With A Broken Wing

With A Broken Wing

266 10 5

Lura Thranduilliel is a kind, yet fragile elleth, daughter of Thranduil and sister to Legolas Thranduillion. Her mother died about 2800 years before she was born, using her last ounces of strength to save her unborn child. 2800 years later, she magically appeared in Mirkwood, (because of her mother's will) equipped with enhanced powers from being brought back from the brink of death by magic. She was 200 during the quest for Erebor, and 500 once the Fellowship of the Ring was made.This is the story after the quest for the Lonely Mountain. This is the story after the dwarves found Erebor and reveled in all the treasures it held. But it is before the War of the Ring. It is the story in between. It is the story of Lura.Her father hated her for the longest time, blaming her for his wife's death, shunning her because Lura looked like her. To "protect her", he kept her inside the castle, locked inside only to wander the castle like a ghost. She must rise from the ashes. She must rise, but how can she with a broken wing?…

A Drawing a Day

A Drawing a Day

2,524 417 71

An artbook with with drawings that seem to come to life in only special people....nevertheless, there are great quotes to inspire a great day, every day!…

OCs - For Rps

OCs - For Rps

793 17 20

Look upon thy title and heed its message :)…

The Hobbit: Modern Edition

The Hobbit: Modern Edition

217 17 2

The Hobbit is set back in another time, where there were no phones, there were no planes, there were no computers, no modern technology at all. But in this remake of J.R.R. Tolkien's brilliant story: the Hobbit, there was technology!Let us see what will happen...if the technology becomes one with the ways of Middle Earth!…

Thorin's Guide To Majesty

Thorin's Guide To Majesty

1,287 142 14

I am Thorin Oakenshield, Son Of Thrain, Son Of Thrór, King Under The Mountain, and I welcome you to my book that teaches newbies how to be majestic. You should be very grateful for this, because I know a certain ELF KING *cough, cough THRANDUIL, cough, cough, that wouldn't do this for you. Well, he's not exactly MAJESTIC but, he wouldn't even teach you how to be a King. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my book of how to be Majestic, just like me!…

The Plague - A Group Roleplay

The Plague - A Group Roleplay

1,306 20 17

One thousand years after tomorrow, after not only World War III struck, but after World War IV, when science is the only thing people know, people lead plastic lives. Lives that aren't real. Every day is the same. A group of kids decided this wasn't enough and revolted, sending life backwards into a medieval sort of world. Life lived happily there, until....The plague struck in year 6009. Families upon families died. It spread to the entire world. Eventually, the president of the United States, Mr. James Moore, decided they had had enough. He decided to send a group of kids to find Mr. Finklestien, the only man with the knowledge of how to stop this plague. But their time was short, because Mr. Finklestien, too, is dying of the plague, and so could any of these children.This is a roleplay of wit, friendship, and most importantly, death.Will you find Mr. Finklestien and get the information you need to stop the plague once and for all? Or will you all die of the plague before you get there?Play to find out.…

Hobbit Memes **COMPLETED!!

Hobbit Memes **COMPLETED!!

68,443 2,068 110

Just a bunch of Hobbit Memes I thought were hilarious! COMPLETED!!!…

Yolo Swaggins

Yolo Swaggins

436 31 4

There's really nothing to say here....Let's just say this is what happens to the Tolkien characters once he stops writing about them....…

Drink Me

Drink Me

93 0 5

Drink Me! I will turn you into your greatest desire! A hero, a warrior, a knight, a wizard. A dog, a cat, a horse, a lizard. A god, a train, a plane, a moose. A bucket, a car, a deer, a goose.But be careful. Before you drink me, heed this warning: all magic comes with a price. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, drink me! If you dare.....…

Lost With You

Lost With You

105 11 5

I raced across the barren landscape with the Fellowship of the Ring. For I was in it. The 10th companion. But that did not waver me as I ran alongside my brother, Legolas. Yes, I am a Princess. A Mirkwood Princess. Lady Lura of Mirkwood. We only had one task: to take the Ring to Mordor, and it wouldn't be easy. Time was running out.Lura Thranduilon, bred to be a Lady, did not expect what would come withheld first adventure. She had no interest in Hobbits at the beginning, she thought they were "dirty, complaining Shire rats". But not for long.For when Peregrin Took is captured by Uruks, she will travel against all odds to find him and bring him back to the Fellowship. But when she does save him, they're lost, alone, without the Fellowship anywhere in sight. But sometimes when you have nothing, something arises from the nothing. And that something could be anything....Read on to find out....…

Circle Of Eternity

Circle Of Eternity

38 9 5

Princess Ishewen is betrothed! Her wedding is set to be this very day! The kingdom of Cheadora is alive and bright with excitement as the wedding comes near.Prince Orist is his name, who she is betrothed to. A handsome man, the Prince of Theadora, Cheadora's sister kingdom. The two kingdoms have bedn trading for many, many years, they were just over the Semoa Mountains.The wedding bells rang. Prince Orist stands at the alter beside the prince. Everything is perfect. Except, when the doors open...there is no bride..."The bride has been captured!" A guard ran into the room. "Captured by a creature in a black cloak! All I saw was his eyes, red as blood, they were! All I heard was its devious shriek as it took Princess Ishewen away!" "My daughter!" The Queen fainted.The king stood up, livid. "How dare this creature capture my daughter and get away with it! Prince Orist, go forth! Bring back my Princess!""Right away, My Lord! GET ME MY HORSE!" Orist demanded. A peasant brought forth his horse and he rode it out of the palace and into the night.It's been 6 years since the prince rode away to rescue his princess. 6 years, and neither have returned.Now, the Kingdoms' fates stand on the sheer edge of a night. They have no heirs and the Kings and queens are growing old.Now, it is decreed that a group of warriors go against the odds to rescue both the Princess and the Prince: if they're still alive.But, doing that is dangerous. The Prince didn't return....So what makes you think they will?…

10 MOST BELOVED Christmas Songs 2017

10 MOST BELOVED Christmas Songs 2017

602 6 12

HEY IT'S CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! And it's within the 10 day mark too....so each day, I will be posting a Christmas song who's number goes with the day, taking you all the way to Christmas! Will your favorite song me on there?Merry Christmas everybody!…

Lord Of The Rings Memes **COMPLETED

Lord Of The Rings Memes **COMPLETED

49,991 1,539 110

SEQUEL TO HOBBIT MEMES: Just a bunch of funny LOTR memes! **COMPLETED!!!…

One Does Mot Simply Memes

One Does Mot Simply Memes

2,936 82 35

Just a bunch of one does not simply memes! Sequel to Hobbit Memes and Lord Of The Rings Memes!…