moments..peep inside to get some goosebumps.2nd position winner in Limelight Fanfiction Awards❤3rd position winner in Teen_Fix fanfiction awards 2020❤2nd runner up in The Sapphire Awards❤…