

26 7 4

When Daya moved to Porthaven, Main, a sleepy little town of a thousand people, all he wanted to do was read his cheesy romance novels in peace and care for animals, his own and his patients. He didn't expect Theo, the local eccentric author who also happens to be superntaurly beautiful.…

Elria: The New World

Elria: The New World

119 5 11

Elria has been at peace for centuries, but creatures of darkness have always lurked in the background, waxing and waning with the rise and fall of empires and demigods, divine children who came of age when the world needs them the most. Darkness is rising again, and only a new crop of demigods can stop it.Contains some 18+ chapters!…

Chosen Ones Need Therapy Too.

Chosen Ones Need Therapy Too.

4 1 1

Warriors so broken from war they can't function in peace time, chosen ones adjusting to a new world where they are no longer needed and prophesied heroes grasping for meaning when their destiny's no longer laid out for them. Through out their life, professor Quinn has seen it all, and their travels have brought them many questions.What do you do with the rest of your life when you fulfilled your grand destiny at sixteen? How do carry on when you've lost so much and so many, so young? How do you live in a peaceful world when you're haunted by the things you did to create it?But the most important question of all?What happens to heroes after the story ends?…

What's Been Lost?

What's Been Lost?

105 23 6

Li has one rule; Don't fall in love. He's learned that the hard way. Love has caused him more grief and sadness than any other force in the universe.It's easy enough to follow, when he's almost always working and most of the people he meets through work are dead, but every once in a while someone else comes along to challenge that.This time it's a golden haired man who seems to have the sun in his smile.…

Accursed Gold

Accursed Gold

509 48 19

Ashley's always been out of place in the magical and human worlds, not neatly fitting into either, but over the years his managed to carve out a very comfortable space for himself, far away from the memories and horrors of his past.Yet memories of those horrors persist in his dreams, threatening to ruin the delicate peace he's built for himself.…

Falling Apart

Falling Apart

1,767 486 32

In which Ashley Wren realizes that's some things need to fall apart before they can come together again.…

17 again.

17 again.

9,182 572 39

Cole Winters isn't a bad kid. Not really. He's just going through some stuff. Plus he just doesn't care anymore. Not about life and especially not about school.His enabling friends and family trouble, among other things, aren't exactly helping matters either.But after breaking one rule to many he's been chucked in the guidance counselors office with Mr. Green, who seems determined to get him to care again.…



75 23 11

Nickolas' knew he was gay since he was 12 but growing up in a small town meant he learned to hide things like that. So he hid from the world.Five years later, after two confessions from friends with two very different results, one forced outing, one failed relationship and an escape from an abusive household Nickolas is finally free. What's more his not a small town boy anymore, he living in LA far away from his old life. Nickolas isn't sure about much right now but he knows one thing.He's done hiding.…