The Princess & The Jerk (Fifth Book of

The Princess & The Jerk (Fifth Book of "Fire and Ice" Series)

19,836 825 12

She is sweet and lovely; he is abrasive and harsh. She smiles and giggles like a fairy princess; he sneers and mocks people like a jerk. Her laughter, good-mood and kindness of heart affect everyone and warm you like a mug of hot chocolate with pink marshmallows; his roughness and annoyed glaring, with his caustic words, irk and scare everyone and slap in the face worse than the cold stormy wind. She is bright and pure of heart; he is gloomy and a coward of heart. Apparently. Until the point Sergey Lebedev must finally confront the person whom he hates the most: himself. He will have to face his resentment for Anatoly Denisov, having to realize if it really is hate and not just anger and envy; the eternal conflicting, strained relationship with his cousin Sasha; the problematic, difficult bond with a very strict father; his own prejudices, and his true feelings for the sweetest and most beautiful girl Sergey has ever met. He knows she needs a real prince, for she is a princess in his eyes, and one day he'll finally decide the time has come to grow up.Viola Taylor never for once imagined Sergey could be someone she could befriend and be interested in, given his behaviour in school, his hostile attitudes and the way he addresses her: weirdo. Until, due to some circumstances, she sees him outside school, where the sneering mask slowly crumbles away bit after bit, allowing her to discover a completely, surprisingly different Sergey, who can smile at her bizarre stories and help in overcoming her fears and doubts.A heart-warming, cute, romantic story of love between sweet, innocent yet very intelligent Viola, who believes in fairies and has a heart bigger than her, and the apparently cold and abrasive as sand-paper Sergey, a bully in school in dear need of Viola's magic fairy-dust. An easy journey to their love? No, as there is no effortless journey when you must confront yourself and win over your fears, even if you have wonderful friends and understanding siblings.…

Beyond Those Irresistible Eyes (Fourth Book of

Beyond Those Irresistible Eyes (Fourth Book of "Fire and Ice" series)

47,324 1,688 8

River Kelley is smart, perceptive, almost calculating, with an alluring smile and irresistible eyes he always takes advantage of whenever needed. He knows how to play his cards and likes to feel desired, nonetheless he will never entirely open his heart and mind to anybody. The only exception is represented by his best friend Aleksandr -Sasha- Lebedev, who seems to understand him deeply. Yet, River has secrets even with Sasha, who constantly represented his only special person. Why can't he open his heart completely and admit his true feelings? What has driven him to guard himself and always use his attractive, playful smile as mask? Trusting another person can often bring pain and disappointment, and River doesn't wish to taste such bitter feelings once more.What will happen if he meets the only person capable of melting his guard and matching all he wants and needs in a partner? At first River might not be able to let go of his inner fears and ghosts, and it will take a courageous, rather controversial decision to make him open his eyes and be true to his feelings.Nicholas Lucas is very intelligent and attractive, playing his cards openly, without any secrets or regrets. With a sensitive, understanding, yet confident disposition Nic might be the only man River can completely love with all his heart; he might be the only one becoming the true special person, seeing beyond those irresistible eyes, discovering the secrets hidden there.But will it be possible for Nicholas to break the mask and wall River has built around himself? Will he be able to make the young man love him unconditionally with complete trust? It will take a strong act of love and selflessness, and Nic is ready to take the risk to conquer and keep River's heart, because he never gives up on what or whom he wants. And definitely he will never give up after having met River, for when those irresistible eyes glanced at him the first time Nic knew he wanted to see what was hidden beyond them.…

Loving You Is Forbidden (Third Book of

Loving You Is Forbidden (Third Book of "Fire and Ice" series)

1,970,002 57,000 50

"There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable"Anatoly Denisov, or Tolya, used to be a delinquent and member of a gang, as the tattoos on his skin testify. After leaving the gang, Tolya had to work hard to re-build his past relationships especially with his twin brother, Dima. Nothing was simple, but he realized how his family and friends were more than ready to give him a second chance.Oleg Azarov, personal assistant and bodyguard of Tolya and Dima's father, was the man that made Anatoly open his eyes and face reality through harsh and effective methods and bike races, the only common passion they apparently share.But something happened when following the duties.Oleg grew attached to Anatoly in a way he could not afford, as he could not develop feelings for someone 14 yrs younger, and especially not for the son of the man that gave him a new life. There is a line clearly marking duties and loyalty and Oleg is not man to cross it.Anatoly calls Oleg a "sadistic and scary bastard" and cannot stand the fact he always speaks of duties whenever he refers to him, but there is something he can't deny: the burning physical attraction he feels for that man. Yet, he totally refuses to listen to his desire.But what happens to this equilibrium when Anatoly, the forbidden fruit and sweetest temptation, decides that he wants Oleg and will have him no matter what? What happens when constant temptation is first offered unintentionally and then deliberately, slowly scratching the line marking borders forbidden to cross? What will happen when forgotten past comes back to taunt Tolya?Duties, desires, principles, remorse, lust, attraction, obligation, guilt, rules, forbidden, allowed, bike races, adrenaline, excitement, resolution, need, gangs war, possessiveness, unleashed emotions, uncontrollable feelings and love. The love you cannot resist, the love you cannot fight. All clashes and fuses and confuses in this story of forbidden love.…

Darkness Becomes You

Darkness Becomes You

2,540 242 10

There is a world existing and living in a symmetrical dimension and system that seldom comes in touch with the human one. It is a world of shadows, of darkness, of wicked sprites and malicious spirits, ruled by violent and dangerous laws and governors.A vicious and violence-lusting new creature challenges the Lady of Shadows' realm, and it cannot be killed nor destroyed by her powers, magic or sword. Only one is destined to this fight: a broken human being named Conor with a difficult past of drugs addiction and a precarious present.A journey of challenges, struggles, magic, dark sentiments, damnation or redemption is laid before Conor and he has one choice only, if he wishes to go back to his own world. But does he really wish so? This story is written for The Open Novella Contest in the genre of Fantasy.…

Fallen for an Angel

Fallen for an Angel

1,054,612 33,255 34

"I have no family.I have no past.I have no friends.I have no surname.What is love? I do not know, because love does not exist for me. Not in my world.I have no God nor do I believe in saints and angels."Roman, with the stars tattooed on his knees, has a dark and dangerous life as left hand of one of the biggest mafia bosses operating in Kiev, Ukraine. Enemies and allies easily cross paths and switch lines and life means nothing. Roman's only purpose of life is to work for and protect his boss, taking care of the business of the organization and dealing with dirty jobs. When one of those lines and paths crosses, Roman has to travel to Dublin in Ireland in order to protect his organization. It's his job; therefore he does not question it and follows the order.But there in Dublin his inexistent beliefs crush against something unexpected and tear apart his world, because there he meets an ethereal creature with long and fair blonde angel. An angel named Enna.Enna has a normal life, exception made for a former lover turning into an aggressive, dangerous and oppressing stalker. Enna is kind, cheerful, beautiful with his dazzling and feminine charm and has a pure heart. But ... once his bright eyes meet Roman's dark eyes, what he has always known and believed in suddenly shatters into shreds and, to have that man with a dark and dangerously attractive aura, he is willing to cross and surpass his limits.For the two men is love at first sight, that love you cannot ignore or forget. And now Roman has to decide which path he must follow. A decision of love and duty. Can such different creatures fall in love and allow themselves to dream about it? Or will their opposite worlds destroy their love and their lives?Do you believe in soul mates?WARNING: manxman story that contains mature contents and actions. It is R rated. Thank you very much for understanding.…

First Anniversary of the Sexy and the Beast: Special One-Shot

First Anniversary of the Sexy and the Beast: Special One-Shot

58,175 923 1

First Anniversary of the Sexy and the Beast: Special One-Shot.WARNING: The one-shot is about Travis and Alexi from "Fire and Ice" and I would advise you to first read the story, in case you haven't, or else you will spoil the surprises and reading. Second WARNING: it contains mature contents and boyxboy action; as you can see it is R-rated.This is a SPECIAL Travis and Alexi ONE-SHOT I created to celebrate 1 YEAR of "Fire and Ice", since exactly one year ago I posted the first chapter of the story. I want to thank all of you, my dear fans and readers, for your amazing support and enthusiasm, and I thought writing this would be the best way.The one-shot is about our Travis and Alexi celebrating their first anniversary and what else to say? Nothing much, as we all know how the "Sexy" and the "Beast" deeply and crazily love each other.Thank you Maria231000 for the cover and banners!…

To Love is To Die (Lycan/Werewolf ManxMan)

To Love is To Die (Lycan/Werewolf ManxMan)

99,171 2,658 13

ON-HOLD.Kaan Demir, 21 yrs old, is going to become Alpha and leader of the Purple Halo pack when his father, the current leader, one of the best leaders ever, will pass the role to his son. Kaan's name says it all: he is a ruler, a leader, a soon to be king and as well as hot-tempered, selfish and quick to sudden outbursts of anger. His pack is one of the biggest and most peaceful living quietly in some Central Europe region and what to know real deal about werewolves? Well, as Kaan would say, they are not huge and fluffy overly grown wolves. Oh no, that is so wrong, for they are Lycans, the real fascinating deal. And what to know something else? Well, vampires do exist and right now peacefully live among humans after signing a pact with werewolves. The Spirit has decided for Kaan to find his mate and when they meet at the designed time, it's a rather shocking experience, as his mate is a fellow pack member, Michel Malone, a very composed, intelligent and sharp 21 yrs old guy that attends his same college. Kaan doesn't reject his mate; he actually loves and adores Michel. The only problem is that he doesn't want to claim him yet publically, to his pack as his mate, to the human society as his partner. Michel understands and waits for the moment patiently, but he has his own secrets. The constant denial is eating him inside, painfully and physically. What will be of his heart if this keeps going on for too long?The peaceful routine is going to be disrupted drastically with a sudden attack and now the pack has to face new enemies and the raise of doubts inside the pack. Is someone really plotting something behind the scene or is just wary and wrecked nerves tricking judgment? What will happen when Kaan will have to face something he had never expected possible to deal with?To love is to die. Or is it, to die is to love? How should we interpret these questions?1st cover designed by Klovis and newest one by azer90…

Tricks of Love (Second Book of

Tricks of Love (Second Book of "Fire and Ice" series)

3,551,002 75,111 37

The story is NOT edited; I apologize for the problem, but I shall edit it as soon as possible.Jasper Lucas is a shy, sweet and easily blushing, 17 years old student who loves to skateboard with his friends and spend time with his best friend, Travis Henderson. He is gay and his family hasn't accepted the fact and treats him coldly. His older brother Nicholas, however, is proud of him and loves him dearly. Thanks to Travis and his burning enthusiasm and persistence, Jasper's life is now brighter and happier. Thanks to Travis, Jasper has met and made new friends at school, which all like him and call him "cutie".But, what comes next? Jasper has an incredible and huge crush on Dmitri (Dima, for his friends) and he doesn't know what to do. Jas is too shy and timid to take matters in his hands. Perhaps he needs some advices from Travis and his well-known dirty mind...Oh boy, what to do? Dima is completely straight and horses around with girls, never getting serious about any of them; he is an outgoing, funny and easygoing Russian guy of 18 years, which resembles a huge blonde bear. He loves to play ice hockey with his best friends, to snowboard and sometimes to skateboard. He loves "Star Wars" and so does Jasper, and that's how their friendship started. Dima likes very much Jasper and his sweet and calm side, he finds himself wanting to help the little kid when he sees him down or sad. Dima likes Jasper, but just as a friend. Or is Dmitri only terribly dense? What will take Dima to realize Jasper isn't just a friend? Maybe a push from his friends, especially River and Travis. Maybe an unexpected rival; a new classmate who likes Jasper and keeps trying to flirt with him. Did I say one rival? Oh, my bad. Two new unexpected rivals. Will all of this make the funny grizzly finally realize he likes the cute koala more than a friend? Cover designed and made by Azer90…

Fire and Ice: My One-Shots

Fire and Ice: My One-Shots

157,740 2,594 5

Warning: If you haven't read "Fire and Ice" I advice to do it, because you'll not understand some particulars and will ruin surprises and hot stuff in the main story, "Fire and Ice".Hot, sweet, mature, rated and not rated one shots and short stories concerning "Fire and Ice" characters, not just the main protagonists, but also secondary and maybe new characters! So let's have fun again with sarcastic and sexy Travis, icy and hot Alexi, sweet and cute Jasper, alluring and charming River and all their friends, families, acquaintances, teammates, schoolmates, classmates and enemies as well. Let's meet new and surprising people and get ready to some exciting, hot, crazy and sweet action. It's a boyxboy, so you're warned.Cover by XxAricka_DylanxX…

All you need is ME

All you need is ME

3,308,121 72,263 36

WARNING: mature content of boyxboy or better manxman story and actions. The story is R-rated, therefore you know what it means. Thank you for your understanding. Story NOT EDITED. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I shall edit it as soon as possible.Emmett is a broken man, in a blink he had lost everything. His brilliant career in the NBA with a stellar contract, the fame and glory, his family, his fiancée abandoned him when he most needed her, when he most needed an anchor to keep him from sinking to the lowest point. Now Emmett lives on far side of the Atlantic Ocean, in the small, but colourful Dublin. However, his past nightmares keep hunting him, the regret eats his soul day after day. He is alive, but inside he is empty and arid. Then he meets someone, a brat with a natural talent for getting on your nerves. Shane, the young lad of 19yrs old is another broken and abandoned soul. Another wrecked soul who loathes with all his passion self pity and other's commiseration. He told his parents he is gay and hoped they would support him. They kicked him out to a hell hole and now he only lets his anger, acid sarcasm and resentment give him the force to face every single day to help him finally leave that hole.While Shane is openly attracted by the hot and empty eyes Emmett and tries to get under his skin with his provocations, Emmett tries with all his force to deny how intriguing and alluring are Shane's liquid eyes and the strange wicked light they hold in the back. And his smirking and soft lips. Will Emmett sink lower and end eaten by his own regrets or will he find the force and guts to react and win all of his prejudices?Can a broken soul repair another broken soul?Cover by Azer90…

Fire and Ice (First Book of the

Fire and Ice (First Book of the "Fire and Ice" Series)

6,269,658 144,154 42

NOTE: The story contains mature actions and issues. It tells about the love between two young men. The story is NOT edited, but I have begun with that, so please read the Author's Note CAREFULLY, thank you.How do fire and ice combine together?Meet Travis Henderson, sort of new student, blunt to extreme when he can't keep his tongue on a leash, extravagant, vain and cocky as a cat and afraid of nothing. Well, almost. Although with his looks it's very difficult to walk-by unnoticed, he wants to keep a low profile and prefers to stay alone and the company of his I-pod only. Oh, did we mention he is gay? Proud and loud, he would say. Travis knows no half measures when it comes to feelings; he feels a fire burning inside him and has to let it out. Travis must have the object of his interest no matter what, but fire can really burn and hurt you, even if you are its master. And what happens when you realize who you want is the only man impossible to have? Yes, Travis is like a burning and shining ball of fire. Meet Aleksandr Lebedev, half Russian half American, star of the ice-hockey school team. Being 6′3″ tall with a fierce and dangerously annoyed glare make him one of the most feared guys in school. And he likes to be feared by useless and annoying people, since he doesn't appreciate to be involved in others' business at all. Sasha is like the solid and cold ice on which he skates, and only his family and closest friends have a place in his glacial world and heart. That's all you will ever get from Aleksandr and mind well not to annoy him. There is ice in his veins and nothing else.How will it turn out to bump into a constant magnet for trouble? How fire and ice combine together? Will the cold ice extinguish the fire or will the burning and unpredictable fire melt the ice?…

Poetic Demons

Poetic Demons

5,323 147 5

Few simple poems about gothic and dark moments, atmospheres and lonely moments or surreal moments. In this world or in other or in between, it's like few spirits gathered together and borrowed me few words. Seat calm and in the shadowy light of the night and let me guide in my poetic world, where also Demons are poetic and sensitive creatures.…