Lunch With Charlie

Lunch With Charlie

470,673 28,695 37

?WATTPAD FEATURED STORY ?Jane Bennett Carroway has had to live with being named for the pretty Bennett sister in the famous Austen work her whole life.When her beautiful best friend Camilla wins a contest to have lunch with teen heartthrob Charles McAllister, she recruits Jane to be her unwilling plus-one. Jane tags along because she's loyal to Camilla - and secretly loves Charles a bit, too. At lunch, Charlie is taken with Jane. Unlike every other girl he meets, she doesn't order salad. She doesn't kiss his ass. And perhaps most importantly - she orders dessert. Join Jane and Charlie on their [top-secret] journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance - and a love that might change their lives forever.?"Hello, ladies," he said, smiling. "I'm Charles Michael McAllister.""I'm Jane," Jane said, holding out her hand. Charles took it, but didn't let go when she expected him to, and she nearly fell onto the table."I gave my full name, I believe it's only polite to reciprocate in kind?" he said with a little smirk.Jane huffed out a breath. "Jane Bennett Carroway," she said. He looked at Jane in surprise. "I'm sorry, but did you say 'Jane Bennett'?""Yes, that's my name," she replied, as if it were completely normal.Charles flashed Jane a grin. "You must have very interesting parents," he remarked.He challenged her again later."I guess you liked your food," he said, looking pointedly at her empty plate."I guess you did, too, Charlie," Jane responded evenly, gesturing to his equally clean plate. "In fact, I want dessert." And she gave Charles an openly challenging look. Charles knew that the beautiful Camilla was the girl who'd won the contest, the girl he was supposed to be talking to.But he found his gaze drawn again and again to the tall, thin girl, with the wispy blonde hair, huge appetite, and beautiful eyes, eyes that held a glimmer of attitude. He couldn't even remember the last time anyone had talked back to him.Interesting.…

City Mouse

City Mouse

429,030 25,472 35

?highest ranking: #44 in chick lit ?New York was full of beautiful women, wanting to be actresses, singers, models. They came in droves, like moths drawn to a flame, trying to make their mark. Martha Cameron had no such ambitions. First of all, her parents had named her Martha, like they knew in advance that she was going to be plain; plain hair, plain eyes, plain body. Was it her fault that, as the youngest of nine children, she was little shy, a little quiet? The nickname "Martha Mouse" was invented for her, it seemed.But mice needed to earn money, too. So Martha got a job as a nanny for Henry Gardner, a photographer with a little boy, Leo, who was, in his own way, as much of a mouse as Martha was. Henry, an outgoing and confident thirty-something man, was a little intimidating to Martha, with his black hair and pretty eyes, but Leo was just a little kid, almost a toddler, still. Surely even a mouse could cope with this situation, right??Thank you to @Roxeau for the wonderful cover!?…

Mommy Mouse (sequel to City Mouse)

Mommy Mouse (sequel to City Mouse)

261,072 18,178 43

🐹Highest Ranking: #50 in Chick Lit 🐹Martha Mouse Cameron is newly engaged and living with her fiancé, Henry Gardener, and his young son, Leo, in New York City. She's getting ready to graduate from NYU and is busy planning her wedding. She has put the sorrow and heartache of the lost few months behind her, and is looking forward to her new life with her wonderful new family. But there are always twists in the road, and bends that just can't be seen around. Mouse will have to be brave and strong, and so will Henry and Leo, to get through the trials that await them in this new chapter of their lives.…

Living In The Shallows (UK Crush #1)

Living In The Shallows (UK Crush #1)

198,472 14,258 57

?Highest ranking: #300 in Teen Fiction?Aileen Foster, a shy, 22 year old student from LA, thinks she has landed a dream job as an interpreter for some actors making a film in Japan. She gets a surprise when she arrives in Tokyo and finds out that they are UK Crush, the hottest boyband around. She has been orphaned for most of her life, and it's a shock for her to enter their world of frank physicality. The boys come to love her, and Aileen is forced to look at her life and choices, and decide if she's ready to be brave and start living.?????"Obviously there's been some sort of mix up," I heard one of them say. "She can't be more than sixteen; look at her.""Well, regardless of her age, something's wrong, she's fainted dead away..." That was Gethin of the lilting tones. "Miss?" I opened my eyes to see gray eyes hovering a few inches away. "Are you okay? Do you need us to call someone?" He put his hand, which I noticed with clinical detachment had to have at least an eleven-inch span-no Rachmaninoff issues for him-on my forehead. It felt warm and comforting for some reason, which was strange, as I wasn't used to receiving comfort from other people and a complete stranger at that. "She feels a bit clammy," he told the boys behind him. "Perhaps we'd better get Paul in here to take a look at her-""No, please," I interrupted him, marshaling the last of my resources. I pulled away from his hand on my forehead. "No Paul. I need this job. I'm twenty-two. Twenty-two." It felt crucial to get this point across. "I need this job," I reiterated. "I haven't slept in, like, two days. If I could just take a little nap, maybe twenty minutes, I'll be fine, honest. Please? Please." I guessed I was going to find out in a hurry if they were nice guys or assholes.…

Diving Deep (UK Crush #2)

Diving Deep (UK Crush #2)

711,321 24,663 62

❣️Wattpad Featured Story❣️❣️Featured in Cosmopolitan❣️Birdie never thought she'd fall in love with anyone, let alone a singer in the biggest boyband in the world. And she never, *ever*, thought he'd fall in love with her, either. Yet here she is, living with Theo Shelley, one quarter of UK Crush, in his London house. She has the biggest piano audition of her life coming up, to Hamilton Conservatory in New York City, but it's hard to focus on that when she's learning how to be in a relationship for the first time in her life.**Warning: Mature content**…

How Tani Hanes Writes

How Tani Hanes Writes

1,278 112 3

Many of you have asked, privately and publicly, how I start my stories, how I get them down, etc. So here's my "method," in all its mundane glory. Hope it helps you in your journeys. And of course, please, continue to ask whatever you want, always glad to share whatever I know!🌸Many thanks to @lovinglexy for the wonderful cover!…

Farraway Mist ?A Wattpad featured story?

Farraway Mist ?A Wattpad featured story?

419,765 29,645 46

❣️Wattpad Featured Story❣️Can she love a haunted man? Scout Lawson is on her way to start a new job for the very rich and very reclusive George Wilder. George was a rock star whose fairy-tale marriage to the beautiful Tessa Richardson Wilder ended tragically when she died in a terrible fall at their beautiful seaside home, Farraway Mist. Scout has her own reasons for wanting to get away, and spending some time at the remote location in Cornwall sounds like the perfect solution. However, strange things start to happen almost as soon as she arrives, leaving Scout shaken and questioning her decision. George Wilder, too, stirs feelings in her that she thought she'd put away forever. How could she possibly have feelings for someone so taciturn, so mean? And he was married to one of the most beautiful women in the world, their love for each other was famous; surely he couldn't have feelings for her???"Hello," she said, holding her hand out. "I'm Scout.""You're a girl," he said, surprise making him blunt. "And you're American."She bit her lips together.Fuck.She looked at him."Yes on both counts." She took a deep breath. "Not what you were expecting?"He blinked at her, looking her up and down. "Uh, no, to be perfectly honest." He jammed his hands into the pockets of his jeans."Is it going to be a problem?" she asked. "Should I try to get the driver back? Though in my defense, I know my application did mention both those facts.""Oh, I have no doubt," he responded curtly. "I'm not always the most observant. I probably just saw your name and photograph and assumed you were a man--" And oh shit, had he said that out loud? This was not a good beginning.??**Warning: Mature Content**…

Learning To Swim For Real

Learning To Swim For Real

298,442 17,416 40

Kelsey Carlisle is a little bit famous. And a little bit spoiled. She's a beautiful girl, a model who's acted in a few movies, but whom no one takes seriously. She now has a chance to be in a "real" movie about an Olympic swimmer. Except that Kelsey isn't a great swimmer. So she needs a coach. Enter Jack.Jack LaGuardia is a great swimmer. But he's very serious, studious, and doesn't really have time for someone as silly and superficial as Kelsey. He does agree that Kelsey is beautiful, but so what? She's also spoiled, shallow, and not very bright.He could never be interested in her.??"Okay," he said. "You go get ready, and point me toward the pool.""What do you mean?" Kelsey asked in confusion. She looked down at herself. She was already wearing a suit, a nice one, too. Though, come to think of it, he hadn't spared her bikini-clad body a second glance."You can't mean you're going to swim in that?" he said. His eyes took her in, from head to toe, but instead of the admiration she was used to getting, he was looking--what--amused?"What?" she demanded. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?""Well, um, you're supposed to be a real swimmer, right?" he asked, hands on hips. "I mean, you're going to play one? At Kelsey's nod he continued. "Okay, well, there's no way a real swimmer would work out in that. And your hair needs to be up in a cap. And you need goggles.""No way." The words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself. "I've seen those work out suits, and I can't be seen in one of those, they look awful. They cut into your skin, and they mash down your--your, um, body." Kelsey looked down at her chest. "And I can't put my hair up in a cap. They're ugly! Same for the goggles. No one will be able to see my face if I'm wearing those."They faced each other in the living room.This was not going to work. She needed a new coach.Immediately, if not sooner.??And thanks to @xrainynights for the lovely cover!…

Powering Through: A Sequel to Learning To Swim For Real

Powering Through: A Sequel to Learning To Swim For Real

142,789 10,070 41

Kelsey and Jack have made it through the crucial, difficult first few months of their new relationship. Kelsey has survived a vicious assault, and achieved moral retribution against her attacker, while Jack has finally overcome his shyness and stepped out of himself far enough to make a real connection. Kelsey is ready to begin filming her new movie, Power Through, about an Olympic swimmer who overcomes adversity, and Jack has one more year of university to get through. She's a glamorous, world famous movie star, he's a quiet college student; they couldn't be more different, but they found each other, and love each other, and want to make a life together.Follow our young couple as they tackle living together, juggling busy schedules, being forced to spend time apart, and the temptations of meeting other people, maybe even people better suited for them the one they're with.…