New Faces: A Pokémon fan story {DISCONTINUED}

New Faces: A Pokémon fan story {DISCONTINUED}

289 14 5

This is the beginning of a familiar story, but through new eyes. Eli, an average smart-alec tomboy is expecting to start her official Pokémon journey, along with her cute buddy Syna the Eevee. But when she arrives at Prof. Oak's lab, a new kid she's never known has appeared, and is after the same thing she is. Immediately, a feud forms, and the two are at each other's throats, ready to prove who's greater. So? Who really is the better trainer? Will either of them accomplish their dreams? And can this youthful hatred be subsided, or will the two just never get along? All will be answered when you read "New Faces"!…

My Trashy Life (aka My Diary Of Random Thoughts)

My Trashy Life (aka My Diary Of Random Thoughts)

3,144 488 85

So, lots of people seem to enjoy reading about other people's lives. So I thought, why not let other people read about my trashy life and possibly tell everyone my deepest darkest secrets?! That's a great idea!!!…

Heroes: A Pokémon OC Journey Story

Heroes: A Pokémon OC Journey Story

66 6 2

I'm actually getting back into writing! Yay!I swear I'll stay consistent-I swear! XDAnyways this story will follow a 12- year old version of one of my very.. colorful OC's, Harper. As a youngin' who wasn't too confident with starting her journey as a ten year old, had prolonged her receiving her starter despite the pushing of her eager, water-type loving parents. But enough was finally enough, and she will embark on the biggest, most dangerous, and exciting ride of her life. From her trendy island town of Dewford to the historic and mysterious town of Sootopolis City, she will gain new friends and enemies, memories and nightmares, and a heck of a lot of laughs and tears. Oh and facepalms, plenty of those. XD…

Ultra Guardians: Rebooted (Invite Only)

Ultra Guardians: Rebooted (Invite Only)

608 7 5

Apologies to quite a few people but this'll just be for a couple of my very best friends to do again, Transformation-S and SnowflakeNight_Star. So yeah. Sorry that it didn't work out the first time..This is a reiteration of the Ultra Guardians RP I made several months ago... that tragically died. I'm reviving it in a new light, a similar story but with some new characters and perhaps some other unique little twists along the way.. also shipping lots of that XD I know you two well so yeet, let's do this. XD…

Pixel Art Museum (Art Book)

Pixel Art Museum (Art Book)

228 23 5


Chibi Magic (A Gacha Comic Story)

Chibi Magic (A Gacha Comic Story)

344 25 5

This'll be a loosely based Gacha story created by meh. I got a handful of my own lil OC beans soooo this'll be fun. X3 Also, there may be hints to a uh- crossover in this series. Best y'all stick around, and pay attention.I do not own the rights to Gacha Studio, Gachaverse, or Gacha Life.…

Pokémon Roleplay (Invite Only)

Pokémon Roleplay (Invite Only)

955 32 9

OkSo this will just be for da peeps who were in UG. Since that died. I'll explain the rest in the book.…

The Ultra Guardians of Alola! (A CLOSED roleplay)

The Ultra Guardians of Alola! (A CLOSED roleplay)

1,320 31 7

In the aftermath of the Aether Foundation's president, Lusamine, finally being brought back from the depths of Ultra Space, things still haven't returned to normal in Alola. Due to the opening of multiple Ultra Wormholes, many strange creatures, called Ultra Beasts, have leaked out of the wormholes. And unfortunately, they are starting to wreak havoc on the beautiful island region. Luckily, Aether Foundation quickly comes up with a plan. Along with the help of the island kahunas and trial captains, they hire 10 children, all who have completed the island challenge, who are chosen as the "Ultra Guardians". Their job will be to defend Alola from the various UB's invading every island, as well each individual member having the task of capturing one specific specimen of each UB species. Join as one of these chosen Ultra Guardians as we fight together to protect Alola from the dangerous creatures from Ultra Space, and help uncover the mysteries of Alola in the process!…

My Shiny Pokemon!

My Shiny Pokemon!

166 8 4

So, I decided to show ppl my shiny Pokemon! Cuz wynaut? XD Anyways, I got this idea from @SteelSkarmoryKate , so go check her out too! She's got more shiny Pokemon than me XD…