The Twelfth Wedding - When Love is reborn

The Twelfth Wedding - When Love is reborn

1,201 254 30

''Twelve lifetimes. Yes, we were blessed with twelve chances to live under the same sky, on the same earth. Different names, different personalities, we eventually had forgotten who we truly were. In different eras of time there was one thing that never changed. Our love for each other. However all of our 11 weddings didn't last long and now we are marrying for the Twelfth time. Will it give us more time ? Or this will be the last ? What could be the reason for us to be born 12 times I wonder "*********The world's most handsome man was Zen. He wasn't just good looking but blessed with the best acting skills. He was the quintessential actor who was inevitably famous. He was rude, arrogant and colder than ice but a certain woman changed him. She did not know how, he didn't knew why. Neither did she understand why she married the king nor did he understand how he married a thief. "It means you were born with the same crimson red hair in your past and more importantly you were a queen !" Alisha guffawed at the man's statement that she was almost in tears. "As for you , just like this time you were quite popular in your past . Further more you were a king ! You guys are not ordinary people "***********"It's good to have dreams incase they come true just like how mine did " She said enthusiastically looking at her dear husband. He smiled and asked ."What is your dream ?""You !" There was immense happiness in her answer. Ecstatic tone of love. " Zen did you know ? You are many people's dream ""I know " His reply made her upset like he was boasting but her heart was at bliss after she heard the next sentence . "So what ? My wife's dream is the only one I'll fulfill A fantasy , A tragedy, A sea of emotions, A story of Love !…

While I Was Asleep.

While I Was Asleep.

34 8 1

"It wasn't the rainy day that was beautiful but the shelter they took " Chris recalled the beautiful memories he cherished with the woman he loved . The love that was never meant to be for him yet he tried every possible way to achieve her . In the end he realised that all it was but a wishful thinking . Sophie wasn't cruel but she just believed in doing justice . Perhaps she blames herself for the loss before her eyes but there wasn't a hint of sorrow seen on her face .PS : It's a very short story with just one chapter which pretty much covers the protagonists lives. Do read and comment !…



304 68 9

"My uncle suddenly passed away. He wasn't that old but as they say death spares no one be it young or old. People said it was suicide but I believed it was murder. No particular suspect accept for the young butler who is strangely very familiar.Deception is an easiest trick to manipulate a person. I was deceived all along and I cursed myself to be blinded by people who called themselves my close friends, my relatives my husband as well ? The moment I prepare myself to find the one who murdered my uncle new cases arrive and amidst all I must handle being a couseller. A journey of 8 whole months and I stand at a place holding a rifle at the rest of my life , will I turn into a murderer as well ? How can I claim justice ? A stranger in the end gave me answers to all of my questions. Her name was ..... Rahath Farzana. "…

A CRY ON DEAF EARS (Completed )

A CRY ON DEAF EARS (Completed )

2,594 28 1

"My heart began to race as I dropped my brief case. I closed my eyes and clenched my fist. Surrounded by beautiful mist!! That voice called my name ..Destiny played another game! Turned back came face to face With the man I lost in race! ! A drop of tear left my eye, As we stand under the dark night sky! ! Words from him were surely few I took his hand to hear him say ,OH ! SO GLAD, I REMEMBER YOU !!""Nobody killed me but something inside me died that day. She came in my life as a story but left as a legend !"" The girl who broke my promise we made under the full bloomed cherry blossom tree.?..ever since then it changed my personality. She was taken away from me and I couldn't bear losing her .. so it was necessary to take revenge ....I wish we had never met atleast it wouldn't have made my brother a murderer " Things don't always go the way you want them to...Things don't go that smoothly! A story of friendship. !???I promise you will never regret reading it.!Ton lot of excitement and fun! Also emotions! All his life he waited for some one with whom he could share his pain ,happiness and all his entire life .. but when he got one , that person was taken away from him in a blink of an eye . That was injustice to him .Set in Japan the story revolves around twin brothers Natsu and Toru . In the midst of their funfilling highschool life Naho appears who was a complete stranger to everyone . In time Naho and Natsu fall for each other and begin a new life with their daughter Hinami . The story revolves around them and their hardships , struggles and happiness . Can they both strive in this test called life.?? Later on many characters approach . With the promises they make to protect each other and being together fate plays a cruel role in their life as Natsu loses Toru. forever or not.....?? Read the story to know!!!…



9,519 2,292 189

All about anime and it's side effects on otaku. Otaku life and love for anime..everything they deal with. Filled with craziness and fun!…

Your Story , MY TALE !

Your Story , MY TALE !

97 21 3

Maryam Khalid was a young girl , bright , smart with a very carefree attitude . She made friends very easily and loved reading books . On the contrast Sulaiman Shareef worked in a convenience store and not just that he loved to shift his jobs .He wouldn't stick on one single job. Perhaps he liked to shift atmospheres. Anyways this is a story of two young adults who try to improve and overcome their weaknesses by pointing out each other's follies . Things don't go well between them initially but Maryam's impact on Sulaiman changes him . He indeed learns to live , love and learn alongside her .…

Anime Sekai - What Every Otaku Wishes For !

Anime Sekai - What Every Otaku Wishes For !

188 46 6

Cover credits - @zacheemaMaena was a lonely Otaku who loved anime. Lonely ... because nobody knew what it anime actually was . Everyone around her teased saying that she was a kid watching cartoons but that was big fat lie . Anime was basically her life and she couldn't survive without it . Her devotion for anime wasn't a surprise as that's what Anime deserved . So then one day she was visited by an ethereal man named ZEUS who claimed to be the head of Anime Sekai ... A world every Otaku wishes . "Your love for anime is real and I acknowledge it . It surprises me to see a mere human like you share a bond with anime I realise it's not just a show or a story .. its a part of your life hence I shall ask ...would you like to go to a place where wishes come true ? " "Yes " She said ."So then it's done . I'll send you to Anime Sekai where you can live anime the way you want . You have every liberty to change the plot of the story you live in but Alas the time of your stay is meagre . You won't love there forever but only till the original story runs . So make good use of the precious time you have since you won't be allowed to return back to the place you have already visited . Fear not Maena I'll have a replica of yourself take care of things in your absence . " With that he left and Maena's new journey began in the land of Anime Sekai .. a world every Otaku wishes to live in !!…

Choose Your Own Path (Rewrite )

Choose Your Own Path (Rewrite )

3,813 129 13

Role play and have fun playing your character in the virtual land of Wistiria as University Students !! Make your own plot , explore , fight , make new friends , meet new people and Enjoy ! !…