The Unknown Destiny

The Unknown Destiny

48,542 976 18

After the civil war between the gods, a new enemy - the true enemy - arises. He has been in the shadows, planning every step, and now, he strikes. A story of lies, betrayal, and true inner strength awaits Perseus and his charge as they uncover the true puppetmaster.*Must have read The Unknown Guardian and the Unknown Allegiance to understand this story*…

Percy Jackson and The Sands Of Time

Percy Jackson and The Sands Of Time

183,288 4,378 21

In a fit of rage, Kronos curses Percy before he disappears. The curse, forever tied to Percy, will send him through time at random, and there is no way for him to stop it or is there? Find out in this exciting collaboration between CSP2708 and *Dylan_Walts*…

The Unknown Allegiance

The Unknown Allegiance

122,767 2,567 18

After a war, everything should be at peace. Everything should be still or settling. But it wasn't. It may have seemed that way, but not to Percy. For him, everything was getting worse.Must have read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and the Heroes of Olympus Series to understand this story.Also must have read The Unknown Guardian to understand this story.Book 2 of the UNKNOWN series.~CSP2708~*Dylan_Walts*…

The Unknown Guardian

The Unknown Guardian

577,935 10,624 15

It had been many years since Perseus Jackson, the Saviour of Olympus, had been sentenced to death. The life at Camp Half-Blood went on as usual, and the Immortal Heroes passed on their techniques to the younger generation. But what will happen when Artemis and her Hunters face imminent danger? What will happen when Artemis summons a brave Guardian to protect them? And what will happen when that Guardian just happens to be the one and only Perseus Jackson?Must have read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and the Heroes of Olympus series to understand this story.Book 1 of the UNKNOWN series.~CSP2708~*Dylan_Walts*…