Opposites of Life

Opposites of Life

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The Elemental Wolves are extremely rare wolves, born randomly around the world.For instance, the fire wolf could be born near a volcano, while the water wolf and the ice wolf could've born in Alaska.Many of the Elemental Wolves are already born, and the names are related to the elements. The Elements of the Light and Dark were named Yin and Yang, complete opposites. In the Elemental Pack, Yin was Alpha and Yang was Omega. Yin was female, Yang was male. Yin was kind, Yang was cold. There were many ways the two were different, but they stick together like siblings should.One day, the hunters learned about them. They attacked, stealing pups, killing queens, wounding many. Out of the many wolves they stole, Yin and Yang were a few. Out of the many tortures, one painful shot was the worst. Yang growled as the hunter tied him down. He poked a sharp needle into his neck. Yang whined and howled in pain as the venomous green liquid went into him. As soon as the needle left Yang's neck. A sharp pain started in his shoulders. Yin watched Yang. His shoulders were growing, sprouting feathers, growing fur. After long moments, wings were on his back.…

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