Book of Randomness

Book of Randomness

677 43 24

This is a book of pure randomness. Expect nothing but pure randomness! Random thoughts. Random skits. Random short stories. Some chapters will be cringe, humorous, and/or weird. All will be random! Please enjoy this random book! And, please, if you can, request something like a short story. Your request can be anything from one word to one story line. Nothing too detailed, just a nice guideline for what you want me to write. . . I feel like I need the practice. Thank you!…

Ask The Dragons Den! (Discontinued)

Ask The Dragons Den! (Discontinued)

533 23 5

Hey Guys welcome to Ask The Dragons Den where you and ask questions and dare your fave dragons and characters from movies and books like 'how to train your dragon' and 'deltora quest' as well as a few of my own special breeds of dragons from my realm ;) and don't forget to check out my friends asking books as well! •animeaddict375: Ask the anime people•QuotidianSpirit: Ask the creepypastaWARNING: If you do not read those two books with this book you might get lost and confused at times! So please ask questions about the dragons and dare me (Rika) and Sizzle (my pet dragon) and all our other dragons! Do expect visits from characters from my friends books! However they won't be taking dares or questions on this book so you will have to visit their books if you want to dare them.. And please keep the questions and dares fairly appropriate, thank you :)P.S: this story (along with my friends books) are currently being rewritten and such, so sorry for any inconvenience! Thank you…

Book of OC Mode

Book of OC Mode

29 3 2

As the title says, this is a book for OC mode. If you are unfamiliar with the term, it's basically where me and my friends place our own Original Characters as another character they are similar to - that character can be in a film, book, or other media - for the fun of it and to see how our character would do in the same or a similar situation. It helps us get to know our creations a little better and find inspiration for our stories.This book is almost like a sequel to my "Book of Randomness" which is a little more miscellaneous by design. I talk about OC mode a few times in that book, but because I've been feeling inspired to write many more chapters that feature OC mode, I thought I'd create a new book for it, since it's a little more themed and I want to keep my Book of Randomness as miscellaneous as I can. ^w^In making this book, I will give disclaimers about what ideas and/or characters included in each chapter I do and do not own. Some chapters will hopefully be funny, some may be serious, and some may be feelsy. We'll see what I decide to OC mode and travel that journey together!I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it!…